5Administering Siebel Self Service

About Administering Siebel Self Service

After configuring Siebel Self Service, you perform the procedures in this chapter to set up the functionality that customers can access on the Siebel Self Service Web site. Unless noted otherwise, you use Siebel Call Center to perform these procedures. After you set up or change information in Siebel Call Center, customers with appropriate access can automatically see the information on the Siebel Self Service Web site.

About the Security Framework for Siebel Self Service

To establish a secured application security framework, you determine the application functionality and data content that apply to public access and the application functionality and data content that apply to registered customers. To protect privacy and avoid conflicts, you must authenticate registered customers and control the data and application functionality each authenticated customer can access. For more information, see About Authentication for Siebel Self Service and Access Control for Siebel Self Service.

You typically consider the following issues when you set up a security framework:

  • Anonymous use. Set up the Siebel Self Service Web site to allow nonregistered customers limited access.

  • Registration. Set up a means to allow nonregistered customers to register on the Siebel Self Service Web site.

  • Authentication. Set up a means to store and then authenticate the user name and password of the registered customers.

  • Access control. Set up a means to control customer access to views and data on the Web site.

    About Authentication for Siebel Self Service

    The customer management and authentication processes control access for the following customers:

    • Anonymous customers. Customers who do not register on the Siebel Self Service Web site can view only certain sections of the Web site, such as the company contact information. These customers can register, create their profiles, and gain access to additional functionality on the Web site. They can also obtain user names and passwords from customer service representatives.

    • Registered customers. Customers who register on the Siebel Self Service Web site have their user names and passwords authenticated in subsequent visits. After they log in to the Web site, they have access to views appropriate to the responsibilities that an application administrator assigns to them. For example, they can create service requests.

    An application administrator or customer service representative can perform the following tasks for customers:

    • Create records for customer profiles.

    • Add or change user names and passwords for customer profiles.

    • Change information in customer profiles, such as postal addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers.

    A Web-delegated customer administrator is a designated administrator at a customer company in a business-to-business situation. These administrators are assigned a Siebel responsibility that allows them to add or change customer information for the account. This Siebel responsibility gives them access to the Web Channel Users view of the Administration - User screen in Siebel Call Center where they can work with customer information.

    User names and passwords are typically stored in an external authentication directory, such as Netscape LDAP Directory Server or Microsoft Active Directory Server. The Siebel security adapter interface and the appropriate LDAP parameter settings support the integration between Siebel Self Service and an external authentication directory. With this support, the directory authenticates registered customers, and then the customers are authorized to access the Siebel Self Service Web site. For more information about customer management and authentication support, see Siebel Security Guide.

      Access Control for Siebel Self Service

      The following table shows the mechanisms you can use to control customer access to data.

      Table Access Control Mechanisms

      Basis of Access Access Control Mechanism

      Application Functionality

      Responsibility (Role)

      Data Partitions


      Group Membership

      Access Community



      To control user access to data, you perform the following tasks:

      • Create customer lists.

      • Create access groups.

      • Assign the appropriate customer lists to the access groups.

      • Create catalogs and the categories for those catalogs.

      • Associate the data with the catalog categories.

      • Assign access groups to the appropriate categories.

      For more information about access control, see Siebel Security Guide and Siebel eSales Administration Guide.

        About Data Privacy for Siebel Self Service

        Data privacy supports communication and data transfer through the Internet. By using the Internet SSL and encryption technology, Siebel applications can support a secured communication protocol. This technology also allows for the necessary protection of your transmitted data from a possible security breach, such as network spoofing. For more information about Internet security for Siebel applications, see Siebel Security Guide.

          Constructing Expressions

          When you click the select button for the Search Spec field in the Navigation Links view of the Administration - Application screen, the Expression Designer dialog box appears. In this dialog box, you can construct an expression to restrict the number of records in the record count for the location to which to link navigates.

          The procedure in this topic shows you have to construct an expression to restrict the record count for the LOCATE OFFICE link to only records with a City field value of San Francisco, but you can use the Expression Designer to construct a variety of other expressions.

          To construct an expression

          1. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, then the Navigation Links view.

          2. In the Navigation Links list, query for the record with a Display Name field of LOCATE OFFICE.

            Make sure that the Max Record Count Displayed field for the record contains a non-null value and that the Business Component field for the record contains a value. Otherwise, no business component fields are available for selection in Step 4.

          3. Click the select button in the Search Spec field for this record.

          4. In the Expression Designer dialog box that appears, complete the following steps:

            1. Select Business Component Fields in the Categories list, All in the SubCategories list, and City in the Elements list.

            2. Click Add Element.

              [City] appears in the Expression field.

            3. Click the equal sign (=).

              [City]= appears in the Expression field.

            4. Type ‘San Francisco’ after the equal sign.

              [City]=’San Francisco’ appears in the Expression field.

            5. (Optional) Click Validate to verify that the syntax in the Expression field is correct.

              If the syntax contains an error, then the Errors field shows an error message. You must correct this error before you are allowed to save the expression. If the syntax does not contain an error, then the Errors field indicates that no error exists.

            6. Click Save.

              The expression that you constructed appears in the Search Spec field for the record.

            Process of Administering Web Access

            To administer Web access, perform the following tasks:

            1. Activating the Workflow for Email Password Button

            2. Registering Customers

            3. Reassigning Passwords

            Note: Web access administration in Siebel Call Center is not included in the preconfigured Siebel Self Service application, but you can implement this feature.

              Activating the Workflow for Email Password Button

              The Email Password button automatically generates a random password for a customer and sends an email containing that password to the customer. This button functions only if you activate the Contact Password Reset workflow. For more information about workflows, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

              Note: In addition to activating the workflow, you must enable the Communications Management component group and create the email profile that is used to send the email.

              This task is a step in Process of Administering Web Access.

              To activate the workflow for the Email Password button

              1. Navigate to the Administration - Business Process screen, Workflow Deployment, and then the Active Processes view.

              2. In the Active Workflow Processes list, query for the Contact Password Reset workflow.

                If the workflow is not returned, then it is not yet activated.

              3. If the workflow is not yet activated, then complete the following steps:

                1. Scroll up to the Repository Workflow Processes list.

                2. Select the workflow from the list, and click Activate.

              4. Stop and restart the Siebel Server.

                Registering Customers

                Customer service representatives can register customers in the Web Access form. For more information about customer administration, see Siebel eSales Administration Guide.

                When customers perform self registration, they can select a user name, a password, and a challenge question. The challenge question confirms the customer’s identity when the customer forgets a password.

                This task is a step in Process of Administering Web Access.

