21 アプリケーション・バイナリおよびデータベース・バイナリの移行

Oracle Identity Governanceのアプリケーション・バイナリとデータベース・バイナリを移行元ホストから移行先ホストに移動できます。

21.1 既存データベースを含む新規ホストへのアプリケーション・バイナリの移行


21.1.1 アプリケーション・バイナリ・ファイルの移動


  1. 移行元ホストであるHOST1で次のステップを実行します:

    1. データベースおよびORACLE_HOMEディレクトリのコールド・バックアップを作成します。

    2. ディレクトリを任意の場所に作成します(/temporary_location/t2p/copyBinary_xboなど)。


    3. /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/bin/に移動します。

    4. 次のいずれかの方法でcopyBinaryコマンドを実行します:

      ./copyBinary.sh -javaHome
            /temporary_location/t2p/jdk1.8.0_131 -archiveLoc
            /temporary_location/t2p/copyBinary_xbo/copyBinary_source.jar  -sourceOracleHomeLoc


      ./copyBinary.sh -javaHome
            /temporary_location/t2p/jdk1.8.0_131 -archiveLoc
            /temporary_location/t2p/copyBinary_xbo/copyBinary_source.jar  -sourceOracleHomeLoc
            /temporary_location/t2p/MW -invPtrLoc
            /temporary_location/t2p/oraInventory/oraInst.loc -logDirLoc
            /temporary_location/t2p/MW/clone_log/ -ignoreDiskWarning true


      Launcher log file is
            /temporary_location/OraInstall2018-05-03_04-12-08AM/launcher2018-05-03_04-12-08AM.log.Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB. Actual 15455 MB
            PassedChecking if this platform requires a 64-bit
            JVM. Actual 64 Passed (64-bit not required)Parsing arguments for clone archive creationInitializing variables for clone archiveRequired
            space for archive: 5325145157 bytesAvailable
            space: 25149345792 bytesThe archive will be
            located in /temporary_location/t2p/copyBinary_xbo/copyBinary_source.jarGetting files installed by OUIProcessing directory ouiProcessing directory soaProcessing directory
            coherenceProcessing directory
            .patch_storageProcessing directory
            emProcessing directory
            inventoryProcessing directory
            oracle_commonProcessing directory
            idmProcessing directory
            wlserverProcessing directory
            jdeveloperProcessing directory
            mftProcessing directory oepProcessing directory OPatchProcessing directory osbGetting include directoriesGenerating
            manifestGenerating permissions
            fileAdding main class to jarArchive created successfully at
            /temporary_location/t2p/copyBinary_xbo/copyBinary_source.jarLogs successfully copied to
            /temporary_location/t2p/app/oraInventory/logs.Logs details :"
            " Netrw Directory Listing(netrw v134)" /temporary_location/t2p/app/oraInventory/logs" Sorted by name"
            Sort sequence:
            [\/]$,\.h$,\.c$,\.cpp$,*,\.o$,\.obj$,\.info$,\.swp$,\.bak$,\~$" Quick Help: <F1>:help -:go up dir D:delete R:rename s:sort-by


    5. 次を検証します:

      • copyBinary_source.jarファイルが、/temporary_location/t2p/copyBinary_xbo/ディレクトリに作成されています。

      • すべてのサーバー(WebLogic、SOAおよびOIG)が停止状態であることを確認します。

    6. user_project.zipファイルを作成します。そのように行うには:

      1. MW_HOMEに移動します。

      2. 次のコマンドを実行します。

        zip –r user_project.zip user_project
      3. user_project.zipを移行先ホスト(HOST2)にコピーします。

  2. HOST2で次のステップを実行します:
    1. copyBinary_source.jarファイルをHOST2上の任意の場所にコピーします(/temporary_location/t2p/copyBinary_source.jarなど)。

    2. pasteBinary.jarファイルをHOST2上の任意の場所にコピーします(/temporary_location/t2p/pasteBinary.jarなど)。

    3. oraInst.locファイルをHOST1からHOST2にコピーします。

      HOST1上の場所の例: /temporary_location/t2p/oraInventory/oraInst.loc

      HOST2上の場所の例: /temporary_location/t2p/oraInventory/oraInst.loc

    4. HOST2にJDKをコピーします。


    5. 次に示すように、./pasteBinary.shコマンドを実行します:

      /temporary_location/t2p/jdk1.8.0_131/bin/java  -jar
            /temporary_location/t2p/copyBinary_source1.jar  -targetOracleHomeLoc
            /temporary_location/t2p/MW -invPtrLoc
            /temporary_location/t2p/oraInventory/oraInst.loc -javaHome




      Setup successful
      Save inventory pending
      Saving inventory
      Saving inventory complete
      Configuration complete
      Starting permissions check
      Finished permissions check
      Archive applied successfully at /temporary_location/t2p/MW
      Logs successfully copied to /temporary_location2/app/oraInventory/logs.
    6. 次を検証します:

      • Middlewareディレクトリに、IDM、SOAおよびWLSERVERのフォルダ(DOMAIN_HOME以外)が作成されています。
      • pasteBinary.shまたはcopyBinary.shの実行により、DOMAIN_HOMEの作成以外のすべての処理が実行されています。
    7. user_project.zipファイルをHOST2の/temporary_location/t2p/MW/ディレクトリにコピーして解凍します。解凍すると、user_projectsフォルダがMW (Middleware)フォルダ内に配置されます。

    8. /temporary_location/t2p/などの場所に、次の内容のtext.txtファイルを作成します:

      #pattern source_host_name=target_host_name


    9. HOST2でウォレットを構成します。これを行うには、/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/common/bin/に移動し、次のコマンドを実行します:

      ./configWallet.sh -walletDir /temporary_location/t2p/myWalletDir weblogic
      Must enter password.
      Confirm weblogic:


    10. installationpath/idm/plugins/t2p/ディレクトリで、am_t2p_registration.xmlファイルを削除します。

    11. MIDDLEWARE_HOMEに移動し、次の環境変数を設定します:

      <MiddleWare_HOME > Setenv
            CHGHOST_JAVA_OPTIONS "-Dchghost.ignore.validation.port=true
    12. –logPriorityの値をFINEに設定して、コマンドラインでのデバッグを有効にします。これを行うには、次を含むようにT2P_JAVA_OPTIONS変数を設定します:

    13. MW_HOME/oracle_common/bin/に移動し、次のコマンドを実行します:

      ./chghost.sh -chgHostInputFile /temporary_location/t2p/text.txt -javaHome /temporary_location/t2p/jdk1.8.0_131 -domainLoc /temporary_location/t2p/MW/user_projects/domains/domain_name -domainAdminUserName weblogic -walletDir /temporary_location/t2p/myWalletDir -logPriority FINE -logDir /temporary_location/t2p/logs


      /temporary_location/t2p/jdk1.8.0_131/jre/bin/java -Xms4g -Xmx8g -DignoreErrors=true -Dweblogic.security.SSL.ignoreHostnameVerification=true -Dchghost.ignore.validation.port=true -Dchghost.temporary.port.range=14000-14100 -cp /temporary_location/t2p/MW/wlserver/server/lib/weblogic.jar:/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/modules/oracle.pki/oraclepki.jar:/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/jlib/cloningclient.jar:/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/jlib/chghost.jar:/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/modules/oracle.ldap/ojmisc.jar:/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/modules/features/cieCfg_cam_lib.jar oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.Chghost -chgHostInputFile /temporary_location/t2p/text.txt -domainLoc /temporary_location/t2p/MW/user_projects/domains/domain_name -domainAdminUserName weblogic -walletDir /temporary_location/t2p/myWalletDir -logPriority FINE -logDir /temporary_location/t2p/logs


