Using the Apps API Examples

The following app searches the Operations Monitor database for calls which have a given Call-ID header and have been set up between two given points in time:

from libpalladion.scripting.Model import Call, Leg
def run(facade, args):
    # Get input parameters
    start_ts = args.get("start_ts")
    end_ts = args.get("end_ts")
    callid = args.get("callid")
    callid = callid.strip()
    for call in facade.getCalls(
          filter=[Call.setup_start_ts >= start_ts, Call.setup_start_ts <= end_ts]
        # search for the specific callid in all the call legs
        # the callid of each call leg might be different
        for leg in call.getLegs():
             if leg.callid == callid:

This app has to be packaged with an app specification file, which should specify the type of the result table (calls in this case), and the names and types of the parameters callid, start_ts, and end_ts. The following specification file achieves this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<script xmlns=""
   name="Call-Id Search"
   description="This script will find all the calls with a given Call-ID value"
     <param name="start_ts" label="Started after" type="datetime" required="yes"/>
     <param name="end_ts" label="Started before" type="datetime" required="yes"/>
     <param name="callid" label="Call-Id" type="string" required="yes"/>

Note, that the parameters specified as datetime are passed as the standard Python datetime type. If the result-type of an app is specified as calls, it has a result table with one integer column, ID. When displaying the results table of such an app in the user interface, a join with the calls table is performed. In the example above, the call to facade.addResult has to be surrounded by try ... except because there can be multiple libpalladion.scripting.Leg objects, with the same ID attribute. This is because a call can have multiple legs. Adding the same ID twice to the calls result table results in a duplicate key error.

In the next example we look at an app that requires a custom result table. We will see how this custom result table can be specified in the app specification file. The app calculates a statistics of which user agents use which codecs how often. Again the source data for the app is restricted to calls that were set up between two given points in time.

from libpalladion.scripting.Model import Call
def run(facade, args):
    start_ts = args.get("start_ts")
    end_ts = args.get("end_ts")
    stats = {}
    filter = [Call.setup_start_ts > start_ts, Call.setup_start_ts <= end_ts]
    for call in facade.getCalls(filter=filter):
        ua = call.src_ua
        if ua is not None:
            codecs = call.src_codecs
            if (ua, codecs) not in stats:
                stats[(ua, codecs)] = 0
            stats[(ua, codecs)] += 1
    for ((ua, codecs), count) in stats.items():
         facade.addResult({'ua': ua, 'codecs': codecs, 'count': count})

The facade.addResult call on the last line makes the assumption that the result table has the columns ua, codecs, and count. So this schema has to be specified in the script specification file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<script xmlns=""
    name="Statistics of which user agent uses which codecs"
    description="This app calculates a statistic of which user agents use which codecs"
        <param name="start_ts" label="Start time" type="datetime" required="yes"/>
        <param name="end_ts" label="End time" type="datetime" required="yes"/>
        <column name="ua" type="VARCHAR(255)" null="false"/>
        <column name="codecs" type="VARCHAR(255)" null="false"/>
        <column name="count" type="INT(11)" null="false" default="1"/>
        <primary-key columns="ua codecs"/>


When creating your own applications, or using third-party applications, test your scripts in a test environment to ensure they are safe before uploading them to your production environment. Applications approved by Oracle are safe to use in your environments. However, non-approved applications could cause security and performance issues. Oracle is not responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred from using your own applications, or third-party applications.