
Preferences are saved on Guest profiles to inform staff of a guest’s preferences for a variety of preference groups.

A guest's smoking, floor, and room feature preferences are populated to respective search fields during an available room search and room assignment for a reservation. This ensures guests are assigned rooms that match their preferences.

You can use Key Options to designate special access to hotel areas, such as Pool, Executive Level, and Gym. These Key Options appear on the Guest profile and you can include them in the room key encoding for the guest.

The following are examples of other property-defined preference groups and preferences that you might configure:
  • A preference group for PILLOW could have preference codes for Feather, Hypoallergenic, Snoring, Memory Foam pillows, and so on.

  • A preference group for NEWSPAPER could have preference codes for Financial Times, Local News, Wall Street Journal, and other newspapers available for delivery.

  • A preference group for DIET could have preference codes for Vegan, Vegetarian, Paleo, Low Fat, Low Sodium, No Diary, and so on.