                To register a customer

                1. In the Side Menu, click Contacts.

                2. In the Contacts Home menu, click Contacts List.

                3. In the Contacts List view, click the plus icon (+) to add a new contact record, and complete the necessary fields.

                4. Drill down on the Last Name field for the customer record.

                5. Navigate to the Web Access view.

                6. In the Web Access form, complete the necessary fields.

                  Some fields are described in the following table.

                  Field Comments

                  User ID

                  Type the ID for the customer.


                  Select a value of Web Registered User. Responsibilities determine the views that a customer is allowed to access. Application administrators determine the available values in this field. For these values, the Web Access field is selected in the Responsibilities view of the Administration - Application screen. For more information, see Siebel Security Guide.

                  User Type

                  Select a value of Web Registered User.

                  Challenge Question

                  Type a question for which only the customer knows the answer.

                  Answer to Challenge Question

                  Type the answer to the challenge question.

                7. To automatically generate a random password and send an email containing that password to the customer, click Email Password.

                  You do not see random passwords that are automatically generated. For more information, see Activating the Workflow for Email Password Button.

                  Reassigning Passwords

                  When customers forget their passwords, customer service representatives can use the Web Access form to verify their identities and reassign new passwords. They can automatically generate a random password and send an email containing that password to the customer.

                  This task is a step in Process of Administering Web Access.

                  To reassign a password

                  1. In the Side Menu, click Contacts.

                  2. In the Contacts Home menu, click Contacts List.

                  3. In the Contacts list, drill down on the Last Name field for the customer record.

                  4. Navigate to the Web Access view.

                  5. In the Web Access form, complete the following steps:

                    1. If necessary, verify the customer’s identity by asking the question in the Challenge Question field.

                    2. To automatically generate a random password and send an email containing that password to the customer, click Email Password.

                    Configuring the Applets for Program Information

                    Siebel Self Service is integrated with Oracle Knowledge so that customers can review information about programs on the Siebel Self Service Web site. This information includes details about programs, frequently asked questions (FAQs) about programs, and news articles about programs. Program information appears in applets on the Siebel Self Service Web site. Administrators can configure criteria for the information that appears in these applets. For more information, see About Configuring Oracle Knowledge for Siebel Self Service.

                    To configure an applet for programs

                    1. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, then the Knowledge Management Configuration view.

                    2. Change the sample URL address in the Oracle Knowledge URL field to the appropriate URL address of the Information Manager Server for Oracle Knowledge.

                    3. In the Knowledge Management Configuration list, create a new record, and complete the fields as appropriate.

                      The following table describes some of the fields.

                      Field Description

                      Applet Name

                      Select the name of the applet that you want to configure. For example, you might configure the following applets for a Siebel Public Sector Self Service Web site:

                      • Ask a Question Applet (CX sService)

                      • News Applet (CX sService)

                      • News Search Applet (CX sService)

                      • Service Programs Applet (CX sService)

                      • Service Programs Search Applet (CX sService)

                      These applets are associated with a custom physical renderer. Any new applets that you create must use this custom physical renderer.

                      Channel Name

                      Type the name of the channel for the applet. For more information about applet channels in Oracle Knowledge, see Oracle Knowledge Information Manager Administration Guide.

                      Num Records

                      Type the maximum number of records that can appear in the applet.

                      Sort By

                      Select the field value by which records are sorted in the applet.


                      Select the type of records to include in the applet. Values include:

                      • common. Records that the user accessed the most often.

                      • recent. Records that the user accessed the most recently.

                      • popular. Records that all users accessed the most often.

                    Setting Up the Knowledge Base for Siebel Self Service

                    Siebel Self Service provides an integrated, searchable knowledge base through its solution literature and eSmartScript repository. Customer care representatives can use this knowledge base to provide consistent data and answers to customer questions. Customers can access the same answers themselves through Siebel Self Service.

                    Organizations can use Siebel Self Service to build a flexible knowledge base that consists of database records and files both inside and outside the Siebel Enterprise Application. Knowledge items such as solutions to problems, downloads, literature, and general documents can be searched using full-text searching. Customers can browse through a hierarchical library of categorized FAQs and eSmartScripts.

                      Setting Up FAQs for Siebel Self Service

                      To set up FAQs:

                      • Create the eService Catalog

                      • Set Up FAQs

                        Creating the Self Service Catalog

                        Siebel Self Service organizes the knowledge base through a catalog structure, which includes one or more categories. Before configuring FAQs or other solutions, you must define at least one catalog (named eService) and its associated categories. This catalog and associated categories will represent the structure in which your knowledge is organized, both internally and externally, for the customer.

                        For more information about creating catalogs and categories, including information about fields in the Catalog and Category records, see Siebel eSales Administration Guide.

                        To create the eService catalog and categories
                        1. From the application-level menu, choose View, Site Map, Catalog Administration, and then Catalog Administration.

                        2. In the Catalogs list, click New.

                        3. Fill in the fields in the Catalog record and the More Info form. Be sure to enter the name eService in the Name field.

                        4. Click the name of the catalog, which is a hyperlink.

                          The Categories list for the catalog appears.

                        5. In the Categories list, add a new record for each of the categories of FAQs that you want displayed to customers using Siebel Self Service, and fill in the information for each.

                          Setting Up FAQs

                          To publish FAQs (that is, Siebel Solutions records) in Siebel Self Service, you must first create the FAQs and then categorize them in the appropriate Siebel Self Service catalogs. Once categorized, the FAQs will be rendered in the appropriate applets and views. Optionally, you can apply access control on the categorized FAQs to restrict access to certain categories.

                          To create an FAQ
                          1. From the application-level menu, choose View, Site Map, Solution Administration, and then Solutions.

                          2. In the Solutions list, click New.

                          3. Complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table.

                            Field Description


                            This title name will not be displayed but is merely for administration upkeep.


                            In this field enter the FAQ question to be displayed to the end user.


                            Enter the FAQ answer. There is a text limit of 2 KB in this field.


                            Select Solution from this drop-down list to designate the record as an FAQ/Solution record.

                          To add FAQs to a Siebel Self Service category
                          1. From the application-level menu, choose View, Site Map, Catalog Administration, and then Catalog Administration.

                          2. In the Catalogs list, find and click the hyperlink for eService Catalog.

                            The categories within the Siebel Self Service Catalog appear.

                          3. From the Categories list, select the category to which you want to add FAQs.

                          4. Click the Solutions view tab.

                            Any FAQs already associated with the selected category appear.

                          5. In the Solutions list, click New.

                            The Add Solutions dialog box appears.