      May 07, 2018 7:41:58 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.util.DomainUtil isDomainHomeValid
      INFO: DomainHome found from domain home /temporary_location/t2p/MW/user_projects/domains/domain_name is /temporary_location/t2p/MW/user_projects/domains/domain_name
      May 07, 2018 7:42:00 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.util.DomainUtil isDomainHomeValid
      INFO: [CHGHOST-21001-INFO] Domain home "/temporary_location/t2p/MW/user_projects/domains/domain_name" is configured using Oracle Home "/temporary_location/t2p/MW".
      May 07, 2018 7:42:00 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.util.DomainUtil isDomainHomeValid
      INFO: [CHGHOST-23033-INFO] Domain home "/temporary_location/t2p/MW/user_projects/domains/domain_name" is configured using java home "/temporary_location/t2p/jdk1.8.0_131".
      May 07, 2018 7:42:00 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.Chghost initializeDomainProps
      INFO: Domain home /temporary_location/t2p/MW/user_projects/domains/domain_name is associated with Oracle home /temporary_location/t2p/MW
      May 07, 2018 7:42:00 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.execute.ChangeHostExecute execute
      INFO: Gathering more information from domain ...
      May 07, 2018 7:42:00 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.util.DomainUtil isStandAloneAttributeSet
      INFO: In domain home /temporary_location/t2p/MW/user_projects/domains/domain_name , value of cam-environment attribute is : appserver
      May 07, 2018 7:42:00 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.util.DomainUtil isWebLogicManagedDomain
      INFO: Domain home /temporary_location/t2p/MW/user_projects/domains/domain_name is a WebLogic managed domain.
      May 07, 2018 7:42:00 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.util.DomainUtil isStandAloneAttributeSet
      INFO: In domain home /temporary_location/t2p/MW/user_projects/domains/domain_name , value of cam-environment attribute is : appserver
      May 07, 2018 7:42:00 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.util.DomainUtil isWebLogicManagedDomain
      INFO: Domain home /temporary_location/t2p/MW/user_projects/domains/domain_name is a WebLogic managed domain.
      May 07, 2018 7:42:44 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.process.helper.PluginExecutionHelper updateChgHostConfigWithAdminHostAndPort
      INFO: Found AdminServerName : AdminServer
      May 07, 2018 7:42:44 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.process.helper.PluginExecutionHelper updateChgHostConfigWithAdminHostAndPort
      INFO: Trying to find out admin server host and port by reading its properties .
      May 07, 2018 7:43:06 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.process.helper.PluginExecutionHelper updateChgHostConfigWithAdminHostAndPort
      INFO: Admin server host is :localhost . So setting its value to default value : localhost
      May 07, 2018 7:43:06 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.process.helper.PluginExecutionHelper updateChgHostConfigWithAdminHostAndPort
      INFO: Admin server host and port are : localhost , 7001
      May 07, 2018 7:43:06 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.execute.ChangeHostExecute validateServerHost
      INFO: Performing server host validation ...
      May 07, 2018 7:43:06 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.execute.ChangeHostExecute validateServerHost
      INFO: [CHGHOST-23043-INFO] Validating server hosts {host.example.com=host.example.com}
      May 07, 2018 7:43:06 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.util.HostNameUtil validateHostName
      INFO: [CHGHOST-23042-INFO] Server host validation successful for host.example.com
      May 07, 2018 7:43:06 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.execute.ChangeHostExecute validateServerPort
      INFO: Performing server port validation ...
      May 07, 2018 7:43:06 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.input.ChghostInputValidation isValidServerPorts
      INFO: Trying to find out servers host and port from domain /temporary_location/t2p/MW/user_projects/domains/domain_name
      May 07, 2018 7:43:27 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.input.ChghostInputValidation isValidServerPorts
      INFO: Entry in server_details_properties : server_name = oim_servername server_host = All Local Addresses server_port = 14000 ssl_port = None
      May 07, 2018 7:43:27 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.input.ChghostInputValidation isValidServerPorts
      INFO: Entry in server_details_properties : server_name = AdminServer server_host = All Local Addresses server_port = 7001 ssl_port = None
      May 07, 2018 7:43:27 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.input.ChghostInputValidation isValidServerPorts
      INFO: Entry in server_details_properties : server_name = soa_servername server_host = All Local Addresses server_port = 7003 ssl_port = None
      May 07, 2018 7:43:27 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.input.ChghostInputValidation isValidServerPorts
      INFO: Checking if ports are unique across all server or not ...
      May 07, 2018 7:43:27 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.input.ChghostInputValidation isValidServerPorts
      INFO: No duplicate port found across servers.
      May 07, 2018 7:43:28 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.input.ChghostInputValidation isValidServerPorts
      INFO: Port : 7001 is free to bind with localhost.
      May 07, 2018 7:43:28 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.input.ChghostInputValidation isValidServerPorts
      INFO: Port : 7003 is free to bind with localhost.
      May 07, 2018 7:43:28 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.input.ChghostInputValidation isValidServerPorts
      INFO: Port : 14000 is free to bind with localhost.
      May 07, 2018 7:43:28 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.execute.ChangeHostExecute backupConfigDir
      INFO: Taking backup of config directory /temporary_location/t2p/MW/user_projects/domains/domain_name/config of size 4 MB , at /temporary_location/CHGHOST275881279/config_dir_backup_bf_any_update_-706830822.jar
      May 07, 2018 7:43:28 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.execute.ChangeHostExecute updateHost
      INFO: Updating domain present in admin server host with new host(s) information using standard wlst command in offline mode ...
      May 07, 2018 7:44:23 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.execute.ChangeHostExecute execute
      INFO: Update of domain with new host(s) information using standard wlst command is successful.
      May 07, 2018 7:44:23 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.execute.ChangeHostExecute backupConfigDir
      INFO: Taking backup of config directory /temporary_location/t2p/MW/user_projects/domains/domain_name/config of size 4 MB , at /temporary_location/CHGHOST275881279/config_dir_backup_af_any_update_-522610278.jar
      May 07, 2018 7:44:23 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.execute.ChangeHostExecute execute
      INFO: Updating domain with new host(s) information using chghost and T2P plugins ...
      May 07, 2018 7:44:23 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.process.PluginExecution executeAllPlugins
      INFO: Gathering more information from domain ...
      May 07, 2018 7:44:23 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.util.DomainUtil isStandAloneAttributeSet
      INFO: In domain home /temporary_location/t2p/MW/user_projects/domains/domain_name , value of cam-environment attribute is : appserver
      May 07, 2018 7:44:23 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.util.DomainUtil isWebLogicManagedDomain
      INFO: Domain home /temporary_location/t2p/MW/user_projects/domains/domain_name is a WebLogic managed domain.
      May 07, 2018 7:44:23 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.util.DomainUtil isStandAloneAttributeSet
      INFO: In domain home /temporary_location/t2p/MW/user_projects/domains/domain_name , value of cam-environment attribute is : appserver
      May 07, 2018 7:44:23 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.util.DomainUtil isWebLogicManagedDomain
      INFO: Domain home /temporary_location/t2p/MW/user_projects/domains/domain_name is a WebLogic managed domain.
      May 07, 2018 7:44:45 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.process.helper.PluginExecutionHelper updateChgHostConfigWithAdminHostAndPort
      INFO: Found AdminServerName : AdminServer
      May 07, 2018 7:44:45 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.process.helper.PluginExecutionHelper updateChgHostConfigWithAdminHostAndPort
      INFO: Trying to find out admin server host and port by reading its properties .
      May 07, 2018 7:45:07 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.process.helper.PluginExecutionHelper updateChgHostConfigWithAdminHostAndPort
      INFO: Admin server host is :localhost . So setting its value to default value : localhost
      May 07, 2018 7:45:07 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.process.helper.PluginExecutionHelper updateChgHostConfigWithAdminHostAndPort
      INFO: Admin server host and port are : localhost , 7001
      May 07, 2018 7:45:07 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.process.helper.PluginExecutionHelper getT2PPlugins
      INFO: Finding T2P plugins from Oracle home /temporary_location/t2p/MW
      May 07, 2018 7:45:07 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.factory.PluginInfoFactory getPluginInfoObject
      INFO: list of pluginFiles : [/temporary_location/t2p/MW/soa/plugins/t2p/soa_t2p_registration.xml, /temporary_location/t2p/MW/soa/plugins/t2p/BAM_t2p_registration.xml]
      May 07, 2018 7:45:07 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.factory.PluginInfoFactory getPluginInfoObject
      INFO: list of pluginFiles : [/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/t2p/ess_t2p_registration.xml, /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/t2p/ums_t2p_registration.xml, /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/t2p/opss_t2p_registration.xml, /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/t2p/libovd_t2p_registration.xml, /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/t2p/wsm_t2p_registration.xml, /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/t2p/adf_t2p_registration.xml]
      May 07, 2018 7:45:07 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.process.helper.PluginExecutionHelper getChgHostPlugins
      INFO: Finding chghost plugins from Oracle home /temporary_location/t2p/MW
      May 07, 2018 7:45:07 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.factory.PluginInfoFactory getPluginInfoObject
      INFO: list of pluginFiles : [/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/chghost/libovd_chghost_metadata.xml, /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/chghost/opss_chghost_metadata.xml]
      May 07, 2018 7:45:07 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.filter.PluginFilter filterT2PPluginBasedOnChgHostPlugin
      INFO: Removing T2P plugin /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/t2p/libovd_t2p_registration.xml from execution list as corresponding chghost metadata file exist.
      May 07, 2018 7:45:07 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.filter.PluginFilter filterT2PPluginBasedOnChgHostPlugin
      INFO: Removing T2P plugin /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/t2p/opss_t2p_registration.xml from execution list as corresponding chghost metadata file exist.
      May 07, 2018 7:45:07 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.process.PluginExecution executeAllPlugins
      INFO: Executing chghost plugins ...
      May 07, 2018 7:45:07 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.chghost.ChghostMetadataPluginExecutorImpl executePlugin
      INFO: Invoking file fixing for chghost metadata registration file /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/chghost/libovd_chghost_metadata.xml
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.chghost.ChghostMetadataPluginExecutorImpl executePlugin
      INFO: Status of Invoking file fixing forchghost metadata registration file /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/chghost/libovd_chghost_metadata.xml is true
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.chghost.ChghostMetadataPluginExecutorImpl executePlugin
      INFO: Invoking file fixing for chghost metadata registration file /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/chghost/opss_chghost_metadata.xml
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.chghost.ChghostMetadataPluginExecutorImpl executePlugin
      INFO: Status of Invoking file fixing forchghost metadata registration file /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/chghost/opss_chghost_metadata.xml is true
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.process.PluginExecution executeAllPlugins
