Adding Block Notes

Use this screen to add New notes, Delete existing notes, or Edit any special notes pertaining to this Business Block booking. Multiple notes can be edited and deleted depending on the User Permissions. Depending on notes being marked as internal or external they will be carried through to customer and internal documents like Banquet Event Orders or Customer Contracts.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Blocks, and select Manage Block.
  2. Search for and go to a block.
  3. In the Block Overview section, under Notifications, click Block Notes and then click New.
  4. Select Type, the type of note for block.
  5. Select the Internal check box. Mark this check box if this note is an internal note and should not appear on any reports or letters, and should not be sent to the interfaced property through OXI.


    The Internal check box is only available if the Note Type has been configured with the Internal and Override Internal check boxes selected. If the Internal check box is selected in configuration and the Override Internal check box is not selected, the Note will be marked as Internal and the check box will not be editable for update. The Internal check box will also be available and editable, if the note type has not been configured as internal.
  6. Enter Title, and then add Comment.
  7. Click Save or Save and Continue.