                          6. Query and select the desired FAQs, and then click OK.

                            The selected FAQs are now associated with the selected category.

                            Notes About Setting Up FAQs

                            The following considerations apply when you set up FAQs:

                            • You may also create a new FAQ record if needed for the previous procedure.

                            • The general FAQs in Siebel Self Service must be categorized under the catalog named eService Catalog. FAQs categorized there will be rendered in the appropriate Siebel Self Service applets and views.

                            • The top FAQs in Siebel Self Service must be categorized under the catalog named eService Top Solutions and the category named eService Top Solutions. FAQs categorized under this catalog and category will be rendered in the appropriate Siebel Self Service applets and views. They are viewable under the Top FAQs list on the Siebel Self Service home page and the first drilldown view of the Browse the Knowledge Base link.

                            For further details on Catalog and Category administration, see Siebel eSales Administration Guide.

                              Setting Up Siebel eSmartScripts for Siebel Self Service

                              Siebel eSmartScript allows customers to engage in self-directed question-and-answer sessions that simulate the experience of talking with an expert. The sessions can have a predefined process flow, or the flow can be designed to change dynamically to reflect a customer’s response. The process flow can also populate the Siebel database with customer input, creating service requests and completing applications.

                              Siebel eSmartScript is integrated with Siebel SmartScript, allowing the same troubleshooting scripts to be shared between the Siebel Self Service site and customer care representatives who use Siebel Call Center. Scripts can be created and administered using a drag-and-drop, flowchart-based design interface. Benefits include increased call quality, fewer data entry errors, and reduced training time.

                              For information on creating and working with eSmartScripts, see Siebel SmartScript Administration Guide.

                              Note: Siebel eSmartScripts are rendered to end users as Troubleshooting Guides, accessible through the Troubleshoot Problems hyperlink on the Siebel Self Service home page or Instructions, accessible through the View Instructions hyperlink, also on the Siebel Self Service home page.

                              To add eSmartScripts to a Siebel Self Service category

                              1. From the application-level menu, choose View, Site Map, Catalog Administration, and then Catalog Administration.

                              2. In the Catalogs list, find and click the hyperlink for eService Catalog.

                              3. In the Categories list, select the category to which you want to add eSmartScripts.

                              4. Click the Troubleshooting/Access Instructions view tab.

                              5. In the Troubleshooting/Access Instructions list, click the menu button, and then click New Record.

                                The Pick SmartScript dialog box appears.

                              6. Query and select the desired record, and then click OK.

                                The selected eSmartScripts are now associated with the selected category.

                                Notes About Siebel eSmartScripts

                                The following considerations apply when you use Siebel eSmartScripts:

                                • The general eSmartScripts in Siebel Self Service must be categorized under the catalog named eService Catalog. Siebel eSmartScripts categorized under this catalog’s categories will be rendered in the appropriate Siebel Self Service applets and views.

                                • Make sure that the eSmartScript you select is marked as Active. This can be done by making sure that the Active column contains a check mark.

                                • The top eSmartScripts in Siebel Self Service must be categorized under the catalog named eService Top Solutions and the category named eService Top Solutions. Siebel eSmartScripts categorized under this catalog and category will be rendered in the appropriate Siebel Self Service applets and views. They are viewable under the first drilldown view of the Troubleshoot Problems and the View Instructions links.

                                  Setting Up Downloads, Documentation, and Product Literature

                                  Siebel Self Service provides customers with access to all product documentation, product literature, and software downloads and updates (collectively referred to as Siebel literature). The literature can be provided in a variety of formats, including HTML, PDF, executable files, and dynamic link library files.

                                  Customers who have registered their products can immediately access all the literature for their products without having to perform a search. From the Self Service portal, customers can select My Account, then My Products and see a list of all the products that they have registered. When customers click a product name, a list of all the literature linked to that product is immediately displayed.

                                    Types of Literature

                                    The literature displayed is organized by type. There are three types of literature:

                                    • Downloads. For example, software patches and maintenance releases.

                                    • Documentation. For example, product manuals.

                                    • Product Literature. For example, white papers and data sheets.

                                    Users can perform searches within each type of literature. For example, the customer can search through the list of software patches using a variety of criteria.

                                    Customers can also access literature for products they have not registered. If anonymous users are allowed access to the system, they can also access literature. The quick links on home page of Self Service application has links for each literature type. The customer clicks the link for the literature type, and can then use a search feature to locate a literature item or select from the list that is displayed of the most popular literature items of that given type.

                                      Making Literature Available to Customers

                                      To make literature available to customers though Siebel Self Service, you must perform the following tasks:

                                      • Add the desired item of literature to the literature catalog. You can specify a path, browse for a file, or link to the file through a URL.

                                      • Provide a name for the literature item.

                                      • Specify the type of literature that has been added (documentation, download, or product literature).

                                      • Associate the literature item with either a product or a catalog category. Failure to establish at least one association prevents Self Service customers from accessing the item. (For further details on Catalog and Category Administration, see Siebel eSales Administration Guide.)

                                      To add Literature Items to Siebel Self Service
                                      1. From the application-level menu, choose View, Site Map, Document Administration, and then Literature.

                                      2. From the Literature form, click New. A blank line is added in the list.

                                      3. Complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table.

                                      Field Description


                                      The title of the literature item. This name is displayed to the customer in Siebel Self Service.

                                      File Name

                                      Clicking in this field displays a select button. Click select and the Add Attachment window appears. You can type the full path of the file or click the browse button to navigate to the file and select it. Alternatively, if the file is available on a Web server, you can select the file by specifying its URL in the URL field.


                                      Information about the literature.

                                      Literature Type

                                      Clicking this field provides a drop-down list. This list contains other values that are not used in literature administration. You must select one of the three literature types: documentation, product literature, or downloads. Do not select any of the other literature types from the drop-down list. They are used by other Siebel applications.

                                      Once you have added the literature item, the item should be associated with a product or a category of the eService Category Catalog.

                                      To associate literature with a product
                                      1. Make sure that the item of literature is selected in the list in the Literature list applet.

                                      2. Select the More Info tab if it is not already selected.

                                      3. Click the select button in the Products field.

                                        The Associated Products window appears.

                                      4. Click New. A list of products appears.

                                      5. Query and select one or more products to associate with the literature item.

                                        If desired, you can also associate literature with a Siebel catalog category. (For more information on Catalogs and Categories, see Siebel eSales Administration Guide.)

                                      To associate literature with a catalog category
                                      1. Select the literature item from the list in the Literature form.

                                      2. Click the Category tab in the literature applet. If the literature is already associated with any catalog categories, the categories are displayed in the list.

