Understanding Properties

When you set up a content type, you select the properties, or field names, that are shared by items of that type. The system displays the properties that you define for a content type as fields on the Item Details page when you set up content items. These properties will be used to describe the content items when you define them.

After you add content types to the profile type to create content sections, you will then add the properties that will be available for viewing or updating a profile item. When users add profile items to the profile, the system displays the properties you define for the content section.

Note: The properties defined for a content type do not have any impact on the profile type content section properties.

The order in which properties are displayed on the Item Details page or in profiles is determined by the page field ordering and cannot be altered.

Note: The order in which properties are added to the profile type content section or to the Content Type has no impact on the display order.

The tables in this topic list the properties in the order that they are displayed.