Processing Contract Pay

Page Name

Definition Name


Create Contract Projected Pay Page


(E&G) Run the Contract Additional Pay process to generate Contract Pay records.

Run this process before creating paysheets.

Contract Payment Details Page


(E&G) Review projected and actual earnings over the entire payment term of a contract.

Work Schedule Page


(E&G) Review which days of the week are included in the employee's work schedule.

Contract Discrepancy Report Page


(E&G) Run the Contract Discrepancy Report (CNTPAY05) to identify discrepancies between actual payments and projected payments.

Recalc Contract Work Days Page (recalculate contract work days)


(E&G) Run the Update Work Days/Daily Rt process to recalculate the number of work days in contracts.

Contract Renewals Page


(E&G) Run the Contracts Renewal process. This process enables you to automatically renew contracts that meet the criteria that you specify.

(E&G) Use the Create Contract Projected Pay page (RUNCTL_PAYINIT3) to run the Contract Additional Pay process to generate Contract Pay records.

Run this process before creating paysheets.

Image: Create Contract Projected Pay page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Create Contract Projected Pay page.

Create Contract Projected Pay page

Pay Run

Field or Control


Pay Run ID

If you are running the process by on-cycle run, enter the pay run ID that you are processing.

Pay Calendar

Field or Control


Company, Pay Group, and Pay End Date

If you are running the process by off-cycle pay calendar, enter the company, pay group, and pay end date of that you are processing.

Select All Employees

Field or Control


Select All Employees

Select this check box to force a recalculation of the contract projected payment for all employees in the pay run.

Lump Sum Retro Payments

Field or Control


Separate Check

Indicate if you are running this process for a lump sum payment to be paid using a separate check.

(E&G) Use the Contract Payment Details page (HP_CONTRACT_PYMT) to review projected and actual earnings over the entire payment term of a contract.

Image: Contract Payment Details page: (1 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Contract Payment Details page: (1 of 4).

Contract Payment Details page (1 of 4)

Image: Contract Payment Details page: Payment Summary (2 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Contract Payment Details page: Payment Summary (2 of 4).

Contract Payment Details page (2 of 4)

Image: Contract Payment Details page (3 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Contract Payment Details page (3 of 4), the Projected Earnings tab.

Contract Payment Details page (3 of 4) Projected Earnings tab

Image: Contract Payment Details page (4 of 4)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Contract Payment Details page (4 of 4), the Actual Earnings tab.

Contract Payment Details page (4 of 4), Actual Earnings tab

This page displays information about various types of contract pay earnings, including contract regular, paid not earned, earned not paid, and worked earnings. Earlier sections of this topic explain these earnings types.

See Understanding Contract Earnings.

Field or Control


Recalculate Contract

Displays Yes if:

  • The system detected changes to job data or contract pay settings that might affect the contract payments.

  • A user manually selected the Recalculate Pay button on the Contract Pay page.

When the contract is marked for recalculation, the Contract Projected Payment Process recalculates the contract pay the next time it processes this contract.

Contract Payment Sequence

The Contract Projected Payment process adds a new contract sequence number and effective date if contract data changes affect previously calculated pay rates.

Contract Information

This group box displays key information about the contract, including the value of the contract as of the last recalculation, the contract term, and the payment term.

Contract Calendar

This group box displays information about the data that is used to determine work days during the contract term.

The holiday schedule and school schedule appear on this page. Select the Work Schedule link to view the employee's individual work schedule.

Pay Rates

This group box displays the annual, monthly, daily, and hourly pay rates that correspond to the contract pay. To calculate this information, the system uses the Monthly Frequency and the Daily Hours settings from the Contract Pay page.

See Contract Pay Page.

Payment Summary

Field or Control


Carry Over Amounts and Adjustments to Carry Over Amounts

Use these group boxes when the contract has been recalculated.

The Carry Over Amounts group box displays the contract regular, paid not earned, earned not paid, and actual worked amounts from the previous contract sequence.

The Adjustments to Carry Over Amts group box enables you to enter positive or negative adjustments (not overrides) for any of these amounts.

The Carry Over Amounts group box also shows the amount of leave from the previous contract sequence, but you cannot adjust this.

Projected Payment Totals and Actual Earnings Totals

The Projected Payment Totals group box displays projected totals for the entire payment term. It displays totals for contract regular, paid not earned, earned not paid, total paid, leave of absence, and worked earnings.

The Actual Earnings Totals group box shows the same earnings types, but shows only the actual amounts to date.

Projected Payments and Actual Earnings: Projected Earnings Tab

This grid provides pay period details for projected and actual contract pay.

Field or Control



Displays the status of the contract earnings for the given pay period:

  • Active indicates that the row contains the original projected earnings, and that the earnings have not yet been loaded to paysheets. When the status is Active, you can make adjustments to the data in the row.

  • Adjustment indicates the system generated an entry to the payment details to correct the worked amount. This will happen when changes made to contract term after the contract already began.

  • Payroll in Progress indicates that the earnings have been loaded to paysheets but have not yet been confirmed.

  • Payroll Confirmed indicates that the earnings have been confirmed and paid.

Projected Payments and Actual Earnings: Actual Earnings Tab

The Actual Earnings tab displays the actual contract pay amounts for confirmed payments. Active rows (rows for payments that haven't been confirmed) show zero earnings in all columns.

The Actual Earnings tab includes all of the same columns as the Projected Earnings tab, along with two more columns related to actual leave taken:

Field or Control


Paid Leave

Displays the actual amount of paid leave earnings for the pay period.

Unpaid Leave

Displays the earnings that were lost due to unpaid leave during the pay period.

(E&G) Use the Contract Discrepancy Report page (HP_RUNCTL_CNTDISP) run the Contract Discrepancy Report (CNTPAY05) to identify discrepancies between actual payments and projected payments.

Image: Contract Discrepancy Report page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Contract Discrepancy Report page.

Contract Discrepancy Report page

Run the Contract Discrepancy Report for a specific pay period to find any discrepancies between the projected payment for the pay period and the actual payment. If there are discrepancies and the pay run is not confirmed, you can make adjustments on the paysheet. If there are discrepancies and the pay run is confirmed, use the Contract Payment Details page to make manual adjustments to the contract pay schedule for future pay periods.

(E&G) Use the Recalc Contract Work Days (recalculate contract work days) page (RUNCTL_CNTPAY04) to run the Update Work Days/Daily Rt process to recalculate the number of work days in contracts.

Image: Recalc Contract Work Days

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Recalc Contract Work Days.

Recalc Contract Work Days

When you modify a holiday schedule, a school schedule, or employee work days, run the Update Work Days/Daily Rt process to recalculate the actual number of work days for contracts and for contract pay periods.

(E&G) Use the Contract Renewals page (RUNCTL_CNTPAY02) to run the Contracts Renewal process.

This process enables you to automatically renew contracts that meet the criteria that you specify.

Image: Contract Renewals page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Contract Renewals page.

Contract Renewals page

Run the Batch Renewal of Pay Contracts (CNTPAY02) process to renew contracts that are configured for automatic renewal and that expire in the specified number of days.

See Contract Renewals.