                                      3. Click New.

                                        The Add Subcategories window appears.

                                      4. Query for any of the eService Catalog Categories.

                                      Note: Siebel Self Service is preconfigured to display items only in the eService Catalog categories.

                                        Process of Setting Up Office Locations

                                        Customers can identify the offices of a company that are nearest to a specified location. They can visit these offices to conduct face-to-face business transactions.

                                        Customers can perform office location searches by using a city, state, or ZIP code query. In the results of the search, the offices appear in order of proximity, along with relevant information, such as location names, addresses, operating hours, telephone numbers, and distances from a location.

                                        To set up office locations, perform the following tasks:

                                        1. Importing Geocode Data

                                        2. Creating Divisions for Office Locations

                                        3. Creating Categories for Office Locations

                                        4. Creating Office Locations

                                        5. Linking Search Results to Map Services

                                          Importing Geocode Data

                                          The geocode data includes location references. You can import Geocode data in one of the following ways:

                                          • Using the Import command in Siebel Call Center.

                                          • Using Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager. For information about importing data with Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager, see Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager Administration Guide.

                                          The imported geocode data is stored in the (S_ZIPCODE) database table. The following table shows the columns in this database table that must have data.

                                          Table Data Model for S_ZIPCODE Table

                                          Column Description

                                          ZIP Code

                                          Postal code in alphanumeric text.


                                          Name of city.


                                          Name of state or province. This field can be blank for certain countries.


                                          Name of the country.


                                          Latitude number (0 to plus or minus 90). A plus sign (+) denotes the Northern Hemisphere, and a minus sign (-) denotes the Southern Hemisphere.


                                          Longitude number (0 to plus or minus 180). A plus sign (+) denotes the Eastern Hemisphere, and a minus sign (-) denotes the Western Hemisphere).

                                          You can import a maximum of 2,000 geocode data records for each Import command on Siebel Call Center. You must store the geocode data in a file that contains the column heading information in the previous table.

                                          Note: Oracle provides no guarantees or warranties about the accuracy of the geocode data for office locations. For the latest geocode data, contact a geocode data vendor.

                                          This task is a step in Setting Up the Knowledge Base for Siebel Self Service.

                                          To import geocode data with the Import command

                                          1. Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the ZIP Code Administration view.

                                          2. In the ZIP Geocodes list, click the cogwheel icon, and then select Import.

                                            The Import dialog box appears.

                                          3. In the Import dialog box, complete the following steps:

                                            1. Click Choose File to select a file in the Input File field.

                                              This file is the geocode data file.

                                            2. For the Input Format field, select Comma Separated Text File or Tab Delimited Text File for the geocode data file.

                                            3. For the Input Source field, select Auto Mapping.

                                            4. For the Conflict Resolution field, select Overwrite Existing Record.

                                            5. Click Next.
                                          4. Make sure the values for the import fields match the values for the Siebel fields, and click Next.

                                            A view log appears when the import process is complete.

                                            Creating Divisions for Office Locations

                                            Before you create office locations, create the divisions for office locations.

                                            This task is a step in Setting Up the Knowledge Base for Siebel Self Service.

                                            To create a division for an office location

                                            1. Navigate to the Administration - Group screen, then the Internal Divisions view.

                                            2. In the Divisions list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

                                              Some fields are described in the following table.

                                              Field Comments

                                              Organization Flag

                                              Select this check box if the division is associated with an organization.

                                              Partner Flag

                                              Displays a check in the check box if the organization is a channel partner. You select the check box in the Partner Flag field for the organization in the Organizations view of the Administration - Group screen to indicate that the organization is a channel partner.

                                              Creating Categories for Office Locations

                                              Before you create office locations, create the categories for the office locations.

                                              This task is a step in Setting Up the Knowledge Base for Siebel Self Service.

                                              To create a category for an office location

                                              1. Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the List of Values view.

                                              2. In the List of Values list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

                                                Some fields are described in the following table.

                                                Field Comments


                                                Select a value of BUSINESS_CATEGORY. This field designates the category type for the office locations.

                                                Displayed Value

                                                Type the name of category value that the customers see.

                                                Language Independent Code

                                                Type the language independent field value that is used to search for the category. For example, in the Spanish version of Siebel Self Service, you might see Oficinas de Ventas for the Displayed Value field, but the Language Independent Code value is Sales Offices.

                                                Creating Office Locations

                                                You can create searchable office locations.

                                                This task is a step in Setting Up the Knowledge Base for Siebel Self Service.

                                                To create an office location

                                                1. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, then the Branch Locator view.

                                                2. In the Branch Locations list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

                                                  Some fields are described in the following table.

                                                  Field Comments


                                                  Type the name that you want the customer to see in the results view.


                                                  Select the category for the office location. For more information, see Creating Categories for Office Locations.


                                                  Type the longitude for the office. If you do not enter a value, then the longitude value from the S_ZIPCODE table for the value in the ZIP Code field is used.


                                                  Type the latitude for the office. If you do not enter a value, then the latitude value from the S_ZIPCODE table for the value in the ZIP Code field is used.


                                                  Select an existing internal division or channel partner. For more information, see Creating Divisions for Office Locations.


                                                  Select the address for the office.

                                                  Linking Search Results to Map Services

                                                  In the preconfigured Siebel Self Service application, search results for office locations are not linked to map services. Application administrators can link search results for office locations to map services so that customers can view applicable directions and a map from an online map service provider. Some map service providers follow:

                                                  • Google Maps™. You can link to the map service in Google Maps. You must comply with the terms of the service agreement when using the services of Google Maps.

                                                  • MapQuest©.LinkFree is a free service of MapQuest that allows you to link directly to the MapQuest Web site so that customers can view maps for any address. The Mapquest map service page is automatically loaded for office locations. Customers must submit a brief registration form to Mapquest to make the link available on their Web sites. For information about legal terms, contact Mapquest.

                                                  • Yahoo!© You can link to the directions and map service in Yahoo! You must comply with the terms of the service agreement when using the services of Yahoo!

                                                  To link search results for office locations to a map service provider, you must change the user property values in the Service Provider Search Engine business service in Siebel Tools. The URL address format and variable values depend on the URL call of the service provider. Review the latest URL syntax of the map provider. For information about Siebel Tools, see Using Siebel Tools.

                                                  This task is a step in Setting Up the Knowledge Base for Siebel Self Service.

                                                    About Email Notifications

                                                    Email notifications alert customers about important information. For example, you can send email notification to alert a customer when the status of an open service request changes or when a customer service representative associates a solution with the service request. Also for example, you can escalate a service request that is outstanding for longer than a week by sending an email notification to the manager of a call center.

