Configuring the Registrar with an LST

Recall that LST editing is available via the Registrar configuration. This, in fact, defines the registrar as using the LST for registration authentication as opposed to an external resource, or accepting registrations without authentication.

  1. Access the Modify Registrar settings dialog.
  2. LST file—Specify the LST file for this registrar. Choose an existing LST file from the drop-down box.
    See the Troubleshooting and Maintenance chapter's System File Management section for explanations and instructions on how to upload a pre-built LST file to your Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker. This file would become available for selection from this drop-down box. You can store multiple LST files on your system, if desired. See the LST File Format section below to learn how to build an LST file.
  3. If no file exists on your system yet, you can create it here. Click the Manage LST button to display the Add local subscriber file dialog.
  4. filename—Enter a filename for your new LST XML file. If no path is given, the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker looks in the /code/lst directory. You may provide a complete path if the file is located elsewhere.
  5. Digest realm—Enter the name (realm ID) of the host realm initiating the authentication challenge. This value defines the protected space in which the digest authentication is performed. Valid value is an alpha-numeric character string.
  6. Encrypt file—Check this checkbox to cause the system to encrypt the file.
  7. Encryption secret—Click the Set button to display the Set Encryption secret dialog. Enter and then confirm the secret used in encryption and decryption of the passwords in the XML file. Once saved, this value is not echoed back to the screen in plaintext format.
  8. Click OK—This creates your LST file and allows you to add subscriber entries.
    The system displays the LST edit dialog.
  9. Click the Add button. The system displays the Add Local Subscriber Entry dialog.
    Enter Username, Password and AoR for this subscriber. See the section on Editing an LST File for explanations on these fields.
  10. Authentication method—Select LST from the drop-down selection box.
    The system displays the Digest realm and the LST hash secrect fields.
  11. Digest realm— Enter the name (realm ID) of the host realm initiating the authentication challenge. This value defines the protected space in which the digest authentication is performed. Valid value is an alpha-numeric character string.
  12. LST hash secret—Click the Set button to display the Set LST hash secret dialog. Enter and then confirm the secret used in encryption and decryption of the LST.
  13. Save and activate your changes when finished.