Global Alert (Rule) Definitions

Global alerts are rule-based alerts for reservations. Global alerts can be configured to appear in the application (in a pop-up or more subtly in a notification area) or generate directly to a printer somewhere in the property. You configure global alert definitions in the Administration Booking menu.

Unlike standard alerts manually added to reservations, global alerts are dynamic in nature, based on rules. The global alert generates only when a reservation meets the conditions set up for the alert rule; these conditions are based on attributes from either the reservation or the linked profile. You can set up global alerts to trigger in any of the following areas (events): at check in, at check out, at edit of in house reservations, and/or whenever the reservation is opened for update.

You also set up alert notifications to appear either on-screen or to print directly to an email-addressable printer. When configuring a printed alert, a customizable alert template is selected that defines the layout of the alert to be printed.

Global alert rules eliminate the need for users to manually add alerts to individual reservations for commonly required use-cases. Each Global Alert rule therefore consists of the following:
  • WHO: Reservation & Profile Filter Condition

  • WHAT: Alert Message

  • WHEN: Trigger event – Reservation Edit, Check in, In house or Check out

  • WHERE: Notification type – Screen or Printer

For example, you could configure a rule to display a message regarding long-term parking on-screen at check in when the Nights field is greater than or equal to 7. Or, you might configure a rule to print an alert to the printer in room service instructing staff to deliver a fruit basket at check-in when the reservation specials field contains codes for a fruit basket.

You must set up at least one Condition under which the global alert appears. The condition consists of an Attribute and an Operator that you select. You can edit, delete, or add multiple conditions.