                                                    Note: Email notifications are not included in the preconfigured Siebel Self Service application, but you can implement this feature. For more information, see Setting Up Service Request Entitlements.

                                                    You use Siebel Workflow to define the business rules that automate business processes and procedures. Siebel Self Service provides the following sample workflow policies that send email notifications to customers:

                                                    • eService Activity Policy. Sends an email when an activity is added to a service request.

                                                    • eService Attachment Policy. Sends an email when a file attachment is added to a service request.

                                                    • eService Registration Request Policy. Sends an email containing the user ID and password.

                                                    • eService Service Request Update Policy. Sends an email when the status of a service request is updated.

                                                    You might have to change the workflow policy conditions for your business model. You must also enable Email Manager for these email notifications. For information about Email Manager, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

                                                    Setting Up Information for Email

                                                    Customers can submit email messages by completing a form in the Contact Us view. The contents of the form are converted into an email message and routed to an email address in your email application.

                                                    You must enable the Communications Management component group to process inbound email. This component group is started with the Siebel Server process to process inbound email. You can verify a successful email submission in Siebel Call Center by checking the logged event for this task in the Administration - Server Management screen. For more information, see Siebel CTI Administration Guide.

                                                    Siebel Communications Server processes inbound and outbound communication messages for the Siebel application. Siebel Self Service uses Siebel Communications Server to process the inbound structured email forms that customers submit. For more information, see Siebel CTI Administration Guide.

                                                    To set up information for email

                                                    1. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, then the Contact Us view.

                                                    2. In the Email Accounts list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

                                                      Some fields are described in the following table.

                                                      Field Comments


                                                      Type the name of the account. Customers see this name in the drop-down list for the To field of the email form in the Contact Us view of the Siebel Self Service Web site when both of the following conditions are met:

                                                      • The customers are associated with the organization for the account.

                                                      • The account has an email address.

                                                      Account Type

                                                      Displays a value of Contact Us.


                                                      Select the address for the account. When you click the select button for this field, the Company Addresses dialog box appears. You can select multiple addresses, but only one address can be the primary address for the account. In the dialog box, you can also create a new address record.

                                                      When you select or create an address record, the other fields in the Email, Fax and Mail Accounts list are populated with the data from that record. If an existing record in the Company Addresses dialog box has no values or incorrect values in the fields for the email address, telephone number, or fax number, then you can change the values for these fields in the dialog box.


                                                      Displays the email address for the address that you select or create in the Company Address dialog box.

                                                    3. Navigate to the Email Subjects view.

                                                    4. Add an email subject record, and complete the necessary fields.

                                                      Some fields are described in the following table.

                                                      Field Comments


                                                      Type a name for the subject record.


                                                      Type the text for the subject record. Enter at least one subject for each account with an email address. You can create multiple subjects for an account with an email address.

                                                    Adding Updates to Service Requests

                                                    Customer service representatives might want to add an update to a service request to ask the customer for more information about the issue or to notify the customer that they are currently investigating the issue. To add an update to a service request, you associate with the service request an activity that describes the nature of the update. Customers who can access that service request can view the activity record under the Updates heading of the service request on the Siebel Self Service Web site.

                                                    This task is a step in Process of Administering Service Requests.

                                                    To add an update to a service request

                                                    1. Navigate to the Service Requests screen, then the Service Request List view.

                                                    2. In the Service Requests list, drill down on the SR number (#) field for the service request to which you want to add an update.

                                                    3. Navigate to the Activities view.

                                                    4. In the Activities list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

                                                      Some fields are described in the following table.

                                                      Field Comments


                                                      Type the description of the update to the service request.


                                                      Select a value to categorize the nature of the update. Applicable values include Information Needed and Web Update.


                                                      Displays the starting date and time for the activity. This field does not affect the update to the service request on the Siebel Self Service Web site.


                                                      Displays the ending date and time for the activity. This field does not affect the update to the service request on the Siebel Self Service Web site.


                                                      Displays the status of the activity. This field does not affect the update to the service request on the Siebel Self Service Web site.

                                                      Creating Solutions

                                                      Before you can associate solutions with service requests, you must create the solution records.

                                                      This task is a step in Process of Administering Service Requests.

                                                      To create a solution

                                                      1. Navigate to the Administration - Solution screen, then the Solutions view.

                                                      2. In the Solutions list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

                                                        Some fields are described in the following table.

                                                        Field Comments


                                                        Type the name of the solution. The customer does not see this name.


                                                        Type the description of the solution. This field has a text limit of 2 kilobytes.


                                                        Select a value for the status of the solution.


                                                        Select a value of Solution in this field.

                                                        Publish Internal

                                                        Select this check box to designate that people within your company can view the solution.

                                                        Publish External

                                                        Select this check box to designate that people who access the Siebel Self Service Web site can view the solution.

                                                        Associating Solutions with Service Requests

                                                        When you associate solutions with service requests, customers who can access those service requests can view the solution records under the Solutions heading of the service requests on the Siebel Self Service Web site.

                                                        This task is a step in Process of Administering Service Requests.

                                                        To associate a solution with a service request

                                                        1. Navigate to the Service Requests screen, then the Service Request List view.

                                                        2. In the Service Requests list, drill down on the SR number (#) field for the service request to associate with a solution.

                                                        3. Navigate to the Solutions view.

                                                        4. In the Solutions list, add a record, and complete the necessary fields.

                                                          Some fields are described in the following table.

                                                          Field Comments


                                                          Displays the name of the solution that you select in the Add Solutions dialog box.


                                                          Displays the description for the solution that you select in the Add Solutions dialog box.


                                                          Type additional comments relevant to the solution.

                                                          Associating Attachments with Service Requests

                                                          When you associate attachments with service requests, customers who can access those service requests can view the attachments under the Attachments heading of the service requests on the Siebel Self Service Web site.

                                                          This task is a step in Process of Administering Service Requests.

                                                          To associate an attachment with a service request

                                                          1. Navigate to the Service Requests screen, then the Service Request List view.

                                                          2. In the Service Requests list, drill down on the SR number (#) field for the service request to associate with an attachment.

                                                          3. Navigate to the Attachments view.

                                                          4. In the Attachments list, add a record as follows:

                                                            1. To add a file, click New File, and navigate to and select a file in the dialog box that appears.

                                                            2. To add a URL, click New URL, and designate the URL in the dialog box that appears.

                                                          5. Complete the necessary fields.

                                                            Some fields are described in the following table.

                                                            Field Comments

                                                            Attachment Name

                                                            Displays the name of the file that you select or the URL that you designate. You can select a different file or URL in the Add Attachment dialog box for this field. Files can be HTML files, PDF files, executable files, and dynamic link library files.


