Processing Layoffs and Recalls Using PeopleSoft Mass Update

To process a layoff or a recall using PeopleSoft Mass Update:

  1. Select the Use Mass Update? check box on the Layoff Roster Setup or Recall Roster Setup page.

  2. Set the status of the candidates you want to process to a process event status on the Layoff Roster List or Recall Candidate List page.

    See Employee Roster Status Page.

  3. In the Query Manager component (QUERY_MANAGER), define a query that selects the roster and the candidates to be processed for layoff or recall.

    Note: We have included two sample queries, HR_UNION_LAYOFF and HR_UNION_RECALL, that you can modify to meet your needs.

    See PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Query PeopleBook

  4. Create a group in the Group Build - Group Definition component.

    See Setting Up Group Definitions.

  5. Attach the query to the group.

    Note: We have included two sample groups, K0LAYOFF and K0RECALL, that you can use if you use the sample queries.

  6. Set up a Mass Update ID on the Define Mass Update component (MU_SETUP). Enter the following information:

    • In the Population Selection Criteria grid on the Common Changes (MU_SETUP_CHANGES) page, select Group Build in the Select By field and the name of the group you are processing in the Group field.

    • Select the job data that you want to update for the candidates that you are processing for layoff or recall.

      For example, in addition to selecting to update the Action and Action Reason fields with the value of Recall, you may also want to update the Standard Hours field with a value of 30.

    See Setting Up Mass Update Definitions.

  7. Prepare the Mass Update ID on the Create Mass Updates page.

  8. Preview the Mass Update ID on the Report Mass Updates or Manage Mass Updates pages.

  9. Process the Mass Update ID on the Execute Mass Updates (RUNCTL_MU_EXECUTE) page.

    See Understanding Mass Update Processing.