Linked Reservations

You typically link reservations when a guest needs to make reservations for a small number of associated guests who are staying at your property during the same, or nearly the same, period. For example, the linked reservation option might be used if a guest makes reservations for a family celebration or for a group of friends on holiday together. To link reservations, you create a single reservation for the total number of rooms needed by the group, then split the reservations by selecting the number of rooms in the Stay Details screen. This gives the option to split the multi-room reservation into separate reservations. The resulting separate reservations are identical to the starting reservation. However, you can edit each reservation as necessary. For example, you can change the guest name (by creating a new or selecting another profile) or modify the number of adults and children on each reservation. Each reservation is assigned its own confirmation number after the split.

The benefit of using linked reservations is you can easily create separate reservations for guests from the initial multi-room reservation, which serves as a template. In addition, you can quickly identify all members of the linked reservation by their party affiliation when searching for in-house guests. Searching by linked reservation is especially useful to telephone operators.