                                                            Type additional comments relevant to the attachment.

                                                            Setting Up Service Request Entitlements

                                                            Siebel Self Service provides service entitlement verification of registered users in addition to the standard contact authentication at login. If entitlement verification is active when a user tries to create, update, or view a service request, the application verifies that the user is a contact for a valid service entitlement. Without valid entitlement, users will not be able to create, modify, or view any service requests, including ones they may have previously created. Whether you implement entitlement verification depends on your business model.

                                                            If registered users receive different levels of support depending on their service entitlements, then entitlement verification is appropriate. If all registered users receive the same level of support, then entitlement verification is probably not necessary.

                                                            Entitlement verification of a registered user consists of the following:

                                                            • The registered user's Contact record must belong to the contacts list of an entitlement.

                                                            • The entitlement must currently be valid, that is, not expired.

                                                            • For a contact to be able to create or modify service requests, that contact must be added to a valid entitlement.

                                                              Note: A contact can only be added to an entitlement by an administrator or customer care representative in the host company. A Web Delegated Customer Administrator does not have access to the Entitlement Contacts table.

                                                            Entitlement verification is found in the SWE section of \bin\sservice.cfg file in the directory for the Siebel Server. Entitlement verification is set to FALSE by default.

                                                            To enable or disable entitlement verification

                                                            1. Open the \siebsrvr\bin\sservice.cfg file in the Siebel Server directory in any text editor.

                                                            2. Locate the line beginning with Entitlement=

                                                            3. Replace the current setting following the = sign to FALSE to disable entitlement verification, or to TRUE to enable entitlement verification.

                                                            4. Save sservice.cfg, retaining its format as a text file.

                                                            5. Reboot your Siebel Server service to have the new entitlement verification setting take effect.

                                                            To add a contact to an entitlement

                                                            1. From the application-level menu, choose View, Site Map, Agreements, and then All Agreements Across Organizations.

                                                            2. In the Agreements list, select the agreement to which the entitlement belongs and click the Name hyperlink.

                                                              The Agreement form appears.

                                                            3. Click the Entitlements view tab.

                                                              The Entitlements list appears.

                                                            4. In the Entitlements list, select an existing entitlement from the current agreement.

                                                              Make sure that the Start Date and End Date fields are filled with the appropriate values in the new or existing Entitlement.

                                                            5. Complete the necessary fields.

                                                            6. Click the Contacts view tab.

                                                            7. In the Contacts list, click the menu button, and then click New Record.

                                                              The Add Contacts pop-up list appears.

                                                            8. In the pop-up list, select a contact, and then click OK.

                                                            9. In the Contacts list, select the Internet check box to activate the Internet flag.

                                                              Activating the Internet flag enforces the Entitlement on the Internet Channel, which in this case is Siebel Self Service.

                                                            Note: You may also create a new record or new entitlement as needed in the previous procedure.

                                                            Setting Up Email Notification for Siebel Self Service

                                                            Using Siebel Workflow, you can define business rules that will automate your business processes and procedures. For example, you may want to send email notification to alert a customer when the status of an open service request is changed or when a solution has been associated with the service request by a Call Center agent. Another example would be escalating a service request that has been outstanding for longer than one week by sending an email notification to the Call Center manager.

                                                            Siebel Self Service provides four sample Workflow policies that will send email notifications to customers:

                                                            • Siebel eService Activity Policy. Send email when a new activity is added to a Service Request.

                                                            • Siebel eService Attachment Policy. Send email when a new file attachment is added to a Service Request.

                                                            • Siebel eService Registration Request Policy. Send email containing the UserID and Password.

                                                            • Siebel eService Service Request Update Policy. Send email whenever a Service Request Status gets updated.

                                                            These Workflow policies are samples that are shipped with Siebel Self Service. You may have to modify the Workflow Policy conditions to suit your business model.

                                                            Note: In addition to performing the following procedures, you must enable Email Manager for these email notifications to work. For information about Email Manager, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

                                                            To set up email notification

                                                            1. From the application-level menu, choose View, Site Map, Server Administration, and then Component Groups.

                                                            2. Make sure the following component groups are enabled:

                                                              • Communications Management

                                                              • Workflow Management

                                                            3. Stop and restart your Siebel Server.

                                                              Siebel Workflow Manager will now actively monitor your Workflow policies that are online and perform the appropriate actions. The actual sending of the email notification step will be executed by Siebel Communication Manager, which interfaces with your SMTP mail server.

                                                            4. From the application-level menu, choose View, Site Map, Business Process Administration, and then Workflow Policy Group.

                                                            5. In the Policies Groups list, select the eService Group record.

                                                              The following policies appear in the Policies lists:

                                                              • eService Activity Policy

                                                              • eService Attachment Policy

                                                              • eService Registration Request Policy

                                                              • eService Service Request Update Policy

                                                            6. In the Policies list, verify that each record contains the following information:

                                                              • An Activation field that is blank or contains a value that is not later than the date and time of your testing.

                                                              • An Expiration field that is blank or contains a date and time that has not already passed.

                                                            7. From the application-level menu, choose View, Site Map, Contacts, and then All Contacts across Organizations.

                                                            8. Find a contact name and type an appropriate address in the Email field (for example, jdoe@yourcompany.com).

                                                            9. Click on the Contact record hyperlink, and then click the more/less button in the Contact form.

                                                            10. Click the Send Email Updates check box.

                                                            Once the component groups have been enabled and you have selected the contacts who will receive email updates, you need to change the parameters that generate triggers for the updates.

                                                            To change parameters that generate triggers

                                                            1. From the application-level menu, choose View, Site Map, Server Administration, and then Components.

                                                            2. In the Server Components list, find and select Generate Triggers.

                                                            3. Click the Component Parameters view tab.

                                                            4. From the Component Parameters list, change the following parameter values:

                                                              • EXEC to TRUE.

                                                              • SQLFlags to 1.

                                                              • TraceFlags to 1.

                                                            After you change the parameters, you need to log into Server Manager and start the task for component Generate Triggers.

                                                            To start the task for component Generate Triggers

                                                            1. From the Command Prompt, log in to Server Manager, using the following structure:

                                                              srvrmgr /e <enterprise name> /g <gateway server name> /u <database user name> /p <db passwd>

                                                            2. Start the task for component Generate Triggers, using the following command:

                                                              srvrmgr> start task for comp GenTrig with Exec="TRUE", privuser="<Tableowner_name>", privuserpass="<Table_password>"

                                                              Note: Substitute the italicized <Tableowner_name> with your database table owner name, and <Table_password> with your database table password.

