Deploy Oracle Identity Role Intelligence on Kubernetes


Oracle Identity Role Intelligence (OIRI) provides a service which allows users to generate a set of candidate roles from a data source (flat files or Oracle Identity Governance), according to a set of role mining rules configured within the service. This tutorial will demonstrate how to deploy OIRI in a Kubernetes environment.


On completion of this lab, you should have an installation of OIRI in a Kubernetes environment.


Prerequisites for deploying OIRI on Kubernetes are:

Note: if you have upgraded the OIRI database from 12.1.x to 12.2.x, 18c, or 19c, you should update the database parameter compatible to a value of ‘12.2’ or higher. If this is not done, you will see ORA-00972: identifier is too long errors when creating some OIRI database objects.

Configure Authentication for Oracle Identity Governance (OIG)

OIG is the authentication provider for Production instances of OIRI. OIRI requires the following OIG users and roles to be configured to allow for user access to the OIRI application, and to enable it to authenticate with and publish roles to OIG.

  1. Create OIRI Application User.

    Create the user, for example admin, to login to OIRI. See Creating a User in Performing Self Service Tasks with Oracle Identity Governance for details on how to create a user in OIG.

  2. Create OIRI Role Engineer Role.

    Create a Role Engineer role within OIG and assign it to the user, admin, you created in the previous step. To do this create the role OrclOIRIRoleEngineer. See Creating Roles in Performing Self Service Tasks with Oracle Identity Governance. Only a user with the OrclOIRIRoleEngineer role can login to the OIRI application

  3. Create OIRI Service Account User.

    Create a service account in OIG for service to service authentication between OIRI and OIG and publishing roles to OIG.

    Create an admin role with the following capabilities.

    • User - View / Search
    • Role - Create
    • Access Policy - Create

    Create this role with Scope of Control and Organization as Top.

    Create the OIRIServiceAccountUser user and assign the admin role.

    See Creating an Admin Role in Performing Self Service Tasks with Oracle Identity Governance for information about creating an admin role in OIG.

Install the OIRI Image

The OIRI service comprises four images as follows:

These images can be downloaded from one of two sources:

Install OIRI Image from My Oracle Support

  1. Login to My Oracle Support

  2. Locate the Support note Container Images for Oracle Identity and Access Management, and Oracle IDM Microservices (Doc ID 2723908.1) and identify the latest patch for OIRI. Download the patch file and extract the contents.

    Archive:  <patch>.zip
    inflating: oiri-<TAG>/oiri-<TAG>.tar
    inflating: oiri-<TAG>/oiri-cli-<TAG>.tar
    inflating: oiri-<TAG>/oiri-ding-<TAG>.tar
    inflating: oiri-<TAG>/oiri-ui-<TAG>.tar
  3. Navigate to the file created from the zip file.

    cd oiri-<TAG>
  4. Load each tar file into the local repository.

    docker load --input oiri-<TAG>.tar
    docker load --input oiri-ui-<TAG>.tar
    docker load --input oiri-ding-<TAG>.tar
    docker load --input oiri-cli-<TAG>.tar
  5. Verify the images have loaded using the following command.

    docker images | grep<TAG>

    Output should be similar to:

    oiri-ui<TAG>   c88384a36914   20 hours ago   568MB
    oiri-ding<TAG>   8a733b055959   20 hours ago   1.23GB
    oiri-cli<TAG>   58d75bf93160   20 hours ago   618MB
    oiri<TAG>   874276068356   20 hours ago   577MB

Install OIRI Image from Oracle Container Registry

When installing the image from the Oracle Container Registry you will initially download the oiri-cli image only. Other images will be invoked as required by the deployment scripts.

Note: Only the base release of OIRI is currently available on Oracle Container Registry. For the latest release please download from My Oracle Support.

  1. Download the oiri-cli image.

    In a browser, navigate to Oracle Container Registry.

    Click Sign In and login with your username and password.

    In the Terms and Conditions box, select Language as English. Click Continue and ACCEPT “Terms and Restrictions“.

    On your Docker environment login to the Oracle Container Registry and enter your Oracle SSO username and password when prompted:

    docker login

    Pull the oiri-cli image.

    docker pull<TAG>
  2. Verify the installation.

    Run the docker images command to show the image is installed into the repository:

    docker images | grep oiri

    The OIRI Docker image is now installed successfully and ready for configuration.

Create Directories

A number of directories are required for OIRI deployment in a Kubernetes cluster. NFS mount points are required for data ingestion and oiri, while a local directory should be setup to generate values.yaml used by the OIRI Helm chart. Create directories similar to those shown below:

  1. Create directories.

    mkdir /nfs/ding
    mkdir /nfs/oiri
    mkdir -p /local/k8s/
  2. Set permissions.

