Checking Out with an Open Folio

Guests might want to check out but remain on the property or return to enjoy the restaurants and other amenities. In such cases, you can allow them to check out with an open folio, meaning they can check out with an outstanding balance and continue charging until making final settlement.

The property is responsible for monitoring reservations checked out with an open folio and for ensuring settlement.

Check outs with open folios will not halt End of Day processing even if they have an outstanding balance. Reservations with an open folio balance appear on the Guest Ledger.

To enable check out with an open folio, set the following application settings to Y:

  • Cashiering > Open Folio

  • Cashiering > Post Stay Charges

When the Open Folio function is active, you can determine the folio closing preferences when an open folio needs to be closed using the Open Folio Closing Preference application setting. Available values are:

  • Sameday (immediately closes open folios)

  • Unrestricted (allows you to keep open folios as long as you like)

  • 1DAY

  • 2DAYS

  • 3DAYS

  • 4DAYS

  • 5DAYS

  • 6DAYS

  • 7DAYS

  • 8DAYS

  • 9DAYS

  • 10DAYS

You can also use the Zero Balance Open Folio Close Days application setting to define a number of days to automatically close zero balance open folios during the night audit process.