                                                              For more details, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

                                                            3. From Server Manager, type the following:

                                                              srvrmgr> list task for comp GenTrig
                                                              Note: Wait until the status of the GenTrig becomes completed before returning to the Call Center for the following step.

                                                            To change parameter for Workflow Monitor Agent

                                                            1. From the application-level menu, choose View, Site Map, Server Administration, and then Components.

                                                            2. In the Server Components list, find and select Workflow Monitor Agent.

                                                            3. Click the Component Parameters view tab.

                                                            4. From the Component Parameters list, change the following parameter values:

                                                              • ActionInterval to 1.

                                                              • Group Name to eService Group.

                                                              • Actionagent to FALSE.

                                                              • SQLFlags to 1.

                                                              • TraceFlags to 1.

                                                            After you change the parameters, you need to log into Server Manager and start the task for component Workflow Monitor Agent.

                                                            To start the task for component Workflow Monitor Agent

                                                            1. From the Command Prompt, log in to Server Manager, using the following structure:

                                                              srvrmgr /e <enterprise name> /g <gateway host name> /u <database user name> /p <db passwd>

                                                            2. Start the task for component Workflow Monitor Agent, using the following command:

                                                              srvrmgr> start task for comp WorkMon with tableownpass='db2'
                                                              Note: This example is for DB2UDB database. For Oracle, use tableownpass='<the table owner’s name>'. For MS SQL, use tableownpass='MSSQL'.
                                                            3. From Server Manager, type the following:

                                                              srvrmgr> list task for comp WorkMon
                                                            4. Log out of Server Manager and return to Siebel Call Center.

                                                              Adding Additional Contacts for Email Notification

                                                              After you have performed all the steps for setting up email notification, you can add additional contacts simply by selecting the Send Email Updates checkbox. You do not have to re-run Generate Triggers or stop and start the Workflow Monitor Agent task.

                                                              To add additional contacts for email notification
                                                              1. From the application-level menu, choose View, Site Map, Contacts, and then All Contacts across Organizations.

                                                              2. Find a contact name and type an appropriate address in the Email field (for example, jdoe@yourcompany.com).

                                                              3. Click on the Contact record hyperlink, and then click the more/less button in the Contact form.

                                                              4. Click the Send Email Updates check box.

                                                                Enabling Component Groups and Policies for Email Notifications

                                                                To set up email notifications, you first enable the component groups and policies for email notifications.

                                                                This task is a step in Setting Up Service Request Entitlements.

                                                                To enable the component groups and policies for email notifications

                                                                1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Enterprises view, and complete the following steps:

                                                                  1. Navigate to the Component Groups view.

                                                                  2. In the Component Groups list, make sure the following component groups are enabled:

                                                                    • Communications Management

                                                                    • Workflow Management

                                                                  3. Stop and restart the Siebel Server.

                                                                    Siebel Workflow Manager now actively monitors the workflow policies that are online and performs the appropriate actions. Siebel Communication Manager, which interfaces with the SMTP mail server, executes the actual step for sending the email notification.

                                                                2. Navigate to the Administration - Business Process screen, then the Workflow Policy Group view, and complete the following steps:

                                                                  1. In the Policy Groups list, select the Self Service Group record.

                                                                  2. In the Policies list, verify the following information for each record:

                                                                    • The Activation field that is blank or contains a value that is not later than the date and time of testing.

                                                                    • The Expiration field that is blank or contains a date and time that has not already passed.

                                                                  Designating Customers for Email Notifications

                                                                  After you enable the component groups and policies, you designate the customers who receive email notifications.

                                                                  This task is a step in Setting Up Service Request Entitlements.

                                                                  To designate a customer for email notifications

                                                                  1. Navigate to the Contacts screen, then the Contacts List view.

                                                                  2. For the customer record, make sure the value in the Email field is the correct email address for the customer.

                                                                  3. Drill down on the Last Name field for the customer record.

                                                                  4. Navigate to the More Info view.

                                                                  5. Select the Send Email Updates check box in the form.

                                                                    Changing Parameters for Generate Triggers Component

                                                                    The Generate Triggers component creates triggers for the email notifications. You must change the parameters for this component.

                                                                    This task is a step in Setting Up Service Request Entitlements.

                                                                    To change the parameters the Generate Triggers component

                                                                    1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, Servers, and then the Components view.

                                                                    2. In the Components list, find and select the Generate Triggers component.

                                                                    3. Navigate to the Component Parameters view.

                                                                    4. In the Component Parameters list, change the EXEC parameter value to TRUE.

                                                                      Starting the Task for Generate Triggers Component

                                                                      After you change the parameters for the Generate Triggers component, you log into Server Manager and start the task for this component. Wait until this task is complete before changing the parameters for the Workflow Monitor Agent component.

                                                                      This task is a step in Setting Up Service Request Entitlements.

                                                                      To start the task for the Generate Triggers component

                                                                      1. From the command prompt, log in to Server Manager as follows:

                                                                        srvrmgr /e enterprise name /g gateway host name /u database user name /p db passwd
                                                                      2. Start the task for the Generate Triggers component by using the following command:

                                                                        srvrmgr> start task for comp GenTrig with Exec="TRUE", privuser="Tableowner_name", 


                                                                        • Tableowner_name is the database table owner name.

                                                                        • Table_password is the database table password.

                                                                        For more information, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.

                                                                      3. In Server Manager, type the following text:

                                                                        srvrmgr> list task for comp GenTrig

                                                                        Changing Parameters for Workflow Monitor Agent Component

                                                                        You must change the parameters for the Workflow Monitor Agent component.

                                                                        This task is a step in Setting Up Service Request Entitlements.

                                                                        To change the parameters for the Workflow Monitor Agent component

                                                                        1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, Servers, and then the Components view.

                                                                        2. In the Components list, find and select the Workflow Monitor Agent component.

                                                                        3. Navigate to the Component Parameters view.

                                                                        4. In the Component Parameters list, change the following parameter values:

                                                                          • Action interval to 1

                                                                          • Group Name to eService Group

                                                                          • Use Action Agent to FALSE

                                                                          Starting the Task for Workflow Monitor Agent Component

                                                                          After you change the parameters for the Workflow Monitor Agent component, you log into Server Manager and start the task for this component.

                                                                          If you want to designate additional email customers for email notifications after you complete all of the steps for setting up email notifications, then you do not have to start the task for the Generate Triggers component or the task for the Workflow Monitor Agent component. You can designate the customers. For more information, see Designating Customers for Email Notifications.

