Automatic Transmission Schedule (ATS)

This utility allows the external system to receive data in pre-definable, regular intervals. The AR EXPORT, BLOCK, INVENTORY, PROFILE DAILY STATS, and PROFILE REQUEST data modules are currently supported. At the time the next transmission kicks in, all data for the selected data module between the last transmission and this transmission is sent with this utility. This does not require OPERA business events, but it does require an OXI 2-way license code. When a message is sent it is identified as RTAV. You can set up multiple schedules that meet the business requirements of the site.
  1. From the OPERA Cloud Exchange menu, select Interface Setup and then select Automatic Transmission Schedule from the drop down list.
  2. The Property field has default property. You can select multiple properties by clicking the search icon.
  3. Click Search.
  4. On the search table, click Show/Hide Inactive to include or exclude configured schedules from the search results.
  5. Click New to configure an Automatic Transmission Schedule.
    1. On the Automatic Transmission Schedules screen, the Property and Interface is selected by default. Select a Module. Interface ID for which the automatic transmission schedule is set and the data module for which the automatic transmission schedule is set.
    2. Select the Inactive check box. The transmission does not take place if you select this check box.
    3. In the Recurrence Pattern panel, select the Frequency. Depending on your choice here, the setting When to Run displays different options.
      • If you select Interval, you must configure it in minutes.

      • If you select Daily. Schedule by the hour.

      • If it is week, schedule it by Days in the week and what Hour.

      • If it is Monthly, schedule it by 4th day of month and hour of the day in that month.

      • If it is Yearly, schedule it by month and the day and hour for that month.

    4. When to Run displays different options depending on what Frequency option was selected. Select the specific time from the When to Run fields when you want the automatic transmission to begin.
    5. Select the Range Days in advance for which automatic transmission shall occur. If the range is set to 30 days, OXI sends the data with start dates from current business date until 30 days in advance. Automatic Transmission has a message limitation. If the range of days exceeds 30 days, for example 60 days, then the transmission is 2 RTAV messages of 30 days each. If the range of days is 90, then the transmission is 3 RTAV messages of 30 days each, and so on.
    6. Select the Future Days. It allows for a range in the future to be returned. For example: If the business date is 06/29/19 and the Range is set for 2 days, then the Range is set from 06/29/19 to 06/30/192. If the Future field is updated to 30, then the begin date of the Range that was sent is 30 days from 06/29/19.
      The Start Date and End Date calculates the dates based on the Range Days and Future Dates. The start date is calculated based on property’s current business date and future days. End date is calculated based on start date and range days.
    7. Click Save.
  6. Click Edit to edit or modify the Automatic Transmission Schedule and click Save.
  7. Click Delete to delete the Automatic Transmission Schedule.