Option 2: Using the Build Current FY Budget Process

To use option two, use the Build Current FY Budget component (RUN_BUD005).

Page Name

Definition Name


Build Current FY Budget Page (build current fiscal year budget)


Create a budget for the current fiscal year. The Build Current FY Budget process enables you to specify which Department IDs the system should use and to establish budget information in your human resources system.

ChartField Detail Page


Use to select individual ChartField values or search for an existing combination code.

To build your current fiscal year budget, use or modify the Build Current FY Budget (build current fiscal year) process (BUD005.SQR). PeopleSoft delivers this process as a template that you use to establish budget information in your human resources system. Because this is a template, you might have to modify it to meet the requirements of your organization.

By completing this process, you create a department budget for the fiscal year you specify. The process builds budget data for each person who has a job in the department in the fiscal year and then adds budget data for any vacant positions within the department. Specify whether the budget should include amounts for people who are on leave of absence. Also specify the level(s) at which the budget is to be created. The Build Current FY Budget process also generates budget records for full time equivalents (FTEs).

For each department you specify, the Build Current FY Budget process creates a budget with the following levels:

  • Position and appointment.

  • Department, position, and appointment.

  • Department only.

  • Department and position.

  • Department and position pool.

Note: The Build Current FY Budget process creates only default budgets for employer-paid deductions or taxes (that is, with 100 percent of the funding assigned to the combination codes specified on the Build Current FY Budget page (RUNCTL_BUD005). To set up budget amounts, update the Department Budget Table component and set up encumbrance definitions for employer-paid taxes and deductions on the Encumbrance Definition component (ENCUMB_DEFN).

To calculate budgeted salary amounts for vacant positions, the system looks at the midpoint for the salary grade associated with the job code. The system then multiplies that amount by the number of vacant FTEs. (If a position is partly filled, the part that's filled is specified as appointments and the part that's not is specified as position.)

Review and modify the budget data created with the Build Current FY Budget in the Department Budget component.

Use the Build Current FY Budget (build current fiscal year budget) page (RUNCTL_BUD005) to create a budget for the current fiscal year.

Image: Build Current FY Budget page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Build Current FY Budget page.

Build Current FY Budget page

Image: Build Current FY Budget page - Combination Codes tab (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Build Current FY Budget page - Combination Codes tab (1 of 2).

Build Current FY Budget page - Combination Codes tab

Image: Build Current FY Budget page - Fringe Group tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Build Current FY Budget page - Fringe Group tab.

Build Current FY Budget page - Fringe Group tab

Image: Build Current FY Budget page - Distribution Options tab

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Build Current FY Budget page - Distribution Options tab .

Build Current FY Budget page - Distribution Options tab

The Build Current FY Budget process enables you to specify which Department IDs the system should use and to establish budget information in your human resources system.

Build Current FY Budget

Field or Control


Fiscal Year

Enter the fiscal year of the budget you are creating.

Start Date and End Date

Enter the fiscal year's beginning date. The system then calculates the End Date by adding 365 days to the Start Date you enter. (If February 29th falls within your budget year, modify the Structured Query Report (SQR) program file to set the Dayinyear variable to 366.)


Select to run this request.


For each department, enter a SetID and the following information:

Field or Control


Budget Department

Select the department for which you are creating a fiscal year budget.

Budget Levels

Enter a budget level for each department. Budget levels control how the Build Current FY Budget process runs, which data the system uses, and how the resulting data appears in the Department Budget component. Select a Budget Level number:

  • Position and Appointment: The system looks at all job records (in order of position number) for the selected department for the fiscal year.

    If a position is specified and the Position Override check box is deselected on the Job Data − Work Location page, the system lists the information at the position level. If a position isn't specified on the Job Data - Work Location page, then the process lists information at the appointment level. Once all job records have been processed, vacant positions are listed at the position level.

  • Dept, Position and Appointment: The process works the same as with Position and Appointment, except that it also creates a department level budget using the specified earnings combination code.

    If you select Budget Amount (see next field), the system calculates the budget amount and overall cap in the Department Budget component by adding all position and appointment level entries.

