Summary by Check Number (Date) (14)

This folio style is useful if the property is working with a point-of-sale interface. The folio:

  • Summarizes all postings to the same check number on one line.

  • Prints Generates immediately following the transaction code from which they were generated.

  • If the transaction codes used are also configured for an arrangement code, then the arrangement code text of the transaction code with the lowest Transaction ID will be taken.

  • Lowest Transaction ID means the first posting made for that check number.

  • If the transaction codes used are not configured for an arrangement code, then the description of the transaction code with the lowest transaction ID will be taken.

Sort Order: Date, internal transaction number.

Display Order with Check Number:

  • Line 1- Date, internal transaction number (the lowest internal transaction number is shown on the folio), transaction description. (When splitting postings, new transactions are created which then would have a higher internal transaction number.)

  • Line 2 - Reference and supplement (as available).

Display Order without Check Number:

  • Line 1 - Date, transaction code, transaction description.

  • Line 2 - Reference and supplement (as available).