      INFO: Status of execution of chghost plugins true
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.process.PluginExecution executeAllPlugins
      INFO: Executing T2P plugins ...
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.builder.T2PPluginBuilder buildPluginsByParsingRegistration
      INFO: Preparing class loaders for all T2P plugins ...
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.builder.T2PPluginBuilder initializeClassLoaderForT2PPlugin
      INFO: Initializing class loader for plugin registrationFileLoc: /temporary_location/t2p/MW/soa/plugins/t2p/soa_t2p_registration.xml , productDir: /temporary_location/t2p/MW/soa , id : soa , type: T2P ...
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.builder.T2PPluginBuilder initializeClassLoaderPerRegistrationFile
      INFO: Initializing class loader for registration file =/temporary_location/t2p/MW/soa/plugins/t2p/soa_t2p_registration.xml with ProductHome=/temporary_location/t2p/MW/soa
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.builder.T2PPluginBuilder initializeClassLoaderForT2PPlugin
      INFO: Initializing class loader for plugin registrationFileLoc: /temporary_location/t2p/MW/soa/plugins/t2p/BAM_t2p_registration.xml , productDir: /temporary_location/t2p/MW/soa , id : BAM , type: T2P ...
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.builder.T2PPluginBuilder initializeClassLoaderPerRegistrationFile
      INFO: Initializing class loader for registration file =/temporary_location/t2p/MW/soa/plugins/t2p/BAM_t2p_registration.xml with ProductHome=/temporary_location/t2p/MW/soa
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.builder.T2PPluginBuilder initializeClassLoaderForT2PPlugin
      INFO: Initializing class loader for plugin registrationFileLoc: /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/t2p/ess_t2p_registration.xml , productDir: /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common , id : ess , type: T2P ...
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.builder.T2PPluginBuilder initializeClassLoaderPerRegistrationFile
      INFO: Initializing class loader for registration file =/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/t2p/ess_t2p_registration.xml with ProductHome=/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.builder.T2PPluginBuilder initializeClassLoaderForT2PPlugin
      INFO: Initializing class loader for plugin registrationFileLoc: /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/t2p/ums_t2p_registration.xml , productDir: /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common , id : ums , type: T2P ...
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.builder.T2PPluginBuilder initializeClassLoaderPerRegistrationFile
      INFO: Initializing class loader for registration file =/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/t2p/ums_t2p_registration.xml with ProductHome=/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.builder.T2PPluginBuilder initializeClassLoaderForT2PPlugin
      INFO: Initializing class loader for plugin registrationFileLoc: /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/t2p/wsm_t2p_registration.xml , productDir: /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common , id : wsm , type: T2P ...
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.builder.T2PPluginBuilder initializeClassLoaderPerRegistrationFile
      INFO: Initializing class loader for registration file =/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/t2p/wsm_t2p_registration.xml with ProductHome=/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.builder.T2PPluginBuilder initializeClassLoaderForT2PPlugin
      INFO: Initializing class loader for plugin registrationFileLoc: /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/t2p/adf_t2p_registration.xml , productDir: /temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common , id : adf , type: T2P ...
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.builder.T2PPluginBuilder initializeClassLoaderPerRegistrationFile
      INFO: Initializing class loader for registration file =/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common/plugins/t2p/adf_t2p_registration.xml with ProductHome=/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.T2PPluginExecutorImpl executeCopyConfigOps
      INFO: * * * * * * * * executeCopy * * * * * * * *
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.T2PPluginExecutorImpl executeCopyForJ2EEDomain
      INFO: Building FMWT2PCopyBean object ...
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.T2PPluginExecutorImpl executeCopyForJ2EEDomain
      INFO: Starting AdminServer ...
      May 07, 2018 7:45:08 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.T2PPluginExecutorImpl startAdminServer
      INFO: /temporary_location/t2p/MW/user_projects/domains/domain_name weblogic password : *** localhost 7001 /temporary_location/t2p/MW
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:45:18 AM - CLONE-23538 Starting Administration Server ...
      ............ 1 minute ........
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:47:20 AM - CLONE-23270 Connecting to domain runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:47:20 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:47:20 AM - CLONE-23272 Successfully connected to the domain Runtime.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:47:20 AM - CLONE-23266 Connecting to runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:47:20 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:47:21 AM - CLONE-23269 Successfully connected to runtime.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:47:21 AM - CLONE-23357 AdminServer is already running on port 7001
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:47:21 AM - CLONE-23552 Administration Server started successfully.
      May 07, 2018 7:47:21 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.ServerLifeCycleHelper enableOrDisableNetworkChannelForServersViaOnline
      INFO: NetworkChannel is not configured. So nothing to disable
      May 07, 2018 7:47:21 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.T2PPluginExecutorImpl executeCopyForJ2EEDomain
      INFO: Starting all managed servers ...
      May 07, 2018 7:47:21 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.ServerLifeCycleHelper startEachManagedServer
      INFO: Starting managed server AdminServer
      May 07, 2018 7:47:21 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.ServerLifeCycleHelper startEachManagedServer
      INFO: Starting managed server oim_servername
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:47:48 AM - CLONE-23540 Starting Managed Server oim_servername ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:51:20 AM - CLONE-23553 Managed Server oim_servername started successfully.
      May 07, 2018 7:51:20 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.ServerLifeCycleHelper startEachManagedServer
      INFO: Starting managed server soa_servername
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:51:53 AM - CLONE-23540 Starting Managed Server soa_servername ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:54:28 AM - CLONE-23553 Managed Server soa_servername started successfully.
      May 07, 2018 7:56:30 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.T2PPluginExecutorImpl executeCopyForJ2EEDomain
      INFO: Executing copyConfig operation of T2P plugins ...
      May 07, 2018 7:56:30 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeT2PPluginsForCopy
      INFO: Introspecting domain configuration ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:56:30 AM - CLONE-23273 Examining Servers.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:56:30 AM - CLONE-23274 Examining Machines.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:56:30 AM - CLONE-23275 Examining Clusters.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:56:30 AM - CLONE-23276 Examining Datasources.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:56:31 AM - CLONE-23264 Examining FileStore ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:56:31 AM - CLONE-23362 Examining RDBMS Security Store.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:56:31 AM - CLONE-23312 Examining LDAP Authenticators.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:56:31 AM - CLONE-23292 Examining Adapters.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:56:31 AM - CLONE-23293 Examining Resource Adapters. The Resource Adapters with deployment plan will be added to move plan.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:56:31 AM - CLONE-23374 Examining applications with custom deployment plans.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:56:31 AM - CLONE-23375 Examining applications with custom deployment plans. The applications with a deployment plan will be added to the move plan.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:56:32 AM - CLONE-21274 Examining Coherence Cluster configuration.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:56:32 AM - CLONE-21268 Examining Node Manager configuration.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:57:02 AM - CLONE-23351 MDS data export flag is set to false. Skipping MDS configurations.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:57:02 AM - CLONE-23394 Exporting default providers ...
      May 07, 2018 7:57:10 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeT2PPluginsForCopy
      INFO: Executing T2P plugins ...
      May 07, 2018 7:57:10 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeAllJ2EET2PPlugins
      INFO: - - - - - - Execution of copy operation for all J2EE T2P plugin started ...
      May 07, 2018 7:57:10 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Executing oracle.as.t2p.plugin.soa.impl.SOACopyConfigImpl ...
      May 07, 2018 7:57:10 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: CopyConfig implementation Class name = oracle.as.t2p.plugin.soa.impl.SOACopyConfigImpl and its product home =/temporary_location/t2p/MW/soa
      May 07, 2018 7:57:10 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Setting product home in the T2P bin to =/temporary_location/t2p/MW/soa
      May 07, 2018 7:57:10 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Setting current thread context classloader to custom class loader...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:57:10 AM - CLONE-23270 Connecting to domain runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:57:10 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:57:10 AM - CLONE-23272 Successfully connected to the domain Runtime.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:57:10 AM - CLONE-23266 Connecting to runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:57:10 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:57:10 AM - CLONE-23269 Successfully connected to runtime.
      May 07, 2018 7:57:10 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: invoking doCopyConfigValidation of oracle.as.t2p.plugin.soa.impl.SOACopyConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:57:10 AM - CLONE-51002 Executing "copyConfig Validation" operation of the SOA plugin.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:57:10 AM - CLONE-51000 Is SOA Domain = true.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:57:10 AM - CLONE-51004 SOA Oracle Home Location is /temporary_location/t2p/MW/soa
      May 07, 2018 7:57:11 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: invoking doCopyConfig of oracle.as.t2p.plugin.soa.impl.SOACopyConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] DEBUG : System Flag 'ignoreErrors' is set to 'true'.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:57:10 AM - CLONE-51002 Executing "copyConfig Validation" operation of the SOA plugin.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:57:10 AM - CLONE-51000 Is SOA Domain = true.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:57:10 AM - CLONE-51004 SOA Oracle Home Location is /temporary_location/t2p/MW/soa
