Configuring Menu Item Classes

For information about configuring menu item classes for condiments and fixed price meals, see Creating Menu Item Classes for Condiment Groups.

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Configuration, and then click Menu Item Classes.
  2. Insert a new record, and then enter a name for the new menu item class.
  3. Double-click the new menu item class.
  4. On the General tab, configure the appropriate settings:

    Table 20-1 General Menu Item Class Fields

    Field Description

    Tax Class

    Select the tax class to apply to the menu item class. To leave the tax class blank, select 0 - None.

    Tax Rates and Tax Classes contains more information about tax classes.

    Main Level Popup

    Select the Main Level of the transaction that becomes active after ordering a menu item from the menu item class.

    Sub Level Popup

    Select the Sub Level of the transaction that becomes active after ordering a menu item from the menu item class.

    Privilege Group

    Select a Privilege Group number to restrict the use of menu items in the menu item class to employees who are linked to the same Privilege Group.

    To enable all employees to order items in the menu item class, select 0 (zero).

    Sales Itemizer

    Select the Sales Itemizer that is associated with this Menu Item Class.

    The Sales Itemizer is often used for interface (Property Management System) purposes, or to replace the Subtotal on printed guest checks and customer receipts. You can either see the Subtotal, or Food, Liquor, Beer, and Wine.

    Discount Itemizer

    Select the discount itemizer to determine which discounts can apply to specific menu items.

    Srv Chrg Itemizer

    Select the Service Charge Itemizer that is associated with this Menu item Class. The Service Charge Itemizer is used to determine which Service Charges can be applied to specific menu items. Note that the automatic service charge is unaffected by this setting; only Menu Item Class Option 12 - Add to Automatic Service Charge Itemizer affects the Automatic Service Charge posting.


    Enter the High Amount Lock Out (HALO) value for menu items in this Menu Item Class. This field represents the total dollar amount of the items that are being ordered, and it is often used for Open Priced menu items. For example, if this field is set to 50, the operator is prompted to confirm items in this class if they exceed 50.00. Note that the entered value must contain all zeroes except for the first digit. Valid values are: 2, 20, 200, 2000. Invalid values are 45, 450, 405.

    HALO is also often used for preset priced menu items to safeguard against erroneous entry. For example, the price of Coffee is $1.00. A workstation operator could post 1 Coffee, 5 Coffees or 10 Coffees if someone is getting coffee for their entire office. It is unlikely that someone would order 100 Coffees ($100). It is likely that someone ordering 10 Coffees inadvertently presses an extra 0 when entering the quantity.

    Pricing Calculation

    Select the calculation method to use for pricing menu items in the class.
    • To base the price on the amount entered, select 0 - Based on entered count

    • To base the price on the rounded up count, select 1 - Based on sales count when sales rounded up.

    Count Display

    Select the manner in which the amount appears for a decimal item on the workstation and printers.
    • 0 - Show entered amount

    • 1 - Show sales count amount with entered count as reference

      The count for an item can be entered as a decimal. There are two counts kept for an item; the entered amount, and the sales count. The sales count is always the entered amount if the entered amount is a whole number. If the entered amount is not a whole number then the sales count is the entered amount, only rounded up. For example, if a user enters 1.5, then the entered amount is 1.5 and the sales count is 2. This field determines whether the entered amount or the sales count appears on workstations and printers.

    Count Entry

    Select the manner in which workstation operators can enter the sales count of an item in the class.

    Print Group

    Enter the Print Group (1-99). The sorting mechanism uses this value for receipt printing, check detail, and order output devices. When the items are set to use groups for sorting, the items appear from lowest group number to highest.

    Print Class

    Select the print class for the menu item class.

    If the Condiment Prefix Type is set to anything except 0 - Not a Prefix, prefix condiments follow the same print class setting chosen for the condiment with which they are associated.

    KDS Highlight Scheme

    Select the KDS Highlight Scheme color to display menu items on the KDS.

    Condiment Prefix Type

    Select the prefix type associated with the condiment type.

    Next Page/Panel

    Select a Page or Panel that the order screen switches to after a menu item associated with this class is ordered.
    • Page: From the drop-down list, select the next screen to which the workstation user is directed.

    • Panel: If you select a tabbed template, this area specifies which tab to navigate to after pressing the button.