                                                                          This task is a step in Setting Up Service Request Entitlements.

                                                                          To start the task for the Workflow Monitor Agent component

                                                                          1. From the command prompt, log in to Server Manager as follows:

                                                                            srvrmgr /e enterprise name /g gateway server name /u database user name /p db passwd
                                                                          2. Start the task for the Workflow Monitor Agent component by using the following command for the DB2UDB database:

                                                                            srvrmgr> start task for comp WorkMon with tableownpass='db2'

                                                                            For Oracle, use tableownpass='table owner’s name'. For MS SQL, use tableownpass='MSSQL'.

                                                                          3. In Server Manager, type the following text:

                                                                            srvrmgr> list task for comp WorkMon
                                                                          4. Log out of Server Manager.

                                                                            Setting Up Asset Management

                                                                            Siebel Asset Management allows users to register their newly purchased products, access warranty information, and view product news and recommended product services.

                                                                            To set up asset management, perform the following tasks:

                                                                              Setting Up Warranties

                                                                              To include Product Warranties, you must first create warranties, and then associate those warranties with products. You may or may not choose to associate default warranties with products. To work with warranties you must be in the Siebel Call Center client.

                                                                                Creating Specific Warranties

                                                                                To create specific warranties, you:

                                                                                • Set up the warranty.

                                                                                • Associate the specific warranty with a user asset.

                                                                                For information about setting up warranties, see Siebel Field Service Guide.

                                                                                To associate specific warranties with user assets
                                                                                1. From the application-level menu, choose View, Site Map, Assets, and then All Assets Across Organizations.

                                                                                2. In the Assets list, select the user asset you would like to link to a warranty.

                                                                                  Note: You may need to query on the asset name or serial number.
                                                                                3. Click the Warranty view tab and Click New.

                                                                                4. In the Name field, click the select button.

                                                                                  The Pick Warranties dialog box appears.

                                                                                5. In the Pick Warranties dialog box, select a warranty and click OK.

                                                                                6. Enter or edit the Start Date and End Date field values if needed.

                                                                                Note: When you select a warranty, the Start Date and End Date fields will automatically populate if the warranty has a Start Date Type field value and the asset has a Purchase, Ship, Registered, or Install Date value.

                                                                                  Creating Default Warranties

                                                                                  To create a default warranty, you:

                                                                                  • Set up the default warranty

                                                                                  • Associate products with the default warranty

                                                                                  To set up a default warranty
                                                                                  1. From the application-level menu, choose View, Site Map, Service Administration, and then Warranties.

                                                                                    The Warranties screen appears.

                                                                                  2. In the Warranties list, click New.

                                                                                  3. Complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table.

                                                                                    Field Comments


                                                                                    Use this drop-down list to choose what you want to associate your product with. Choose Product to associate your warranty to a product.

                                                                                    Start Date Type

                                                                                    Use this drop-down list to set the time at which your product warranty will go into effect. Siebel Self Service will automatically associate a warranty to a product if the Start Date Type=Purchase Date. Selecting Purchase Date will make sure that your warranty will take effect on the date the product is purchased.

                                                                                    Duration (Days)

                                                                                    This is the number of days the warranty will be in effect.


                                                                                    This select button invokes a dialog box from which you may choose a warranty provider.

                                                                                  Once the following steps are completed, Siebel Self Service users will be able to view the default warranties associated with their newly registered products in their registered product detail view.

                                                                                  To associate products with a default warranty
                                                                                  1. From the application-level menu, choose View, Site Map, Service Administration, and then Warranties.

                                                                                  2. In the Warranties list, select your new default warranty.

                                                                                  3. Click the Products view tab and click New.

                                                                                    The Add Internal Products dialog box appears.

                                                                                  4. Select the product to be associated with the selected warranty and click OK.

                                                                                    The products are associated with the default warranty.

                                                                                    Note: To add more than one product, press CTRL while selecting the products in the Add Internal Products dialog box.

                                                                                    Setting Up Product News

                                                                                    To allow users to view news about their registered products:

                                                                                    • Publish product news

                                                                                    • Link product news to products

                                                                                    To publish product news

                                                                                    1. From the application-level menu, choose View, Site Map, Solution Administration, and then Solutions.

                                                                                      The Solutions list appears.

                                                                                    2. In the Solutions list, click New.

                                                                                    3. Complete the fields as needed. Some fields are described in the following table.

                                                                                      Field Comments


                                                                                      The value entered into this field will not be displayed to the user. This value is used only to facilitate administrative upkeep.


                                                                                      This field has a 2 KB text limit.


                                                                                      Select Product News from the drop-down list to classify the solution as a product news record.


                                                                                      Select the value which reflects the status of your record.

                                                                                      Publish Internal, Publish External

                                                                                      These two check boxes allow you to designate the record for viewing internally, (that is, within your organization), externally, (that is, publicly on your Siebel Self Service Web site), or both internally and externally.

                                                                                    When you link a Product News record to a product, customers who have registered the product can view the product news record in Siebel Self Service.

                                                                                    To associate product news with products

                                                                                    1. From the application-level menu, choose View, Site Map, Product Administration, and then Product Administration.

                                                                                      The Products list appears.

                                                                                    2. In the Products list, select the product to be linked with product news.

                                                                                    3. In the More Info view tab, select Product News from the Show drop-down list.

                                                                                    4. In the Product News list, click New.

                                                                                      The Pick Product News dialog box appears.

                                                                                    5. Select a product news record to link to the product and click OK.

                                                                                      Administering Customer Satisfaction Surveys

                                                                                      The Siebel Self Service Customer Satisfaction survey allows you to obtain customer feedback. The survey is a Web-based form linked to Web pages in which a customer has closed a service request. The customer can fill out the form, submit it, and your company can analyze the results.

                                                                                      You can modify the list of selectable responses for each survey question in the Siebel Call Center client. For instructions on how to configure control properties of the Customer Satisfaction Survey, see Setting Up Customer Satisfaction Surveys.

                                                                                      To administer a customer satisfaction survey

                                                                                      1. From the application-level menu, choose View, Site Map, Application Administration, and then List of Values.

                                                                                      2. Click Query.

                                                                                      3. Type CS_* in the Type field and click Go.

                                                                                        A list of customer satisfaction values appears.

                                                                                      4. Modify the existing values in the fields as needed. Some fields are described in the following table.

                                                                                        Field Comments

                                                                                        Displayed Value

                                                                                        The answer that will appear in the drop-down list of values.


                                                                                        The order in which the answer will appear in the drop-down list of values. Enter 1 if you want the value to appear first on the list, and so on.


                                                                                        This field must be checked for the record to be active.