Reviewing and Updating ROEs Online

Page Name

Definition Name


ROE Data 1 Page (Record of Employment data 1)


(CAN) Review a ROE and update employment-related details.

ROE Data 2 Page (Record of Employment data 2)


(CAN) Review and update more employment-related details, after you finish reviewing and updating data on the ROE Data 1 page.

HRSD Information Page


(CAN) Review the ROE serial numbers from the HRSD.

Review ROE Insurable Earnings Page


(CAN) Review ROE Insurable Earnings and Hours Information.

After you create ROE records, use the ROE Data 1 and ROE Data 2 pages to:

  • Review the data.

  • Add or update data to complete the ROE—for example, the Box 17 (Future Pays Only) and Box 18 (Comments) group boxes.

  • Update all acceptable records from hold to generate status by selecting Generate in the ROE Process field on the ROE Data 2 page and saving the records.