Using Validation Criteria

To define validation criteria, use the Validation Rule (TL_VALID_DEFN_PNLG) and the Validation Set (TL_VALID_SET_PNLG) components.

This section discusses how to use validation criteria.

Page Name

Definition Name


Validation Rule Page


Define validation IDs that designate Application Engine sections as executables that can be selected for use in validation rules.

Validation Set Page


Group validation IDs.

Use the Validation Rule page (TL_VALID_DEFN_PNL) to define Validation IDs. Validation IDs designate Application Engine sections as executables that can be selected for use in validation rules. A Validation Rule combines a Validation Executable with an Exception.

Image: Validation Rule page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Validation Rule page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Validation Rule page

Field or Control


Program Name

Specify the AE program for this validation. The available programs are limited to those referenced by a Validation Executable. Specifying a Program Name enables you to have like-named sections on different program libraries.

Section (validation application engine section)

Select the validation AE section that corresponds to this validation. The valid values depend upon your selection in the Program Name field. - you can only specify sections that are associated with the specified program.

Exception ID

Select the exception ID that should correspond to this validation. Generally, there will be a one-to-one correlation between exceptions and validations, but several validations could trigger the same exception. There will never be more than one exception per validation.

Use the Validation Set page (TL_VALID_SET_PNL) to group validation IDs.

Image: Validation Set page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Validation Set page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Validation Set page

Rules in Set

This region displays the list of rules currently in this set. Rules can be added from the full set of rules in the group box on the right side of the page. Each rule can be configured to run against the submitted reported time and against the converted payable time produced by the Time Administration process (after rules processing).

Use the Select check boxes to remove validations from the validation set. After selecting the check boxes for the validations to remove from the validation set, click the Deletebutton to remove the selected items.

Note: If validations are not enabled which check against key reporting time tables, such as TRCs, the time is not processed and no exceptions are generated.

All Validation Definitions

This is the list of all Validation rules defined. Select rules in this list and use the buttons between the two lists to add them into the current set.

Two ways exist to select which validations to include in a validation set: Click Select All and the system will select the entire column of check boxes. Or, to select particular validations that should appear in the list, select check boxes next to those validations. Use the Clear button to clear the entire column of check boxes. Click the >> button to transfer the selected validations to the new validation set.

Validations Sets are configured to determine if the validation is run in Submit Time, Time Administration, both batch processes or neither.

Note: Validation TLX0010, Invalid Leave Time Taken, cannot be enabled for the Submit Time process.

See Understanding Exceptions and Validations.