Searching for Events

The Manage Events search function provides a range of search options for finding Events by property, dates, event type, block, account or contact, and so on.

Search results give you an overview of key information about each event with columns showing the event ID, event name, the start date and time, the space reserved for the event, the number of attendees, and the status of the event. You can expand events for key details and links to additional information such as Event Details, Event Notes, Revenue Summary, and Master Event. Sort By lets you change the order of rows and remembers your last selection. You can sort search results and change Views to table or list view.

Search results provide a row level I Want To . . . menu for every event. The results also provide an I Want To . . . menu on the business card with different I Want To actions than the row level I Want To actions. The row level I Want To menu enables you to access functions more directly related to the selected event, such as Delete Event, Create Sub Event, Create Event Notes, Go To Reports, and so on. The block business card I Want To . . . menu provides links to a wider range of functions such as Create Posting Master, Create Event, View Stay Statistics, Reports, and so on.

If you search by block, the screen provides batch actions that can be performed such as Reports, Copy to Other Dates, and Delete. Search results provide block records with events attached. You can also select multiple events using the check boxes in the first column. The check boxes appear only when searching by block id.

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  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Events, and select Manage Events.
  2. Enter a Property name and any of the following additional search criteria:
    1. From Date / To Date — enter the date ranges of the Event.
    2. Status — enter the Event status, such as inquiry, tentative, definite, or so on.
    3. Event Type — enter a configured Event Type code.
    4. Space — when populated, this shows events scheduled for the selected space.
    5. Event ID — enter the system generated Event ID if known.
    6. Block ID — enter the system generated Block ID if known.
    7. Block Name — enter a block name to locate blocks with attached events.
    8. Contact — search Manage Profile and select the contact person’s name.
    9. Account — select a company, travel agent, or source.
    10. Include Sub Events — select the check box to include sub events in your search.
      This is available only when the function for Sub Events is active. Sub Events are events linked to a parent or master event. The master and sub event must be for the same date or overlapping dates (it can also start on the end date of the master if it is different from the start date). The event inherits details from the Master Event like start date, status, attendees, function space, setup style and rental code.
    11. Include Alternate Events — searches for alternate events.
    12. Include Inactive — searches for deleted events.
  3. Click Search.