Receiving Data from Fusion

These topics provide an overview of the inbound process and discuss receiving data from Fusion.

Page Name

Definition Name


Receive Comp Data from Fusion Page


Receive Compensation data from Fusion.

Cancel Compensation Data Page


Delete Compensation data from inbound staging tables.

Inbound Status Monitor Page


Review inbound status and transaction errors.

<Integration Object> Detail Page




Review errors associated with an inbound integration object.

<Integration Object> Detail Page




Correct errors to inbound integration objects.

<Integration Object> Audit Report Page




Review a summary of integration object changes.

The typical process flow for moving data from Fusion Workforce Compensation to PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 is as follows:

  1. A Fusion administrator posts a zipped file of the Fusion Workforce Compensation data to the outgoing directory of the FTP server.

  2. Fusion Workforce Compensation initiates the READY_FOR_TRANSMISSION asynchronous web service call to notify PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 that the file is available.

  3. PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 retrieves the zipped file from the FTP server and extracts the data into staging tables.

  4. A PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 administrator uses the Receive Comp Data from Fusion page to transform and load the data from the staging tables into the application source tables.

Optionally, a PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 administrator can bypass the automatic loading of the file via web service messages and manually load the file using the Receive Comp Data from Fusion page.

Note: The inbound process loads bonus data into the PS_VC_AWARD table. To pay out these bonuses, however, you must define an ad-hoc Variable Compensation plan in PeopleSoft 9.2 Variable Compensation and set up an integration between PeopleSoft 9.2 Variable Compensation and your PeopleSoft payroll application (PeopleSoft Payroll for North America or PeopleSoft Global Payroll).

Use the Receive Comp Data from Fusion page (FT_XTRT_I_RUN_CNTL) to receive Compensation data from Fusion.

Image: Receive Comp Data from Fusion Page (file not loaded)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Receive Comp Data from Fusion page before a file has been loaded.

Receive Comp Data from Fusion page (file not loaded)

This is how the page appears if the data has not yet been loaded to the staging tables for the selected run control ID, either manually, or via web services.

Note: The Process Frequency group box is a standard component of run control pages for Application Engine processes. You will almost always want the Always Process radio button selected.

Configuration Option

Field or Control


Configuration ID

Enter an inbound configuration ID. This ID instructs the system how and where to find the posted zipped file containing the Fusion Workforce Compensation data.

See Configuration Page.

Inbound Zip File Override

If you want to enter a file name that is different than the one specified by the selected configuration ID, enter it here.

Process List

Select the check box next to the type of Fusion Workforce Compensation data you want to load into the staging tables. Your options are: Assignment and Salary and Bonus.

Process Action

Only one process action is available: Manual Load File.

Loading the File

Click the Run button to run the FT_LOAD Application Engine process. With the Manual Load File check box selected, this process loads the data from the zipped Fusion Workforce Compensation file to staging tables within PeopleSoft HCM 9.2.

Image: Receive Comp Data from Fusion Page (file loaded)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Receive Comp Data from Fusion page after the file has been loaded.

Receive Comp Data from Fusion (file loaded)

This is how the page appears if the data has already been loaded to the staging tables for the selected run control ID, either manually, or via web services.

Process Request Parameters

Field or Control


Run ID

Displays the unique Fusion process run ID.

Process Status

Displays the status of the data retrieved from Fusion Workforce Compensation. Possible values are:

Not Processed

Loaded from File



Manually Posted


Plan Name and Plan Description

Displays the name and description of the Fusion Workforce Compensation plan.

Period Name, Period Start Date, and Period End Date

Displays the name of the focal cycle period along with its starting and ending date.

Process List

Indicates the type of compensation data included in the process. This system uses the Logical Business Object (LBO) list included in the inbound web service message to determine which integration objects are included.

Process Action

Field or Control


Transform Data

Select to transform the data in the staging tables to a format readable by PeopleSoft HCM 9.2.

Load Data

Select to load the data into the PeopleSoft application source tables. If you select this option, the Preview Mode and Commit/Post Mode options become available.

If you select this check box and run the process for data that has not yet been transformed, the system will not load the data and give you and display a message.

Preview Mode

Selecting this option enables you to preview and validate the data before actually loading it into the application source tables.

You use the Inbound Status Monitor page to preview and validate the data. See Inbound Status Monitor Page.

Commit/Post Mode

Select to commit to loading the data into the application source tables.

Transforming and Loading Data

Click Run to initiate the FT_LOAD process. Depending on which process actions you select, this process transforms the data in the staging tables and/or loads it into the application source tables.

Use the Cancel Compensation Data page (FT_XTRT_I_D_RUNCNT) to delete Compensation data from inbound staging tables.

Image: Cancel Compensation Data Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cancel Compensation Data page.

Cancel Compensation Data page

Process Request Parameters

Field or Control


Run ID

Enter the unique Fusion process run ID for which you are deleting data.

Process Status

Displays the status of the data retrieved from Fusion Workforce Compensation.

Plan Name and Plan Description

Displays the name and description of the Fusion Workforce Compensation plan.

Period Name, Period Start Date, and Period End Date

Displays the name of the focal cycle period along with its starting and ending date.

