Editing an LST File

Recall that LST editing is available via the Registrar configuration. This, in fact defines the registrar as using the LST. Select the LST from the drop-down list and click the Manage LST button to display the Edit Local subscriber table dialog, from which you can add, change, copy and delete users from the LST.

Additional dialog controls include:

  • Verify— Parse the LST for format errors and report if the syntax/format is incorrect.
  • Save—Dismiss the dialog and save all changes.
  • Compare—Identify the changes made to this LST since the last save.
  • Change secret—Change the hash secret used to encrypt username, digest realm and password.
  • Close—Dismiss the dialog without saving changes.

Perform the following steps to add a user to the LST:

  1. Click the Add button. The system displays the Add Local Subscriber Entry dialog.
  2. username— Enter a username for this subscriber. Optional configuration includes, password, universal number and AoR.
    The value given in the username attribute must be the same as the username that will be sent in the Authorization Header in the Request message from the users. Refer to RFC 2617 Http Authentication for details.
  3. Password—Enter the password associated with the username of the client. This is required for all LOGIN attempts. The password displays while typing but is not saved in clear-text (i.e., *****). Valid value is an alphanumeric character string.
  4. Aor—The Address of Record attribute is optional to specify the address of record for the subscriber if it is different than the username.
  5. Universal number—The user's number in a format compatible for use within the routing table.
  6. Repeat the subscriber add process for as many subscribers as intended.
  7. Save and activate your changes when finished.