Configuring Import/Export

The Import/Export allows you to import/export data in CSV format for a particular list type (Blacklist/Ratelimit/Redirect).


You can only import/export files in .csv format. Maximum file size allowed is 10 MBytes.

From this screen, you can:

  • Number Prefix: You can enter prefixes of the phone numbers to save the data for exporting and importing. The Blacklist information is in the international format without a leading + or leading zeros.

    If you use a different numbering scheme in your network, provide the prefix to prepend to the international numbers or a regular expression to transform the numbers.

  • Import: Import either Blacklist, Ratelimit, or Redirect lists. You can select the required option from the drop-down list and Select file from your system and click Upload for importing the file.

  • Export: Export either Blacklist, Ratelimit, or Redirect lists. You can select the required option from the drop-down list and click Export for exporting the file.