      May 07, 2018 7:57:11 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: invoking doCopyConfig of oracle.as.t2p.plugin.soa.impl.SOACopyConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] DEBUG : System Flag 'ignoreErrors' is set to 'true'.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:57:11 AM - CLONE-51003 Executing "Copy Configuration" operation of the SOA plugin.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:57:11 AM - CLONE-51014 Exporting SOA Composites.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-51020 Adding Composite AutoApproval to the move plan.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-51020 Adding Composite BeneficiaryManagerApproval to the move plan.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-51020 Adding Composite CertificationOverseerProcess to the move plan.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-51020 Adding Composite CertificationProcess to the move plan.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-51020 Adding Composite DefaultOperationalApproval to the move plan.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-51020 Adding Composite DefaultRequestApproval to the move plan.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-51020 Adding Composite DefaultRequestApproval to the move plan.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-51020 Adding Composite DefaultRoleApproval to the move plan.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-51020 Adding Composite DefaultSODApproval to the move plan.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-51020 Adding Composite DisconnectedProvisioning to the move plan.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-51020 Adding Composite IdentityAuditRemediation to the move plan.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-51020 Adding Composite OAACGRoleAssignSODCheck to the move plan.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-51020 Adding Composite ProvideInformation to the move plan.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-51020 Adding Composite RequesterManagerApproval to the move plan.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-51020 Adding Composite RoleLCMApproval to the move plan.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-51047 "mdsDataExport" flag is set to false. Skipping MDS migration for B2B, Human WorkFlow and OWSM
      May 07, 2018 7:59:17 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPostCopyConfig of oracle.as.t2p.plugin.soa.impl.SOACopyConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-51001 Executing "Post-Copy Configuration" operation of the SOA plugin.
      May 07, 2018 7:59:17 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Resetting current thread context classloader
      May 07, 2018 7:59:17 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Execution of oracle.as.t2p.plugin.soa.impl.SOACopyConfigImpl done .
      May 07, 2018 7:59:17 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Executing oracle.beam.impexp.t2p.BAMCopyConfigImpl ...
      May 07, 2018 7:59:17 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: CopyConfig implementation Class name = oracle.beam.impexp.t2p.BAMCopyConfigImpl and its product home =/temporary_location/t2p/MW/soa
      May 07, 2018 7:59:17 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Setting product home in the T2P bin to =/temporary_location/t2p/MW/soa
      May 07, 2018 7:59:17 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Setting current thread context classloader to custom class loader...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-23270 Connecting to domain runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-23272 Successfully connected to the domain Runtime.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-23266 Connecting to runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:17 AM - CLONE-23269 Successfully connected to runtime.
      May 07, 2018 7:59:17 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: invoking doCopyConfigValidation of oracle.beam.impexp.t2p.BAMCopyConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 7:59:18 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: invoking doCopyConfig of oracle.beam.impexp.t2p.BAMCopyConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 7:59:18 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPostCopyConfig of oracle.beam.impexp.t2p.BAMCopyConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 7:59:18 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Resetting current thread context classloader
      May 07, 2018 7:59:18 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Execution of oracle.beam.impexp.t2p.BAMCopyConfigImpl done .
      May 07, 2018 7:59:18 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Executing oracle.as.ess.t2p.impl.ESST2PPluginCopyConfigImpl ...
      May 07, 2018 7:59:18 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: CopyConfig implementation Class name = oracle.as.ess.t2p.impl.ESST2PPluginCopyConfigImpl and its product home =/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common
      May 07, 2018 7:59:18 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Setting product home in the T2P bin to =/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common
      May 07, 2018 7:59:18 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Setting current thread context classloader to custom class loader...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:18 AM - CLONE-23270 Connecting to domain runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:18 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:18 AM - CLONE-23272 Successfully connected to the domain Runtime.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:18 AM - CLONE-23266 Connecting to runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:18 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:18 AM - CLONE-23269 Successfully connected to runtime.
      May 07, 2018 7:59:18 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: invoking doCopyConfigValidation of oracle.as.ess.t2p.impl.ESST2PPluginCopyConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][ESS] May 7, 2018 7:59:18 AM - CLONE-29001 Executing "Copy Config Validation" operation of the ESS T2P plugin.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][ESS] May 7, 2018 7:59:18 AM - CLONE-29000 Is ESS Domain = false.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][ESS] May 7, 2018 7:59:18 AM - CLONE-29004 Not a valid ESS Domain. Skipping ESS specific copy configuration steps.
      May 07, 2018 7:59:18 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: invoking doCopyConfig of oracle.as.ess.t2p.impl.ESST2PPluginCopyConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 7:59:18 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPostCopyConfig of oracle.as.ess.t2p.impl.ESST2PPluginCopyConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 7:59:18 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Resetting current thread context classloader
      May 07, 2018 7:59:18 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Execution of oracle.as.ess.t2p.impl.ESST2PPluginCopyConfigImpl done .
      May 07, 2018 7:59:18 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Executing oracle.ucsinternal.messaging.t2p.UmsCopyConfigImpl ...
      May 07, 2018 7:59:18 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: CopyConfig implementation Class name = oracle.ucsinternal.messaging.t2p.UmsCopyConfigImpl and its product home =/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common
      May 07, 2018 7:59:18 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Setting product home in the T2P bin to =/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common
      May 07, 2018 7:59:18 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Setting current thread context classloader to custom class loader...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:18 AM - CLONE-23270 Connecting to domain runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:18 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:18 AM - CLONE-23272 Successfully connected to the domain Runtime.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:18 AM - CLONE-23266 Connecting to runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:18 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:18 AM - CLONE-23269 Successfully connected to runtime.
      May 07, 2018 7:59:18 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: invoking doCopyConfigValidation of oracle.ucsinternal.messaging.t2p.UmsCopyConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][ums] May 7, 2018 7:59:18 AM - CLONE-92100 In method doCopyConfigValidation.
      May 07, 2018 7:59:18 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: invoking doCopyConfig of oracle.ucsinternal.messaging.t2p.UmsCopyConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][ums] May 7, 2018 7:59:18 AM - CLONE-92101 In method doCopyConfig.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][ums] May 7, 2018 7:59:18 AM - CLONE-92107 Download data for User Preferences.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][ums] May 7, 2018 7:59:21 AM - CLONE-92109 Extract driver configuration.
      May 07, 2018 7:59:22 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPostCopyConfig of oracle.ucsinternal.messaging.t2p.UmsCopyConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][ums] May 7, 2018 7:59:22 AM - CLONE-92102 In method doPostCopyConfig..
      May 07, 2018 7:59:22 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Resetting current thread context classloader
      May 07, 2018 7:59:22 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Execution of oracle.ucsinternal.messaging.t2p.UmsCopyConfigImpl done .
      May 07, 2018 7:59:22 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Executing oracle.wsm.lifecycle.t2p.impl.CopyConfigImpl ...
      May 07, 2018 7:59:22 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: CopyConfig implementation Class name = oracle.wsm.lifecycle.t2p.impl.CopyConfigImpl and its product home =/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common
      May 07, 2018 7:59:22 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Setting product home in the T2P bin to =/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common
      May 07, 2018 7:59:22 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Setting current thread context classloader to custom class loader...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:22 AM - CLONE-23270 Connecting to domain runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:22 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:22 AM - CLONE-23272 Successfully connected to the domain Runtime.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:22 AM - CLONE-23266 Connecting to runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:22 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:22 AM - CLONE-23269 Successfully connected to runtime.
      May 07, 2018 7:59:22 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: invoking doCopyConfigValidation of oracle.wsm.lifecycle.t2p.impl.CopyConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][OWSM] May 7, 2018 7:59:22 AM - CLONE-40001 OWSM Plug-in Copy Config Operation Started.Validating source environment.
      May 07, 2018 7:59:22 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: invoking doCopyConfig of oracle.wsm.lifecycle.t2p.impl.CopyConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][OWSM] May 7, 2018 7:59:28 AM - CLONE-40003 Reading bootstrap configuration file.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][OWSM] May 7, 2018 7:59:29 AM - CLONE-40010 WSM specific artifacts are not modified on source environment. Nothing will be added to moveplan.
      May 07, 2018 7:59:29 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPostCopyConfig of oracle.wsm.lifecycle.t2p.impl.CopyConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][OWSM] May 7, 2018 7:59:29 AM - CLONE-40011 OWSM Plug-in Copy Config operation finished.
      May 07, 2018 7:59:29 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Resetting current thread context classloader
      May 07, 2018 7:59:29 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Execution of oracle.wsm.lifecycle.t2p.impl.CopyConfigImpl done .
      May 07, 2018 7:59:29 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Executing oracle.adf.t2p.plugins.adfconn.impl.ADFConnectionCopyConfigImpl ...
      May 07, 2018 7:59:29 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: CopyConfig implementation Class name = oracle.adf.t2p.plugins.adfconn.impl.ADFConnectionCopyConfigImpl and its product home =/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common
      May 07, 2018 7:59:29 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Setting product home in the T2P bin to =/temporary_location/t2p/MW/oracle_common
      May 07, 2018 7:59:29 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Setting current thread context classloader to custom class loader...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:29 AM - CLONE-23270 Connecting to domain runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:29 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:29 AM - CLONE-23272 Successfully connected to the domain Runtime.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:29 AM - CLONE-23266 Connecting to runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:29 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:29 AM - CLONE-23269 Successfully connected to runtime.
      May 07, 2018 7:59:29 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: invoking doCopyConfigValidation of oracle.adf.t2p.plugins.adfconn.impl.ADFConnectionCopyConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][OracleADF] May 7, 2018 7:59:29 AM - CLONE-33010 Start to run T2P ADF Connection Plugins.
      May 07, 2018 7:59:29 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: invoking doCopyConfig of oracle.adf.t2p.plugins.adfconn.impl.ADFConnectionCopyConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 7:59:30 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPostCopyConfig of oracle.adf.t2p.plugins.adfconn.impl.ADFConnectionCopyConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][OracleADF] May 7, 2018 7:59:30 AM - CLONE-33020 Finish running T2P ADF Connection Plugins.