Process List

Indicates the type of compensation data included in the process.

Confirm Action

Select the Delete Data check box to confirm that you want to delete the data from the selected run ID. If you click the Run button while this check box is deselected, the system gives you a warning message and does not allow you to initiate the process.

Deleting Data

Click the Run button to initiate the FT_LOAD process. With the Delete Data check box selected, the system deletes the data associated with the selected run ID from the staging tables.

Note: This process has no effect on data that has already been loaded from the staging tables to the PeopleSoft application source tables.

Use the Inbound Status Monitor page (FT_CWBOBJ_INSTATUS) to review inbound status and transaction errors.

Image: Inbound Status Monitor Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Inbound Status Monitor page.

Inbound Status Monitor page

Search Criteria

Use the fields in this group box to filter the process runs displayed in the Inbound Status Information group box.

Field or Control


Date From and Date To

Use these fields to set a date range for the Fusion periods that you want to display.

Integration Object

Select the specific type of data you want to view.

Run ID

Enter the unique Fusion process run ID that you want to view.

Plan Name

Enter the name of the Fusion Workforce Compensation plan for which you want to view inbound process runs.

Process Status

Select the status for which you want to view inbound process runs.

Error Rows Only

Select to display only the inbound process runs with errors.


Click to display the inbound process runs that match your search criteria.


Click to clear the fields in the Search Criteria group box.

Inbound Status Information

This group box displays the inbound process runs that meet your specified search criteria.

Field or Control


Period Start Date and Period End Date

Displays the start and end date of the focal cycle period.

Run ID

Displays the unique ID of the process run.

Integration Object

Indicates the type of compensation data included in the process.

Process Status

Displays the status of the data retrieved from Fusion Workforce Compensation.

Plan Name

Displays the name of the Fusion Workforce Compensation plan.

Period Name

Displays the name of the focal cycle period.

All Error(s)

Click the View Error(s) link to access the <Integration Object> Detail Page for a process run.

Transformation Error(s)

Click the DVM/XRef Error(s) link to access the Transformation Error Review - Error Summary Page for a process run.

View Audit Report

Click the Audit Report link to access the <Integration Object> Audit Report Page for a process run.

Use the <Integration Object> Detail page (FT_VC_AWARD_DTL, FT_SALARY_DTL, FT_ASGN_AUDIT_DTL) to review errors associated with an inbound integration object.

Search Criteria

Use the fields in this group box to sort the integration object details displayed in the <Integration Object> Detail group box.

Note: The actual fields available in this group box depend on the type of integration object for which you are viewing details.

Field or Control


Employee ID

Enter the unique ID of the employee whose details you want to view.

Plan ID

Enter he unique ID of the compensation plan for which you want to view details.

Job Code Set ID

Enter the set ID of the job code for which you want to view details.


Enter the company for which you want to view details.

Payout Period ID

Enter the ID of the payout period for which you want to view details.

Job Code

Enter the job code for which you want to view details.

Currency Code

Enter the currency code for which you want to view details.

Award Date

Enter the award date of the bonus details you want to view.

Award Value

Enter the value of the bonus details you want to view.

Change Status

Select a value to filter the details based on the manual changes that were made to them, if any. Values are: Manually Posted and Value(s) Changed.


Enter a frequency for which you want to view details.


Enter an action for which you want to view details.

Reason Code

Enter a reason code for which you want to view details.

Job Code Changes

Select to display only rows of details that include job code changes.

Salary Grade Changes

Select to display only rows of details that include salary grade changes.

Position Number Changes

Select to display only rows of details for which the position number value has changed.

All Rows

Select to display all rows of details that meet your search criteria.

Error Rows Only

Select to display only rows of details that meet your search criteria and include errors.


Click to filter the displayed details according to your search criteria.


Click to clear all search criteria fields and rows of details.

<Integration Object> Detail

This group box displays the details according to the search criteria you specify. Click the View/Update for a row to access the <Integration Object> Detail page where you can view and update data for the row.

Use the <Integration Object> Detail page (FT_VC_AWARD_SEC, FT_SAL_DETAIL_SEC, FT_ASGN_AUDIT_SEC) to correct errors to inbound integration objects.

Field or Control


Manually Posted

Select this check box to indicate that you have manually posted (or entered) the data into the PeopleSoft system. The system will perform no further processing for this row.

When you select this check box, all the fields on this page become unavailable.

<Integration Object> Detail

This group box displays details associated with the transaction. In addition, it enables you to manually update the PeopleSoft Values for some fields.

Note: The values that you can manually update on this page depend on the type of integration object for which you are viewing transaction details.

Error Details

If there are errors associated with the transaction, the page displays details regarding the errors here.

Use the <Integration Object> Audit Report page (FT_VC_AWARD_SUM, FT_SAL_AUD_RPT, FT_ASGN_AUDIT_SUM) to review a summary of integration object changes.

Image: <Integration Object> Audit Report Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the <Integration Object> Audit Report page.

<Integration Object> Audit Report page

This page displays a summary of information associated with a specific row. You can click the Detail link to access the <Integration Object> Detail page for the row.