List of Workstation PMC Reports

Authorized employees can run the following Property Management Console (PMC) reports when the workstation is in online mode:

Table 44-1 PMC Reports in Online Mode

Report Description

Financial Report

Provides financial reporting for a property, revenue center, or employee.

The Employee Financial Report is based on all sales-related entries, such as checks opened, menu items ordered, and the number and amount of service charges, discounts, and tenders applied. You can use this report to balance the server’s bank, and to track individual performance.

Employee Open Check Report

Provides a list of all open checks belonging to an employee at the time the report is taken. Checks appear in the following order: employee, property or revenue center, and event.

Employee Closed Check Report

Provides a list of all checks that have been closed by an employee, including reopened checks that were closed again and checks closed as memo checks. In addition, special symbols on the report indicate whether the check was transferred, re-opened, split, or added. Checks appear in the following order: employee, property or revenue center, and event.

Closed Check Report Codes contains more information on the status indicator codes for Closed Check Reports.

Employee Tip Report

Provides a list of tippable sales in the form of gross receipts from Food and Beverage, charge tips, service charges, tips paid, direct and indirect tip declaration, and percent of tips to sales.

Employee Labor Detail Report

Provides an account of work performed by each employee. The report includes the dates, times, and job rates of each clock-in and clock-out, the total hours of regular and overtime worked at each job code, and the gross pay earned.

Employee Labor Summary Report

Provides a summary of the regular and overtime hours worked by each employee at each of their assigned pay rates.

Cashier Financial Report

Provides financial information for each cashier, including tenders and tips paid.

Major Group Sales Report

Provides sales totals for each major group.

Family Group Sales Report

Provides sales totals for each family group.

Menu Item Summary Report

Provides a list of all menu items.

Menu Item Sales Report

Provides sales totals for each menu item.

Time Period Detail Report

Shows each time period as a full report, with a similar format to a system financial report (sales, check profiles, tracking group).

Time Period Summary Report

Lists each time period with sales information.

Serving Period Financial Report

Provides financial reporting by serving period.

Table Sales Report

Provides sales totals for each table.

Clock-in Status Report

Provides a list of employees who are currently clocked in or on a break.

Labor Availability Report

Provides a count of all employees clocked in or on break as of the time the report is taken.

Job Code Report

Summarizes all employee labor totals by job code.

Employee Autofire Open Check Report

Provides a list of all checks that are scheduled for autofire at the time the report is run. Checks appear by employee, property or revenue center, and event, and sorted by scheduled date and time.

Employee Journal Report

Provides a journal of all sales transactions by a specific employee shown in a check detail area.

Check Journal Report

Provides a journal of all sales transactions in a check detail area.

Tax Summary Report

Provides a list of tax rates.

Authorized employees can run the following Property Management Console (PMC) reports when the workstation is in offline mode:

Table 44-2 PMC Reports in Offline Mode

Report Description

Offline Revenue Center Financial Report

Offline Employee Financial Report

Provides financial reporting for a revenue center or employee.

The Employee Financial Report is based on all sales-related entries, such as checks opened, menu items ordered, and the number and amount of service charges, discounts, and tenders applied. You can use this report to balance the server’s bank, and to track individual performance.

Offline Cashier Financial Report

Provides financial information for each cashier, including tenders and tips paid.

Offline Employee Open Check Report

Provides a list of all open checks belonging to an employee at the time the report is taken. Checks appear in the following order: employee, revenue center, and event.

Unlike the online version of this report, the offline version functions only for a revenue center; it is not possible to take a report for the property.