Widgets Tab

The Widgets Tab provides a place where you can select and view graphical displays of data and statistics about the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker (Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker) in the form of a widget. Most widgets correspond to an equivalent ACLI show command. A widget can display a list, a table, a graph, or text depending on the type of data and the purpose of the display.

The Widgets tab displays a categorical list of widgets in the left-hand navigation pane, and an alphabetical list of widgets in the All Widgets pane. The All Widgets list specifies the corresponding ACLI show command, where applicable, and provides a description of the data provided. You can populate the Favorite Widgets list with the widgets that you use the most often.

This screen capture shows how the GUI displays navigation to the widgets by way of either the categorical list or the alphabetical list.

Some widgets display static information, while others display actionable information. For example, the IP Connections widget displays a static list of internet connections, and the Licenses widget displays a list of licenses along with controls to Add and Delete licenses. Some widgets immediately display any available information when you click the name of the widget, for example, Configuration Inventory. Other widgets require you specify a few settings before displaying information, for example, Agent Individual. Most widgets allow you to set the Auto Refresh Interval.

When you click a widget, the system displays the widget in full-screen mode with the following controls located on the top, right-hand side of the title bar. The following table lists the widget controls and describes their purpose.
Tool Description
This screen capture shows the Refresh button.
Refresh—Update the displayed data.
This screen capture shows the Settings button.
Settings—Set the display settings per widget. Settings vary per widget, and can include:
  • Parameters
  • Auto refresh interval
  • Table name
  • Exclude processes
This screen capture shows the Export button.
Export—Export the displayed data to a .csv file. The data in the .csv file displays in table format.
This screen capture shows the Add button.
Add—Add the widget to the Dashboard on the Home page.
This screen capture shows the Add to Favorites button.
Add to Favorites—Add the widget to the Favorite Widgets list.
This screen capture shows the Help button.
Help—Displays a short description of the current widget.

License Widget

This release includes a widget that allows users to add, remove and view licenses. The Widget tab's System list includes this new License Table widget. When opened, this widget displays a list box showing each license's:

  • License Name
  • Session Count
  • Install Date
  • Begin Date
  • Expire Date

Table controls include standard Add and Delete links. When the user clicks the Add link, the system displays The Add License dialog, from which the user can enter a license name and key. The Delete link allows the user to delete the selected license after command confirmation.

Displaying and Clearing Alarms

The Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker provides a widget that allows the user to see all current alarms that the system has triggered.

  1. Click the Widgets tab.
    The Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker displays the widget navigation panel to the left of the associated controls.
  2. Find and click the Alarms widget group in the System widget category.
    The Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker displays the Alarms widget display types, including the link to the Table display.
  3. Click the Table link.
    The Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker displays the Alarms table.
  4. To clear alarms, click either the Clear or Clear All links in the Alarms table's control bar.
    The clear link clears the selected alarm. The Clear All link clears them all.

Displaying Users

The Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker provides a widget that allows the user to see a list of other users currently logged into the system.

  1. Click the Widgets tab.
    The Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker displays the widget navigation panel to the left of the associated controls.
  2. Find and click the User Management widget group in the System widget category.
    The Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker displays the Show users widget display types, including the link to the Table display.
  3. Click the Table link.
    The Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker displays the Show users table.

    Controls also include a button that allows the current user, assuming that user has administrator privileges, to disconnect another currently connected user.

Command Line Interface (CLI) Widgets

Like many devices, the Oracle Enterprise Communications Broker (OECB) includes an underlying management interface called the Command Line Interface (CLI). Support technicians use the CLI to display detailed information about the system in text format. Oracle makes this information available from the graphical user interface (GUI) with CLI Widgets, available from the OECB widget tab. These widgets can provide useful troubleshooting information, as well as insight into system operation.

The CLI portal is available from the OECB Widgets tab. Click Command, CLI, CLI portal. When you click the CLI portal link, the OECB displays the Command line portal. The portal includes Settings and a Results panel.

CLI portal settings include:

The portal includes an OK and a Cancel button. When you click OK, the system adds a CLI command output window into the Results panel below the Settings. Each CLI widget provides standard widget controls on its menu bar, including a button to make the widget visible on the dashboard.

The system produces two types of CLI widgets, depending on the command invoked:

  • Text Display—The system displays the output of the command in an all-text format.
  • Tabular Display—The system displays the output of these commands in a table.

You can run additional CLI commands after the first one. The CLI portal stacks widgets in the Results panel, minimizing previous widgets below the new widget sequentially. By maximizing widgets, you can scroll through the Results panel, effectively monitoring multiple command output information simultaneously.

The portal includes a Remove All button that allows you clear all widgets from the portal at the same time.

For command and output descriptions, see the CLI Portal Reference Appendix in this document.