Using Fluid Approvals to Approve Time and Labor Reported Time

This topic describes how to approve Time and Labor Reported Time using Fluid Approvals.

For more information, refer Using PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface Self-Service Approval Transactions

Page Name

Definition Name


Pending Approvals - Reported Time page


Displays all the Reported Time pending approvals on the right pane.

Reported Time Page

Approval Line Detail Page


View Reported time entry details.

Displays the report line details and the time details for a time reporter.

Approval Chain Page


View the Reported Time history with date and comments.

Approval Line Detail_Comments Page


Add comments to be shown on Timesheet page.

Use the Pending Approvals - Reported Time page (EOAWMA_MAIN_FL) to view all the Reported time pending approvals.

Image: (Desktop) Pending Approvals - Reported Time Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pending Approvals - Reported Time page.

Pending Approvals_Reported Time page

Image: (Smartphone) Pending Approvals - Reported Time left Pane

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pending Approvals - Reported Time left pane page in a smartphone.

(Smartphone) Pending Approvals -Reported Time Left Pane

Image: (Smartphone) Pending Approvals -Reported Time right Pane

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Pending Approvals - Reported Time right pane page in a smartphone.

(Smartphone) Pending Approvals -Reported Time Right Pane

Use the Reported Time page (EOAWMA_TXNHDTL_FL) to view Reported time entry details.

Image: (Desktop) Pending Approvals — Reported Time page

This example illustrates the fields and controls of Reported Time page

Reported Time page

Image: (Smartphone) Reported Time page

This example illustrates the fields and controls of Reported Time details page in a smartphone.

(Smartphone) Reported Time page

Field or Control



This summary area contains the following details:

Time Period: Time period for which the reported time is submitted.

Quantity for approval: Total hours reported by employee for the time and pending for approval.

Quantity Submitted / Approved: Total hours reported by user and has been approved or does not need approval.

Quantity Denied: Total hours reported by user and has been denied.

Quantity Scheduled: Total scheduled hours for the time as per users schedule definition.

Quantity Reported: Total hours reported by the user for the above time.

Note: The values of Time period, Quantity for approval, Quantity submitted, Quantity denied should change depending on the transacted (Approve/ Deny/ Push back) lines.


Displays all the pending requests. The option for Approve or Deny is available for the selected requests.


Displays all, both pending and transacted requests from the employee.

Reported Time Details

Shows the list of reported time entries generated for the time period that needs approval.

For an Elapsed Time reporters, the grid displays the time details for the date, Time Reporting Code and the reported quantity.

Approver Comments

Field for approvers to provide comments, if any.

Approval Chain

Click to access Approval Chain Page to view the information about approvers associated and approval status.

Approve, Deny and Pushback icon

Use these buttons to take actions on the approval.

View Legend

Select the hyperlink to open .

More icon

Select to open Approval Line Detail Page.

Image: Approval Line Detail_Punch Time Reporter Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls of Approval Line Detail page which displays the Reported Time Line Details and the Time Details for a Punch Time reporter.

Approval Line Detail_Punch Time Reporter Page

Use Reported Time Details page links to perform additional actions such as adjusting reported time and adding comments.

For Punch Time Reporters, the time details grid displays the date, Time Reporting Code, Reported quantity. The Time detail displays the corresponding punch type, punch time, and additional time reporting details for that time detail.

Image: Approval Line Detail_Elapsed Time Reporter Page

This example illustrates the fields and controls of Approval Line Detail page which displays the Reported Time Line Details and the Time Details for an Elapsed Time reporter.

Approval Line Detail_Elapsed Time reporter Page

Field or Control


Reported Time Line Details

Displays the details in following section:

  • Report Date: is the date for which time is reported.

  • Reported for Date: Hours reported for the Report Date.

  • Scheduled for Date: Scheduled hours for a day.

  • Time Reporting Code

  • Quantity: Quantity in hours

Adjust reported time

Select to adjust reported time using the Fluid Report time page.

For more details, refer Report Time Details Page


Select to provide any comments for the day using Approval Line Detail_Comments Page

Time Details

For an Elapsed Time Reporter, Time details displays the additional reporting time details for the quantity reported.

View Exception

Navigate toView Exceptions Page, if there is an exception reported.

The time details submitted by the user when submitting the reported quantity for Time Reporting Code (summed value) displays under the Time Details Grid. This follows the corresponding punch type and punch time for that time detail.

The Time details grid displays the Taskgroup and other related information along with the split of quantity in hours.

Use the Approval Chain (EOAWMA_APPC_SCF) page to display the approvers and the approval status at each step/stage or path.

Image: Approval Chain Details Page

This example illustrates the approval chain details page.

Approval Chain for Reported Time

Use the Approval Line Detail_Comments (TL_TR_COMMENT_FLU) page to enter any generic comment for the employee while viewing the Timesheet page.

Image: Approval Line Detail_Comments Page

This example illustrates the Approval Line Detail_Comments page.

Approval Line Detail_Comment Page