  • Department Only: When selected, this value creates only a department level budget using the specified earnings combination code.

    If you select Budget Amount (see next field), the system calculates the budget amount and overall cap in the Department Budget component by adding all position and appointment level entries. If Budget Amount isn't selected, the system creates a department level budget without a budget amount and overall cap. Additionally, the system sets the percentage of distribution to 100 percent and uses the combination code you specify on this page.

  • Department and Position: When you select this value, the system looks at the department's position records (not at the appointment records) to create a position level and a department level budget as in Dept, Position and Appointment. Use this option only if all appointments have positions.

  • Department and Position Pool: If you select this value, the system looks at the position records associated with the selected department. Use this option only if all appointments have positions. The system looks first at positions attached to position pools and creates a position level budget. It then summarizes the remaining positions.

    If you select Budget Amount, all positions within the department (whether or not they are associated with a position pool) are reflected in the Budget Amount attached to the department level budget. Although a position level budget isn't created, all positions associated with the selected department are included in the department level budget.

Budget Amount

Select to establish dollar limits for a particular budget level. If selected, the system populates the Budget Amount field on the Department Budget Earnings page. The sum of the budget amounts for each budget level appears in the Budget Level Cap field.

If Budget Amount isn't selected, the system populates the percent of Distribution field on the Department Budget Earnings page and sets the Budget Level Cap to zero.

Percent Increase

If you select the Budget Amount check box, specify a positive or negative percentage in the Percent Increase field. The system uses the percentage you enter to increase or decrease the calculated salary before populating the Budget Amount and Budget Level Cap fields on the Department Budget Earnings page.

Offset Group

Enter an offset group to specify an offset combination code to be used for each type of transaction.

Budget Leave

Select if you want to include employees on leave without pay. The system treats them as if they were active employees. Select this option if your organization "backfills" for employees on leave. Organizations that backfill count the salaries of employees on leave with the assumption that they need a substitute person in that position.

Combination Codes Tab

Field or Control


Suspense Combination Code

Specify a default suspense combination code for the system to associate with the department budget.

Select the Edit ChartFields link to search for an existing combination code or select a unique combination of ChartFields on the ChartField Detail page.

Combination Code (Earnings)

Enter the combination code to be used for earnings on the Department Budget Earnings page. If you have specified an earnings combination code on the employee's job record, the system uses that value instead.

Select the Edit ChartFields link to search for an existing combination code or select a unique combination of ChartFields on the ChartField Detail page.

See Editing ChartField Combinations in HCM Transactions.

Combination Code (Deductions)

Enter the combination code to be used for deductions on the Dept Budget Deductions page. If you have specified a deductions combination code on the employee's job record, the system uses that value instead.

Select the Edit ChartFields link to search for an existing combination code or select a unique combination of ChartFields on the ChartField Detail page.

See Editing ChartField Combinations in HCM Transactions.

Combination Code (Tax)

Enter the combination code to be used for taxes on the Dept Budget Taxes page. If you have specified a tax combination code on the employee's job record, the system uses that value instead.

Select the Edit ChartFields link to search for an existing combination code or select a unique combination of ChartFields on the ChartField Detail page.

See Editing ChartField Combinations in HCM Transactions.

Fringe Group Tab

Field or Control


Exclusion Fringe Group

Select a group of fringe expenses to exclude from funding from the earnings combination code. If you leave this field blank, the system funds all fringe costs from the combination code.

Redirect Combination Code

If you have specified a fringe group, you can select a combination code to fund the fringe expenses included in the selected group.

Individual fringe costs within the fringe group that have a specified deductions or tax funding source are funded by those sources, not this redirect combination code.

Select the Edit ChartFields link to search for an existing combination code or select a unique combination of ChartFields on the ChartField Detail page.

Distribution Tab

Field or Control


Use Acct Defined for Earnings, Use Acct Defined for Dedns, and Use Acct Defined for Tax

Select to enable account mapping for earnings, deductions, or taxes. The Actuals Distribution uses the account mapping you set up on the account mapping tables to map earnings, deductions, or taxes to a different account than the one associated with the specified combination codes.