      May 07, 2018 7:59:30 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Resetting current thread context classloader
      May 07, 2018 7:59:30 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeEachPlugin
      INFO: Execution of oracle.adf.t2p.plugins.adfconn.impl.ADFConnectionCopyConfigImpl done .
      May 07, 2018 7:59:30 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeAllJ2EET2PPlugins
      INFO: - - - - - - Execution of copy operation for all J2EE T2P plugin completed.
      May 07, 2018 7:59:30 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCAMCopyConfigHelper executeCAMPlugins
      INFO: Checking whether system components directory present or not ....
      May 07, 2018 7:59:30 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCAMCopyConfigHelper executeCAMPlugins
      INFO: No system components are configured in the domain.
      May 07, 2018 7:59:30 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeT2PPluginsForCopy
      INFO: Executing persistMovePlan with argument /temporary_location/CLONINGCLIENT1233945222590395849/configplans/moveplan.xml
      May 07, 2018 7:59:30 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCopyConfigHelper executeT2PPluginsForCopy
      INFO: Persisting moveplan to archive
      May 07, 2018 7:59:30 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.T2PPluginExecutorImpl executeCopyForJ2EEDomain
      INFO: Shutting down all managed servers
      May 07, 2018 7:59:30 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.ServerLifeCycleHelper stopEachManagedServer
      INFO: Stopping managed server AdminServer
      May 07, 2018 7:59:30 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.ServerLifeCycleHelper stopEachManagedServer
      INFO: Stopping managed server oim_servername
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:30 AM - CLONE-23541 Stopping Managed Server oim_servername ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:30 AM - CLONE-23270 Connecting to domain runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:30 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:30 AM - CLONE-23272 Successfully connected to the domain Runtime.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:30 AM - CLONE-23266 Connecting to runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:30 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 7:59:30 AM - CLONE-23269 Successfully connected to runtime.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:00:33 AM - CLONE-23551 Managed Server oim_servername stopped successfully.
      May 07, 2018 8:00:33 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.ServerLifeCycleHelper stopEachManagedServer
      INFO: Stopping managed server soa_servername
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:00:33 AM - CLONE-23541 Stopping Managed Server soa_servername ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:14 AM - CLONE-23551 Managed Server soa_servername stopped successfully.
      May 07, 2018 8:01:14 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.T2PPluginExecutorImpl executeCopyForJ2EEDomain
      INFO: Shutting down AdminServer
      May 07, 2018 8:01:14 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PConfigHelper backupFromCloningTempLocation
      INFO: Taking backup everything under /temporary_location/CLONINGCLIENT1233945222590395849 at /temporary_location/CLONINGCLIENT1233945222590395849/backup_after_copy
      May 07, 2018 8:01:14 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.T2PPluginExecutorImpl executePasteConfigOps
      INFO: * * * * * * * * updateMovePlan * * * * * * * *
      May 07, 2018 8:01:14 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.T2PPluginExecutorImpl updateMovePlan
      INFO: Extracting moveplan and other plans under /temporary_location/CHGHOST275881279/t2p_plans_1525705274473 from archive file /temporary_location/CLONINGCLIENT1233945222590395849/t2p.jar
      May 07, 2018 8:01:14 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.MovePlanUpdateHelper updateMoveableComponent
      INFO: Updating moveplan for MoveableComponent name: domain_name and type : J2EEDomain
      May 07, 2018 8:01:14 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.MovePlanUpdateHelper updateMoveableComponent
      INFO: Updating moveplan for MoveableComponent name: null and type : SOA-INFRA
      May 07, 2018 8:01:14 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.MovePlanUpdateHelper updateMoveableComponent
      INFO: Updating moveplan for MoveableComponent name: null and type : Composite
      May 07, 2018 8:01:14 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.MovePlanUpdateHelper updateMoveableComponent
      INFO: Updating moveplan for MoveableComponent name: null and type : MDM Url Resolver
      May 07, 2018 8:01:14 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.MovePlanUpdateHelper updateMoveableComponent
      INFO: Updating moveplan for MoveableComponent name: null and type : UMS
      May 07, 2018 8:01:14 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.MovePlanUpdateHelper updateMoveableComponent
      INFO: Updating moveplan for MoveableComponent name: null and type : ADF Connections
      May 07, 2018 8:01:14 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.T2PPluginExecutorImpl updateMovePlan
      INFO: Persisting updated moveplan at /temporary_location/CHGHOST275881279/t2p_plans_1525705274473/moveplan_updated_1525705274616.xml
      May 07, 2018 8:01:14 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.T2PPluginExecutorImpl executePasteConfigOps
      INFO: * * * * * * * * executePasteConfig * * * * * * * *
      May 07, 2018 8:01:14 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.T2PPluginExecutorImpl executePasteConfig
      INFO: Executing pasteConfig operation of T2P plugins ...
      May 07, 2018 8:01:14 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyAllJ2EEPlugins
      INFO: - - - - - - Execution of offline paste operation for all J2EE T2P plugin started ...
      May 07, 2018 8:01:14 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Executing oracle.wsm.lifecycle.t2p.impl.PasteConfigImpl ...
      May 07, 2018 8:01:14 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: invoking doOfflineConfig of oracle.wsm.lifecycle.t2p.impl.PasteConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][OWSM] May 7, 2018 8:01:14 AM - CLONE-40021 OWSM Plug-in Paste Config operation started. Validating target environment.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][OWSM] May 7, 2018 8:01:16 AM - CLONE-40037 Oracle WSM datasource (i.e. mds-owsm) is configured in the /temporary_location/t2p/MW/user_projects/domains/domain_name domain.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][OWSM] May 7, 2018 8:01:16 AM - CLONE-40026 Bootstrap movable component is not present in moveplan. Bootstrap configurations will not be updated.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][OWSM] May 7, 2018 8:01:36 AM - CLONE-40035 OWSM Plug-in Paste Config Operation Finished.
      May 07, 2018 8:01:36 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Execution of oracle.wsm.lifecycle.t2p.impl.PasteConfigImpl done.
      May 07, 2018 8:01:36 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Executing oracle.as.t2p.plugin.soa.impl.SOAPasteConfigImpl ...
      May 07, 2018 8:01:36 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: invoking doOfflineConfig of oracle.as.t2p.plugin.soa.impl.SOAPasteConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 8:01:36 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Execution of oracle.as.t2p.plugin.soa.impl.SOAPasteConfigImpl done.
      May 07, 2018 8:01:36 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Executing oracle.adf.t2p.plugins.adfconn.impl.ADFConnectionPasteConfigImpl ...
      May 07, 2018 8:01:36 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: invoking doOfflineConfig of oracle.adf.t2p.plugins.adfconn.impl.ADFConnectionPasteConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 8:01:36 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Execution of oracle.adf.t2p.plugins.adfconn.impl.ADFConnectionPasteConfigImpl done.
      May 07, 2018 8:01:36 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Executing oracle.as.ess.t2p.impl.ESST2PPluginPasteConfigImpl ...
      May 07, 2018 8:01:36 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: invoking doOfflineConfig of oracle.as.ess.t2p.impl.ESST2PPluginPasteConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 8:01:36 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Execution of oracle.as.ess.t2p.impl.ESST2PPluginPasteConfigImpl done.
      May 07, 2018 8:01:36 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Executing oracle.beam.impexp.t2p.BAMPasteConfigImpl ...
      May 07, 2018 8:01:36 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: invoking doOfflineConfig of oracle.beam.impexp.t2p.BAMPasteConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 8:01:36 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Execution of oracle.beam.impexp.t2p.BAMPasteConfigImpl done.
      May 07, 2018 8:01:36 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Executing oracle.ucsinternal.messaging.t2p.UmsPasteConfigImpl ...
      May 07, 2018 8:01:36 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: invoking doOfflineConfig of oracle.ucsinternal.messaging.t2p.UmsPasteConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 8:01:36 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Execution of oracle.ucsinternal.messaging.t2p.UmsPasteConfigImpl done.
      May 07, 2018 8:01:36 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyAllJ2EEPlugins
      INFO: - - - - - - Execution of offline paste operation for all J2EE T2P plugin completed.
      May 07, 2018 8:01:36 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper executeT2PPluginsForPaste
      INFO: Starting AdminServer ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:46 AM - CLONE-23538 Starting Administration Server ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:46 AM - CLONE-23270 Connecting to domain runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:46 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-23272 Successfully connected to the domain Runtime.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-23266 Connecting to runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-23269 Successfully connected to runtime.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-23357 AdminServer is already running on port 7001
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-23552 Administration Server started successfully.
      May 07, 2018 8:01:47 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyAllJ2EEPlugins
      INFO: - - - - - - Execution of paste operation for all J2EE T2P plugin started ...
      May 07, 2018 8:01:47 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Executing oracle.wsm.lifecycle.t2p.impl.PasteConfigImpl ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-23270 Connecting to domain runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-23272 Successfully connected to the domain Runtime.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-23266 Connecting to runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-23269 Successfully connected to runtime.
      May 07, 2018 8:01:47 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPasteConfigValidation of oracle.wsm.lifecycle.t2p.impl.PasteConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 8:01:47 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPrePasteConfigValidation of oracle.wsm.lifecycle.t2p.impl.PasteConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 8:01:47 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPasteConfig of oracle.wsm.lifecycle.t2p.impl.PasteConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 8:01:47 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPostPasteConfig of oracle.wsm.lifecycle.t2p.impl.PasteConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 8:01:47 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Execution of oracle.wsm.lifecycle.t2p.impl.PasteConfigImpl done.
      May 07, 2018 8:01:47 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Executing oracle.as.t2p.plugin.soa.impl.SOAPasteConfigImpl ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-23270 Connecting to domain runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-23272 Successfully connected to the domain Runtime.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-23266 Connecting to runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-23269 Successfully connected to runtime.
      May 07, 2018 8:01:47 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPasteConfigValidation of oracle.as.t2p.plugin.soa.impl.SOAPasteConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-51025 Executing "pasteConfig Validation" operation of the SOA plugin.
