Editing cghealth Daemon Configuration File

You can edit cghealth daemon using command line interface. To edit cghealth daemon:

To edit cghealth daemon:

  1. Login to a system that has Operations Monitor installed as admin (root user).

  2. Open Command Line Interface.


    The current default values are stored in file, /opt/oracle/ocsm/etc/iptego/cghealth.conf. Read this file first to know the current limits, but do not change the values there. Instead, you can set the values by creating a new file, /opt/oracle/ocsm/etc/iptego/cghealth.conf.local. When you are adding new values in cghealth.conf.local, you should also add the proper [section] for it, by copying it from the default file, cghealth.conf.

  3. Run the following command to edit specific values:

    vi /opt/oracle/ocsm/etc/iptego/cghealth.conf.local

    As a result of the command input, you can set the memory consumption of the services.For example,

    pld-vsi = 40%
  4. To restart the service, run the following command:

    systemctl restart pld-cghealth.service