    To use the Next Page functionality in the Menu Item Classes module, Oracle recommends that you configure a Sales SLU screen in the Page Design module, and then select this newly created SLU page from the Page drop-down list and Save.

    Ensure that menu items are assigned the proper SLU from the Menu Item Definition record; this allows workstation operators to add the menu item from the SLU page.

    To enable a hard-coded menu item key to navigate to another page, configure the Next Page/Panel fields for the actual menu item key in the Page Design module.

    Maximum Refill Count

    Enter the maximum number of refills allowed (up to 99).

    Refill Descriptor

    Enter the optional label to identify refill items when printed on order chits (up to 12 characters).

    Service Charge Group

    Select the Service Charge Group to apply to this Menu Item Class. Select 0 - None for no service charge.

    Pre-Production Chit Print Class

    Select a Print Class to print pre-production chits to remote printers for the menu items assigned to this Menu Item Class. Remote pre-production chit printers are assigned in the Print Classes module.

    See Configuring Pre-Production Chits to Output to Remote Printers for more setup information.

  5. Click the Options tab, and then select the appropriate options.

    Table 20-2 Menu Item Class Options

    Option Description

    1 - ON = Open-Priced Menu Items; OFF = Preset Menu Items

    Select this option to require workstation operators to enter a price when adding a menu item in the class. Deselect this option if you are using preset prices.

    3 - Negative Priced Menu Items

    Select this option to have menu items in this class post a negative price. This option causes a minus sign (-) to appear before the price.

    4 - Increment Seat Number With Sale of these Menu Items

    Select this option to increase the seat number each time a workstation operator adds a menu item in the class. This feature is not available when seat filtering is active.

    5 - Reference Entry Required

    Select this option to require workstation operators to enter a reference entry when adding menu items in the class. The text that is entered outputs to order devices, checks, receipts, and journals.

    6 - Validation Required

    Select this option to print a validation chit at the validation printer designated in the Workstation module.

    7 - Item Discounts May Be Applied to these Menu Items

    Select this option to allow menu items in the class to be discounted with an item discount (manual discount only).

    8 - Allow Menu Items in this Class to be Non-Priced

    Select this option to allow menu items in the class to be non-priced. When selected, priced menu items in this class post a sales and count total when ordered, and appear on reports; non-priced items do not post a sales count and do not appear on reports.

    Priced menu items do not require an entry on the Menu Item Price form.

    10 - ON = Use Sub Level Pricing; OFF = Use Main Level Pricing

    Select this option to apply Sub Level pricing to menu items assigned to the menu item class.

    11 - Add to Guest Count

    Select this option to increase the guest count each time a workstation operator adds menu items that are assigned to the class. When this option is selected and the Guest Count field is set to 0, Simphony increments the guest count in the transaction by one.

    If a workstation operator uses the Number of Guests function key during a transaction, the guest count no longer increments when menu items in the class are added to the check.

    Revenue Center Parameters option 8 - Use Number of Seats for Guest Count overrides this option.

    12 - Add to Automatic Service Charge Itemizer

    Select this option to add sales of the menu items in this class to the Automatic Service Charge itemizer. Automatic service charges apply to all menu items associated with Menu Item Classes where this option is enabled.

    13 - Print Price on Order Chit

    Select this option to print the menu item price on order devices. This option is typically used with open-priced menu items. Order Devices option Wrap Condiments overrides this option.

    14 - Do Not Put in Transaction Detail

    Select this option to prevent zero-priced or non-priced menu items in the class from printing, appearing, or posting.

    17 - Print Name 1 and Name 2 on Checks

    Select this option to print the First Name and the Second Name (from the Menu Item's Definition record) of all menu items associated with the class on guest checks. For example, with wine menu items, the First Name shows the name of the wine, while the Second Name shows the Bin Number and the type of wine.

    18 - Print Name 2 on Order Output instead of Name 1

    Select this option to print the Second Name, if defined, of menu items associated with this class on order devices. If a Second Name is not defined, the First Name is used.

    Order Devices option 11 - Print Both Menu Item Names overrides this option.

    19 - Use Name 2 on Touchscreens instead of Name 1

    Select this option to show the Second Name, if defined, of menu items in this class on touchscreen keys. If a Second Name is not defined, the First Name is used. This applies to names shown on Menu Item and Condiment SLU’s, but not to Direct Access keys.

    24 - LDS Items (International LDS Only)

    Select this option if all menu items in this class can be ordered using an International Liquor Dispensing System (ILDS). Deselect if using a North American Dispensing System (NALDS).