      May 07, 2018 8:01:47 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPrePasteConfigValidation of oracle.as.t2p.plugin.soa.impl.SOAPasteConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-51026 Executing "Pre-Paste Configuration" operation of the SOA plugin.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-51000 Is SOA Domain = true.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 8:01:47 AM - CLONE-51004 SOA Oracle Home Location is /temporary_location/t2p/MW/soa
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:02:12 AM - CLONE-23540 Starting Managed Server soa_servername ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:04:36 AM - CLONE-23553 Managed Server soa_servername started successfully.
      May 07, 2018 8:06:37 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPasteConfig of oracle.as.t2p.plugin.soa.impl.SOAPasteConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] DEBUG : System Flag 'ignoreErrors' is set to 'true'.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 8:06:37 AM - CLONE-51027 Executing "Paste Configuration" operation of the SOA plugin.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 8:06:37 AM - CLONE-51028 Extracting soat2p folder from archive.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 8:06:37 AM - CLONE-51063 Importing SOA configuration to MDS.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] Stopping SOA Managed Server before HW Import
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:06:37 AM - CLONE-23541 Stopping Managed Server soa_servername ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:07:18 AM - CLONE-23551 Managed Server soa_servername stopped successfully.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] Starting SOA Managed Server before HW Import
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:07:44 AM - CLONE-23540 Starting Managed Server soa_servername ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:10:17 AM - CLONE-23553 Managed Server soa_servername started successfully.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] Starting SOA Managed Server Started
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] wait until soa infra is ready
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] import composites (HWF composites)
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 8:12:52 AM - CLONE-51031 Importing Human WorkFlow Migration XML to target domain.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 8:12:52 AM - CLONE-51049 Human WorkFlow MDS data is not exported during "copyConfig".Human WorkFlow data will not be migrated.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 8:12:52 AM - CLONE-51039 Importing B2B Delivery Channels to target domain.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 8:12:52 AM - CLONE-51050 B2B is not deployed Or B2B metadata is not exported during "copyConfig". So B2B metadata migration will not be done.
      May 07, 2018 8:12:52 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPostPasteConfig of oracle.as.t2p.plugin.soa.impl.SOAPasteConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] May 7, 2018 8:12:52 AM - CLONE-51024 Executing "Post-Paste Configuration" operation of the SOA plugin.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][SOA] Stopping SOA Managed Server
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:12:52 AM - CLONE-23541 Stopping Managed Server soa_servername ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23551 Managed Server soa_servername stopped successfully.
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Execution of oracle.as.t2p.plugin.soa.impl.SOAPasteConfigImpl done.
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Executing oracle.adf.t2p.plugins.adfconn.impl.ADFConnectionPasteConfigImpl ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23270 Connecting to domain runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23272 Successfully connected to the domain Runtime.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23266 Connecting to runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23269 Successfully connected to runtime.
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPasteConfigValidation of oracle.adf.t2p.plugins.adfconn.impl.ADFConnectionPasteConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][OracleADF] May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-33010 Start to run T2P ADF Connection Plugins.
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPrePasteConfigValidation of oracle.adf.t2p.plugins.adfconn.impl.ADFConnectionPasteConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPasteConfig of oracle.adf.t2p.plugins.adfconn.impl.ADFConnectionPasteConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPostPasteConfig of oracle.adf.t2p.plugins.adfconn.impl.ADFConnectionPasteConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][OracleADF] May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-33020 Finish running T2P ADF Connection Plugins.
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Execution of oracle.adf.t2p.plugins.adfconn.impl.ADFConnectionPasteConfigImpl done.
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Executing oracle.as.ess.t2p.impl.ESST2PPluginPasteConfigImpl ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23270 Connecting to domain runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23272 Successfully connected to the domain Runtime.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23266 Connecting to runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23269 Successfully connected to runtime.
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPasteConfigValidation of oracle.as.ess.t2p.impl.ESST2PPluginPasteConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][ESS] May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-29009 Executing "Paste Config Validation" operation of the ESS plugin.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][ESS] May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-29000 Is ESS Domain = false.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][ESS] May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-29012 Not a valid ESS Domain. Skipping ESS specific paste configuration steps.
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPrePasteConfigValidation of oracle.as.ess.t2p.impl.ESST2PPluginPasteConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPasteConfig of oracle.as.ess.t2p.impl.ESST2PPluginPasteConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPostPasteConfig of oracle.as.ess.t2p.impl.ESST2PPluginPasteConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Execution of oracle.as.ess.t2p.impl.ESST2PPluginPasteConfigImpl done.
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Executing oracle.beam.impexp.t2p.BAMPasteConfigImpl ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23270 Connecting to domain runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23272 Successfully connected to the domain Runtime.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23266 Connecting to runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23269 Successfully connected to runtime.
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPasteConfigValidation of oracle.beam.impexp.t2p.BAMPasteConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPrePasteConfigValidation of oracle.beam.impexp.t2p.BAMPasteConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPasteConfig of oracle.beam.impexp.t2p.BAMPasteConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPostPasteConfig of oracle.beam.impexp.t2p.BAMPasteConfigImpl
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Execution of oracle.beam.impexp.t2p.BAMPasteConfigImpl done.
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Executing oracle.ucsinternal.messaging.t2p.UmsPasteConfigImpl ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23270 Connecting to domain runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23272 Successfully connected to the domain Runtime.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23266 Connecting to runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-23269 Successfully connected to runtime.
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPasteConfigValidation of oracle.ucsinternal.messaging.t2p.UmsPasteConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][ums] May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-92103 In method doPasteConfigValidation.
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPrePasteConfigValidation of oracle.ucsinternal.messaging.t2p.UmsPasteConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][ums] May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-92104 In method doPrePasteConfig.
      May 07, 2018 8:13:38 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPasteConfig of oracle.ucsinternal.messaging.t2p.UmsPasteConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][ums] May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-92105 In method doPasteConfig.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][ums] May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-92119 Handle User Preferences.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][ums] May 7, 2018 8:13:38 AM - CLONE-92117 Starting server soa_servername.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:14:04 AM - CLONE-23540 Starting Managed Server soa_servername ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:16:26 AM - CLONE-23553 Managed Server soa_servername started successfully.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][ums] May 7, 2018 8:18:30 AM - CLONE-92114 Upload data for User Preferences.
      INFO : [PLUGIN][ums] May 7, 2018 8:18:30 AM - CLONE-92118 Stopping server soa_servername.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:18:30 AM - CLONE-23541 Stopping Managed Server soa_servername ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:19:11 AM - CLONE-23551 Managed Server soa_servername stopped successfully.
      May 07, 2018 8:19:11 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Invoking doPostPasteConfig of oracle.ucsinternal.messaging.t2p.UmsPasteConfigImpl
      INFO : [PLUGIN][ums] May 7, 2018 8:19:11 AM - CLONE-92106 In method doPostPasteConfig.
      May 07, 2018 8:19:11 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyEachJ2EEPlugin
      INFO: Execution of oracle.ucsinternal.messaging.t2p.UmsPasteConfigImpl done.
      May 07, 2018 8:19:11 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper applyAllJ2EEPlugins
      INFO: - - - - - - Execution of paste operation for all J2EE T2P plugin completed.
      May 07, 2018 8:19:11 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PPasteConfigHelper executeT2PPluginsForPaste
      INFO: Stopping all managed servers ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:19:11 AM - CLONE-23358 Stopping all Managed Servers.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:19:11 AM - CLONE-23541 Stopping Managed Server oim_servername ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:19:11 AM - CLONE-23270 Connecting to domain runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:19:11 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:19:11 AM - CLONE-23272 Successfully connected to the domain Runtime.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:19:11 AM - CLONE-23266 Connecting to runtime ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:19:11 AM - CLONE-23271 Trying to connect to localhost:7001 ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:19:11 AM - CLONE-23269 Successfully connected to runtime.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:19:11 AM - CLONE-23554 Managed Server oim_servername is already in shut down state.
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:19:27 AM - CLONE-23541 Stopping Managed Server soa_servername ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:19:27 AM - CLONE-23554 Managed Server soa_servername is already in shut down state.
      May 07, 2018 8:19:43 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.T2PCAMPasteConfigHelper applyAllCAMPluginImpl
      INFO: CopyConfig was not executed for any CAM T2P plugin. No CAM T2P plugin will be executed during pasteConfig.
      May 07, 2018 8:19:43 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.helper.ServerLifeCycleHelper enableOrDisableNetworkChannelForServersViaOnline
      INFO: NetworkChannel is not configured. So nothing to enable
      May 07, 2018 8:19:43 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.plugin.impl.t2p.T2PPluginExecutorImpl executePasteConfig
      INFO: Shutting down AdminServer ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:19:43 AM - CLONE-23539 Stopping Administration Server ...
      INFO : May 7, 2018 8:21:45 AM - CLONE-23550 Administration Server stopped successfully.
      May 07, 2018 8:21:45 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.process.PluginExecution executeAllPlugins
      INFO: Status of execution of T2P plugins true
      May 07, 2018 8:21:45 AM oracle.glcm.fmw.chghost.framework.execute.ChangeHostExecute execute
      INFO: Chghost and T2P plugins are executed successfully.
  3. HOST1で、すべてのサーバー(WebLogic、SOAおよびOIGサーバー)を停止します。

