Defining Salary Increase Guidelines Using a Configurable Matrix

To define salary increase guidelines using a configurable matrix, use the Define Sources (WCS_SOURCE_DEFN), Define Results (WCS_RESULT_DEFN), and Define Matrices (WCS_LK_TBL_DEFN) components.

See Also Understanding Configurable Matrices

This section discusses how to define salary increase guidelines using a configurable matrix.

Page Name

Definition Name


Matrix Definition Page


Define and maintain matrices.

Inputs Page


Define inputs for salary increase matrices.

Outputs Page


Define outputs for salary increase matrices.

Search Keys Page


Specify the search keys to be used to match worker data used in salary increase matrices.

Load Configurable Matrix Keys Page


Automatically load search keys for specific sources using a prompt table.

Data Content Page


Enter values for the output data.

View Page


View the matrix as of the last saved version.

Use the Matrix Definition page (WCS_LK_TBL_DEFN) to define and maintain matrices.

Image: Matrix Definition page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Matrix Definition page.

Matrix Definition page

Field or Control


Effective Date

Enter a date that is equal to or less than the budget period start date to be linked to the matrix.


Select Active. The default value for all configurable matrices is Inactive. You must change the status to Active to use the matrix.

Matrix Type


Use the Inputs page (WCS_LK_TBL_INPUTS) to define inputs for salary increase matrices.

Image: Inputs page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Inputs page.

Inputs page

Field or Control


Source ID

Select the source for the salary increase matrix. The maximum number of inputs for each matrix is 15. Common types of inputs include performance rating, position in range, or compa-ratio.

Use the Outputs page (WCS_LK_TBL_OUTPUTS) to define outputs for salary increase matrices.

Image: Outputs page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Outputs page.

Outputs page

Field or Control


Result ID

Select an output for the salary increase matrix. Typical outputs include minimum, default, and maximum percentages. You can have a maximum of 30 outputs for each matrix.

These system-delivered values have default names; you can edit the labels to suit your business needs.

See Predefined Result IDs.

Use the Search Keys page (WCS_LK_TBL_KEYS) to specify the search keys to be used to match worker data used in salary increase matrices.

Image: Search Keys page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Search Keys page.

Search Keys page

Use this page to enter the key values against which worker data will be matched. Suitable search keys for salary increase guidelines are Percent in Range and Compa-Ratio.

Note: You can create a configurable matrix without specifying any search keys and output data values. For example, you may want to define a template for a matrix and then load values from other sources, such as a flat file. However, if you change the status of the matrix to Active and you have not defined any search criteria or values, you will receive a warning.

Use the Data Content page (WCS_LK_TBL_DATA) to enter values for the output data.

Image: Data Content page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Content page.

Data Content page

Use this page to view input and output fields. You will enter the data values according to your salary guidelines. The columns that appear on this page vary depending on the fields you define on the Inputs page and Outputs page. The columns to the left of the Default check box are defined on the Inputs page. The columns to the right of the Default check box are defined on the Outputs page.

Use the View page (WCS_LK_TBL_VIEW) to view the matrix as of the last saved version.

Image: View page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the View page.

View page

After you have entered all data content for outputs, you must save the salary increase matrix. You can view the matrix on this page only after you have saved it.

When you click the Display Saved Matrix button, the results generated are from the last saved version of the matrix.

Important! This page will display only the last saved version of the matrix.