Auto Assigning Rooms and Checking In Multiple Reservations (Auto Assign and Check In)

If you want to check in multiple individual or block reservations and some of the selected reservations are without room assignments, you can use the Auto Assign and Check In option to auto assign room numbers and then mass check in all selected reservations in one process.

  1. From the Room Assignment screen, select the reservations to check in, and then click Auto Assign and Check In. If you want the search to show both the reservations with room numbers assigned and without room numbers assigned, first set the Rooms search filter as blank.

  2. In the Room Assignment panel, select the room status and room criteria to match, and then click Assign.

  3. In the Room Assignment Status screen, review the status, and then click OK. If any reservations fail room assignment, the reason is listed. You can revise the reservation and then retry the Mass Check In process.

  4. In the Mass Check In Options panel, select the room statuses to match, and then click Process.

  5. In the Mass Check In Status screen, review the status, and click OK.
    1. Select Print to print the status report.

    2. If any fail the mass check in, the reason is listed. You can sort the status results by selecting Failures First to group the failed items first in the list.

  6. (Optional) Create the room keys.

  7. (Optional) If your property uses registration cards, you can select the card template, select to preview/print, email, or fax, and then click Process.

After the reservations are mass checked in:

  • The reservation is checked in.

  • The expected time of arrival (ETA) for the reservation is updated with the checked in time.

  • The arrival date is changed to read-only and cannot be modified.

  • When checked in, deposits on the reservation are posted on the folio.

  • Checked In reservations cannot be reversed if financial transactions exist on the folio. Reservations with deposits are eligible to be reversed.

Reservations that failed mass check in:

  • Remain in arrival (Due In) status.

  • Revise the reservation and then retry the Mass Check In process.