  4. HOST2で、次のサーバーを再起動します:

    1. 次のコマンドを実行して、WebLogicサーバーを停止して起動します:

    2. 次のコマンドを実行して、SOAサーバーを停止して起動します:

      ./StartManagedWeblogic.sh soa_servername
    3. 次のコマンドを実行して、OIGサーバーを停止して起動します:

      ./StartManagedWeblogic.sh oim_servername

21.1.2 移行先ホストでの構成後の変更

移行先ホストでの構成後の変更には、SOAコンポジットの変更、WebLogicレベルの変更、およびBI Publisherレポートに関連する変更が含まれます。


  1. HOST2で、WebLogic、SOAおよびOIGサーバーを再起動してから、WebLogic管理サーバー・コンソールとOracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Controlを開きます。URLの例:

  2. Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Controlにログインし、SOAコンポジットの次の変更を実行します:



    1. soaSoa-infrastructureデプロイ済コンポジットに移動します。DefaultOperationalApproval [5.0]をクリックし、「コンポーネント・メトリック」セクションのコンポーネント・タイプ「ヒューマン・ワークフロー」「承認タスク」リンクをクリックします。次に、「管理」タブをクリックします。既存のURIがある場合は、ホスト名とポート番号を変更します。

    2. soaSoa-infrastructureデプロイ済コンポジットに移動します。DefaultOperationalApproval [5.0]をクリックし、「コンポーネント・メトリック」セクションのコンポーネント・タイプ「ヒューマン・ワークフロー」チャレンジ・タスク・リンクをクリックします。次に、「管理」タブをクリックし、ホスト名とポート番号を変更します。

    3. 他のすべてのSOAコンポジットでステップaとbを繰り返します。




  3. 次のWebLogicレベルの変更を実行して、リクエストの詳細がレンダリングされるようにします:

    1. Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Controlで、「WebLogicドメイン」「システムMBeanブラウザ」をクリックします。

    2. OIMSOAIntegrationMBeanを探します
    3. このMbeanの「操作」タブをクリックし、integrateWithSOAServerを選択します。

    4. MBeanの呼出し必要な属性を入力し、「呼出し」をクリックします。



  4. HOST2環境で次の健全性チェックを実行します:

    • リクエスト(管理者およびエンドユーザー): アプリケーション、権限、ロール、自己登録用
    • アイデンティティ管理: ユーザー、組織、ロールのCRUD操作用
    • プロビジョニング(接続ありおよび接続なし): 直接プロビジョニング、アクセス・ポリシー
    • リコンシリエーション
    • 証明
    • アイデンティティ監査
    • レポート
    • Design Consoleフォーム: 親フォーム、子フォーム、事前移入アダプタによるリテラル値の追加。再構築、プロセス定義(追加表)、リソース・オブジェクト
    • デプロイメント・マネージャ
    • ユーティリティ(db/サーバー): UploadJar、PurcheCache、DeleteJar、リソース・バンドラ(アップロード、削除)、GenerateSnapshot、リクエスト・アーカイブ、リコンシリエーション・アーカイブ、タスク・アーカイブ
    • 認可
    • 一括ロード: ユーザー、ユーザー・マネージャ、ロール、ロール・メンバー、アカウント、権限
    • Enterprise Manager: メタデータのエクスポート/インポート、MBeanの変更

21.1.3 SOAコンポジットのエンドポイント・アドレスの更新




  1. Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Controlにログインします。
  2. クラスタ化されたデプロイでは、SOAクラスタ内の少なくとも1つのSOAサーバーが実行中であることを確認してください。左側のパネルで、SOAsoa-infra(SOA_SERVER_NAME)「デフォルト」に移動します。
  3. DefaultRequestApproval SOAコンポジットをクリックします。
  4. 「サービスと参照」セクションで、使用タイプが「参照」CallbackService_2リンクをクリックします。
  5. 「プロパティ」タブをクリックします。次のURLを「エンドポイント・アドレス」プロパティに追加し、「適用」をクリックします。


  6. DefaultRequestApprovalコンポジットの詳細ページに戻ります。
  7. 「サービスと参照」セクションで、使用タイプが「参照」RequestWSPartnerLinkリンクをクリックします。
  8. 「プロパティ」タブをクリックします。次のURLを「エンドポイント・アドレス」プロパティに追加し、「適用」をクリックします。


  9. DefaultOperationalApprovalProvideInformationおよびRoleLCMApprovalの各コンポジットについて、ステップ4からステップ8を繰り返します。
  10. DefaultRoleApprovalAutoApprovalBeneficiaryManagerApprovalRequesterManagerApprovalおよびDefaultSODApprovalの各コンポジットについて、ステップ4と5を繰り返します。
  11. DefaultSODApprovalコンポジットの詳細ページに戻ります。
  12. 「サービスと参照」セクションで、使用タイプが「参照」SodCheckServicePortImplServiceリンクをクリックします。
  13. 「プロパティ」タブをクリックします。次のURLを「エンドポイント・アドレス」プロパティに追加し、「適用」をクリックします。


  14. OAACGRoleAssignSODCheck SOAコンポジットをクリックします。
  15. 「サービスと参照」セクションで、使用タイプが「参照」RoleSODServiceリンクをクリックします。
  16. 「プロパティ」タブをクリックします。次のURLを「エンドポイント・アドレス」プロパティに追加し、「適用」をクリックします。


  17. IdentityAuditRemediation SOAコンポジットをクリックします。
  18. 「サービスと参照」セクションで、使用タイプが「参照」IdentityAuditWSPartnerLinkリンクをクリックします。
  19. 「プロパティ」タブをクリックします。次のURLを「エンドポイント・アドレス」プロパティに追加し、「適用」をクリックします。


  20. DisconnectedProvisioning SOAコンポジットをクリックします。
  21. 「サービスと参照」セクションで、使用タイプが「参照」ProvisioningCallbackServiceリンクをクリックします。
  22. 「プロパティ」タブをクリックします。次のURLを「エンドポイント・アドレス」プロパティに追加し、「適用」をクリックします。


  23. CertificationProcess SOAコンポジットをクリックします。
  24. 「サービスと参照」セクションで、使用タイプが「参照」CertificationWSPartnerLinkリンクをクリックします。
  25. 「プロパティ」タブをクリックします。次のURLを「エンドポイント・アドレス」プロパティに追加し、「適用」をクリックします。


