Assigning a Logo to Guest Checks and Customer Receipts

  1. Select the Enterprise, property, revenue center, or zone, click Descriptors, and then click Guest Check Headers.
  2. Select a check box in the Use Logo column.

    If you select Use Logo for an existing record that has content in the Text column, that text no longer appears on printed guest checks and customer receipts.

  3. Click the ellipsis point (...) button in the Logo column, select the image you uploaded, and then click OK.
  4. Click Save.
  5. To assign the logo to customer receipts and guest check trailers, repeat these steps, selecting the Guest Check Trailers and Customer Receipt Headers modules in Step 1.

    You must also select 28 - Print Guest Check Trailer on Fast Transaction Customer Receipt for tender records from the Tender/Media options. If you do not set this option, trailers do not print on customer receipts when the tender is used to close a fast transaction.

  6. Click Save.