    35 - Fixed Price Meal

    Select this option to indicate all menu items in the class are the priced (parent) portion of a fixed price meal.

    38 - Item is Shareable

    Select this option to allow menu items in the class to be shared between two or more seats, or two or more checks.

    39 - Retail Item

    Select this option to designate all menu items in this class as retail items. Retail items do not post to Gross Food and Beverage receipts.

    41 - Consolidate Menu Items with Condiments on Order Output

    Select this option to consolidate parent menu items on Order Device Output, and then to print each condiment with its seat number to which the condiment applies. (The Order Device option, Print Seat Numbers with Individual Items must be enabled). For example, if this option is enabled, and an operator orders Chicken Wings with condiments ‘Extra’ and ‘Sauce’ on Seat 1, and Chicken Wings with condiments ‘Without’ and ‘Bleu Cheese’ on Seat 2, then the Order Device Output shows the following:

    Seat 1,2: Chicken Wings

    S1 Extra

    S1 Sauce

    S2 Without

    S2 Bleu Cheese

    43 - Include in CRM/TMS Check Detail Status Update

    Select this option to indicate whether a menu item associated with this class is sent to TMS with the check detail status message.

    45 - Use KDS/Dining Course Number

    Select this option to use KDS/Dining Coursing with the menu item class.

    62 - Count Menu Item

    Select this option to allow the menu item count to appear on the KDS or at the bottom of the requisition chit from a local or remote printer. To use the Count menu item feature with a KDS, assign a KDS Chit Layout Style containing a menu item count element (for example, #301 - Chit-Std-DOM ). You must also select the Order Devices KDS option 11 - Display Menu Item Count for the order device.

    To be counted, you must send a menu item to at least one KDS Display.

    This feature informs the expediter or bagger of how many items go into the bag for carry-out or quick service orders.

    66 - Print Name 3 on Order Output instead of Name 1

    Select this option to print the menu item definition’s Third Name, if defined, on order devices for all menu items in this class. If a Third Name is not defined, the First Name is used.

    Menu Item Classes option 18 - Print Name 2 on Order Output instead of Name 1 and Order Devices option 11 - Print Both Menu Item Names overrides this option.

    68 - Print Name 3 on Checks

    Select this option to print the menu item definition’s Third Name, if defined, on guest checks for menu items in this class. 17 - Print Name 1 and Name 2 on Checks overrides this option.

    70 - Use Name 2 on OCB instead of Name 1

    Select this option to show the menu item definition's Second Name, if defined, on an Order Confirmation Board (OCB). If a Second Name is not defined, the First Name is used.

    74 - Prevent Menu Items from Being Held

    Select this option to prevent menu items belonging to this menu item class from being held.

    75 - KDS Sort Priority Above Normal

    See Prioritizing Menu Item Classes on KDS Displays in the Oracle Hospitality Simphony KDS Configuration and User Guide for more information.

    76 - Post Sales Count To KDS Reports

    Select this option to add the menu item count to the Menu Item Count totals on KDS reports.

    77 - Only allow condiments with an active price record

    Select this option to have condiment items with an active effectivity price record appear in SLUs. When the effectivity record is expired or has a future date, the condiments are not available in SLUs.

    You must also disable option 8 - Allow Menu Items in this Class to be Non-Priced.

    78 - Forgive Inclusive Tax

    Select this option to forgive the inclusive tax for the Menu Item Class.

    79 - Do not print unpriced condiments on Guest Checks

    Select this option to prevent unpriced condiments from printing on guest checks and customer receipts.

    Option 79 applies to the menu item condiments. For example, if there is no charge for lettuce on a sandwich, you can configure this condiment to not print. If there is a charge for avocado on a sandwich, you can configure this condiment to print.

    You must also select 65 - Support Enhanced Prefix Mode (Parent Only) for the main menu item (such as a hamburger or chicken sandwich) that can be modified with condiments. Using Condiment Prefixes with Menu Item Classes contains more information about option 65.

    80 - Override do not print unpriced condiments on Guest Checks

    Select this option to have condiments with the condiment prefix always print on guest checks and customer receipts.

    Option 80 is the override of option 79 for the unpriced condiments. If you are using condiment prefixes (for example, extra mayo), apply this option to the condiment prefix menu item class.

  6. Click Save.

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