Fixed Rates

The Fixed Rates feature allows manual changes to rates that would otherwise be set by rate codes. The Fixed Rate check box on the Reservations screen can be configured to be selected by default.

This feature may be used in several ways depending on the particulars of the guest's reservation.

For example, this feature may be used when you want to explicitly override the rate amount that is associated with the rate code attached to the reservation. If the rate amount is $200 for the rate code attached to the guest's reservation, you may enter a different rate, say $175, in the Rate field.  A check mark appears in the Fixed Rate check box. Updating the rate for a reservation prompts you with the question: "Rate for the reservation should be XXX. You are charging YYY. Do you want to update the rate to YYY?" Confirming this selection will change the rate for the reservation and OPERA automatically re-selects the Fixed Rate check box by default.

Another example: fixed rates can be used when you want to ensure that a rate amount stays the same for a guest, even if a change is made to the reservation that would otherwise result in a rate update. For instance, assume the original reservation was made for one person. By selecting Fixed Rate, you can ensure that the one-person rate amount is kept when you change the number of people to two, even if there is an additional charge for a second person under the selected rate code.

When you change the number of people, a message prompts whether you want to change the rate amount to the new rate specified by the rate code. Select No to keep the rate amount for one person. If you select Yes, the amount in the Rate field will change to the rate amount specified by the rate code.

This feature may be used to ensure that the rate amount stays the same when the guest is staying over a period that includes a rate change under the rate code attached to his reservation. For instance, assume the guest is staying six days, from November 15 through November 21. There is a rate increase from $250 to $300 on November 16 according to the rate code attached to the reservation. In this situation, you can fix the rate at $250 for the guest’s entire stay.