  26. CertificationOverseerProcessコンポジットについて、ステップ24と25を繰り返します。

21.2 新規ホストへのデータベース・バイナリとアプリケーション・バイナリの移行



21.2.1 別の環境へのデータベースの移動


  1. 移行元ホスト(HOST1)で次のステップを実行します:

    1. oracle実行可能ファイルを含めるために、ORACLE_HOMEORACLE_SIDおよびPATHの実行可能ファイルを設定します。たとえば:

      setenv PATH /temporary_location2/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin:$PATH
      setenv ORACLE_SID orcl
      setenv ORACLE_HOME /temporary_location2/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/
    2. ダンプ・ファイルを格納するディレクトリを作成します。たとえば:

      mkdir /temporary_location2/t2ps
    3. SYS資格証明を使用してSQLPlusにログインし、次のコマンドを実行します:

      Sql> conn sys/<Password>@<SID>as sysdba;
      Sql> create directory t2ps_dir as '/temporary_location2/t2ps';
    4. 次のSQL問合せを実行して、ディレクトリが作成されたことを確認します。

      select * from dba_directories;
      Grant :
      grant read,write on directory t2ps1 to sys;
      Grant succeeded.
    5. すべてのPREFIX_*スキーマを表示するには、次のコマンドを実行します:

      select * from System.SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY$;
    6. 次のコマンドを実行します。



      Dump file set for SYS.OIMDBDUMP is:
      Job "SYS"."OIMDBDUMP" successfully completed at Wed May 16 03:01:33 2018 elapsed 0 00:02:12
  2. 移行先ホスト(HOST2)で次のステップを実行します:

    1. データベースをインストールします。移行元ホストと同じポートおよびサービス名を指定します。

    2. RCUユーティリティを実行します。移行元ホストの場合と同様に、同じ名前で表領域を作成します。

    3. ダンプ・ファイルすべてを移行先環境にコピーします。

    4. ORACLE_HOMEPATHおよびORACLE_SID環境変数を設定します。

    5. 移行先環境にダンプ・ディレクトリを作成します。たとえば:

      mkdir /temporary_location/t2p/t2ps1
    6. /temporary_location/t2p/の場所にディレクトリt2ps1を作成し、t2ps1に対する読取りおよび書込み権限を付与します。

    7. 次のSQLブロックを実行します:

      sqlplus /nolog
      Sql > conn PREFIX_OIM/<Password>@<SID>
      Sql >
      for s in (select object_type,object_name from user_objects
      where object_type not in('TABLE','LOB', 'INDEX','TYPE')
      and not (( object_name = 'OIM_RECON_CHANGES_BY_RES_MV'
      and object_type = 'MATERIALIZED VIEW' )
      or ( object_name = 'OIM_AFTERLOGON_TRIGGER'
      and object_type = 'TRIGGER' )) )
      dbms_output.put_line('Drop '|| s.object_type ||' '|| s.object_name);
      execute immediate 'Drop '|| s.object_type ||' '|| s.object_name ;
      end loop;
    8. データベース表領域構造をマッピングするには、次のコマンドを実行します:

      select * from dba_tablespaces;
    9. impdbコマンドを実行します。構文は次のとおりです:

      impdp system/password DIRECTORY=dump_dir DUMPFILE=export.dmp
      LOGFILE=import.log remap_schema=src_env_schema_name:tgt_env_schema_name
      src_oim_lob_tablespace_name:tgt_oim_lob_tablespace_name, ...


      impdp DIRECTORY=t2ps1 DUMPFILE=t2ps.dmp LOGFILE=import.log remap_schema=t2ps_OIM:t2ps_OIM REMAP_TABLESPACE=t2ps_OIM:t2ps_OIM,t2ps_OIM_LOB:t2ps_OIM_LOB TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION=REPLACE



      Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/EVENT/TRIGGER
      ORA-39083: Object type TRIGGER failed to create with error:
      ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
      Failing sql is:
      CREATE TRIGGER oim_afterlogon_trigger
      RAISE ;
      END set_nlslengthsemantics_trigger;
      Processing object type SCHEMA_EXPORT/MATERIALIZED_VIEW
      ORA-31684: Object type MATERIALIZED_VIEW:"RC2TARG_OIM"."OIM_RECON_CHANGES_BY_RES_MV" already exists


    10. データベース・サービス名について次のXMLファイルを更新します。これらはスクリプトによって更新されないためです:

      bip_datasource-jdbc.xml = Not available in my setup
      //Update the bip_datasource-jdbc.xml only if BI Publisher is configured in the OIG setup.
      opss-audit-jdbc.xml = ./user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/jdbc/opss-audit-jdbc.xml
      EDNDataSource-jdbc.xml = ./user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/jdbc/EDNDataSource-jdbc.xml
      SOALocalTxDataSource-jdbc.xml = ./user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/jdbc/SOALocalTxDataSource-jdbc.xml
      OraSDPMDataSource-jdbc.xml = ./user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/jdbc/OraSDPMDataSource-jdbc.xml
      EDNLocalTxDataSource-jdbc.xml = ./user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/jdbc/EDNLocalTxDataSource-jdbc.xml
      opss-auditview-jdbc.xml = ./user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/jdbc/opss-auditview-jdbc.xml
      opss-jdbc.xml = Not available on my machine
      mds-soa-jdbc.xml = ./user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/jdbc/mds-soa-jdbc.xml
      oimApplicationDBDS-jdbc.xml = ./user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/jdbc/oimApplicationDBDS-jdbc.xml
      mds-owsm-jdbc.xml = ./user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/jdbc/mds-owsm-jdbc.xml
      LocalSvcTblDataSource-jdbc.xml = ./user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/jdbc/LocalSvcTblDataSource-jdbc.xml
      opss-datasource-jdbc.xml = ./user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/jdbc/opss-datasource-jdbc.xml
      WLSSchemaDataSource-jdbc.xml = ./user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/jdbc/WLSSchemaDataSource-jdbc.xml
      oimMDS-jdbc.xml = ./user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/jdbc/oimMDS-jdbc.xml
      soaOIMLookupDB-jdbc.xml = ./user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/jdbc/soaOIMLookupDB-jdbc.xml
      oimOperationsDB-0237-jdbc.xml = ./user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/jdbc/oimOperationsDB-0237-jdbc.xml
      SOADataSource-jdbc.xml = ./user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/jdbc/SOADataSource-jdbc.xml
      oimJMSStoreDS-0269-jdbc.xml = ./user_projects/domains/domain_name/config/jdbc/oimJMSStoreDS-0269-jdbc.xml
      jps-config-jse.xml =
      jps-config.xml =
  3. OIGアプリケーションをデータベース・スキーマに接続するためのステップを実行します。詳細は、「OIM 12c: データ・ポンプ・クライアント・ユーティリティを使用したスキーマのバックアップとリストア(ドキュメントID 2584066.1)」(https://support.oracle.com)を参照してください。

21.2.2 移行先環境での構成後の変更


  1. 次のURLにアクセスして、Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Controlにログインします:

  2. データ・ソースを編集します。My Oracle SupportのWebサイトで、KMノート「OIM 12c: データ・ポンプ・クライアント・ユーティリティを使用したスキーマのバックアップとリストア(ドキュメントID 2584066.1)」の「OIM 12c中間層側のJDBC接続構成」の項を参照してください:


  3. 「セキュリティ」「資格証明」に移動します。

  4. OIGスキーマのパスワードが変更された場合は、OIMSchemaPassword属性を編集します。

  5. 次のMBean構成変更を実行します:

    1. 「システムMBeanブラウザ」「MBeanの構成」「セキュリティ」「myrealm」「OIMAuthenticationProvider」「属性」に移動します。

    2. 接続に関連する情報のDBUrlおよびDBUser属性を編集します。

    3. 「システムMBeanブラウザ」「アプリケーション定義のMBean」「oracle.iam」「Server:oim_servername「XML構成」「DirectDB」に移動します。

    4. 「属性」タブをクリックし、接続に関連する情報のUrlおよびUserName属性を編集します。

    5. SOAおよびOIM管理対象サーバーを再起動します。

    6. アイデンティティ・セルフサービスおよびアイデンティティ・システム管理インタフェースにログインして、OIGアプリケーションに接続します。

    7. 健全性テスト・ケースを実行します。

  6. OHSが構成されている場合は、OAM-OIG統合設定のOHSログアウトURLを更新します。そのように行うには:

    1. テキスト・エディタでDOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/jps-config.xmlファイルを開きます。

    2. 次の行を検索します。

      <property name="logout.url" value="https://SOURCE_HOST:PORT/oam/server/logout?end_url=https://:/identity"/>
    3. 次のように、移行元ホスト値を移行先ホスト値に更新します:

      <property name="logout.url" value="https://TARGET_HOST:PORT/oam/server/logout?end_url=https://:/identity"/>
    4. jps-config.xmlファイルを保存します。