Configuring Team Service Privileges

  1. Select the Enterprise, click Configuration, and then click Roles.
  2. Double-click the role type, click the Operations tab, and then click the Miscellaneous subtab.
  3. Select the appropriate privileges. The following table summarizes the privileges associated with Team Service and the recommended roles to have the privilege set:

    Table 32-8 Team Service Privileges

    Option Number Privilege Name Allows the Employee to ...


    Authorize/Create Team

    Create a team and add initial team members to it, and to authorize others to do so.


    Authorize/Add or Delete Team Member to a Team

    Add or delete members to an existing team, and to authorize others to do so.


    Authorize/Delete a Team

    Delete an existing team, and to authorize others to do so.



    Print a list of Teams

    Validate Employee Direct/Indirect Tips Declared Transaction

    Print a team list showing the name of the team and all assigned members, and to authorize others to do so.

    To actually print a team member list, you are also required to enable a revenue center level option. Access the EMC, select the Revenue Center where the team members were assigned, click the RVC Configuration tab, under the General Options section, enable option 7–Validate Employee Direct/Indirect Tips Declared Transaction, and then Save. Repeat this step for each revenue center as needed.


    Available as Team Service Team Member

    Appear in selection lists when assigning team member.

  4. Click Save.