Kitchen Display System (KDS)

Support Added for KDS Displays Running Oracle Linux for MICROS Operating System

The KDS Display application has been updated to build and run on devices running the Oracle Linux for MICROS operating system. You can install the Simphony KDS client on devices that have Oracle Linux for MICROS. The KDS Display client works the same as it does on a Microsoft Windows device, including bump bars and touch monitors.

See Known Issues for a list of currently unsupported functions and configurations for devices running Oracle Linux for MICROS.

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony KDS Configuration and User Guide for more information about the KDS Bump Bar and Toolbar Functions.

Enhancement to Send Grand Total to KDS Display

The option 9 - Display Subtotal in the Order Devices module has been enhanced to show the order grand total on the KDS display in Dynamic Order Mode (DOM). The Subtotal now equals the sum of the following:
  • Menu Item Sales Total

  • Discount

  • Tax

  • Auto Service Charge

  • Service Charge

  • Rounding Total

See the Oracle MICROS Simphony KDS Configuration and User Guide—specifically Configuring DOM for KDS—for more information.