    Ensure that write permissions are given for each of these directories.

    chmod 775 /nfs/ding /nfs/oiri /local/k8s/

Run the oiri-cli container

  1. Run the oiri-cli container using the following command.

    docker run -d --name oiri-cli \
    -v /nfs/ding/:/app/ \
    -v /nfs/oiri/:/app/oiri \
    -v /local/k8s/:/app/k8s \
    --group-add <group id> \
    oiri-cli-<TAG> \
    tail -f /dev/null

    Note: <group id> is the id of the group on your host having access to the volumes.

    Output will be similar to the following.

    docker run -d --name oiri-cli \     
    -v /nfs/ding/:/app/ \
    -v /nfs/oiri/:/app/oiri \
    -v /local/k8s/:/app/k8s \
    --group-add <group id> \
    oiri-cli-<TAG> \
    tail -f /dev/null

    Verify that the container is running with the following command:

    docker ps -a | grep oiri

    Output will be similar to the following.

    430d5f4af68d        oiri-cli-<TAG>   "tail -f /dev/null"      About a minute ago   Up About a minute                              oiri-cli

Configure Container Access to Kubernetes Configuration

  1. Create namespaces for OIRI and DING.

    kubectl create namespace oirins
    namespace/oirins created
    kubectl create namespace dingns
    namespace/dingns created
  2. Create oiri-service-account.yaml with the following content. Replace with the OIRI namespace, and with the DING namespace.

    apiVersion: v1kind: ServiceAccountmetadata:  name:
         oiri-service-account  namespace: <OIRINS>---apiVersion:
           Rolemetadata:  name:
           oiri-ns-role  namespace:
         <OIRINS>rules:- apiGroups: ["*"]  resources: ["*"]  verbs: ["*"]---apiVersion: Rolemetadata:  name: ding-ns-role  namespace: <DINGNS>rules:- apiGroups: ["*"]  resources: ["*"]  verbs: ["*"]---kind: ClusterRoleapiVersion:
           apiGroups: [""]  resources: ["configmaps", "endpoints", "nodes", "pods", "secrets"]  verbs: ["watch", "list"]-
           apiGroups: [""]  resourceNames: ["<OIRINS>"]  resources: ["namespaces"]  verbs: ["get"]-
           apiGroups: [""]  resources: ["nodes"]  verbs: ["get"]-
           apiGroups: [""]  resources: ["services"]  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]-
           apiGroups: [""]  resources: ["events"]  verbs: ["create", "patch"]-
           apiGroups: ["extensions"]  resources: ["ingresses"]  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]-
           apiGroups: ["extensions"]  resources: ["ingresses/status"]  verbs: ["update"]-
           apiGroups: [""]  resources: ["ingresses/status"]  verbs:
           ["update"]- apiGroups: [""]  resources: ["ingresses", "ingressclasses"]  verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]---apiVersion: ClusterRoleBindingmetadata:  name:
           oiri-ingress-nginx-clusterrolebinding-<OIRINS>roleRef:  apiGroup:
           ClusterRole  name:
           namespace: <OIRINS>  kind:
           ServiceAccount  name:
           ClusterRoleBindingmetadata:  name: oiri-clusterrolebinding-<OIRINS>roleRef:  apiGroup:
           ClusterRole  name:
           namespace: <OIRINS>  kind:
           ServiceAccount  name:
           RoleBindingmetadata:  name:
           oiri-rolebinding  namespace: <OIRINS>roleRef:  apiGroup:  kind: Role  name: oiri-ns-rolesubjects:- namespace: <OIRINS>  kind: ServiceAccount  name: oiri-service-account---apiVersion: RoleBindingmetadata:  name: ding-rolebinding  namespace: <DINGNS>roleRef:  apiGroup:
           Role  name:
         ding-ns-rolesubjects:- namespace: <OIRINS>  kind: ServiceAccount  name:
  3. Run the following kubectl commands as the Kubernetes Cluster Admin. Replace with the OIRI namespace where appropriate.

    kubectl apply -f oiri-service-account.yaml
    TOKENNAME=`kubectl -n <OIRINS> get serviceaccount/oiri-service-account -o jsonpath='{.secrets[0].name}'`
    TOKEN=`kubectl -n <OIRINS> get secret $TOKENNAME -o jsonpath='{.data.token}'| base64 --decode`
    kubectl -n <OIRINS> get secret $TOKENNAME -o jsonpath='{\.crt}'| base64 --decode > ca.crt
  4. Share the ca.crt and TOKEN to the OIRI Installation Admin by copying the ca.crt to the Kubernetes local directory, and listing the TOKEN created in step 5.c.

    cp ca.crt /local/k8s
    echo $TOKEN
  5. Connect to the oiri-cli container and run the following commands.


    docker exec -it oiri-cli bash


    touch /app/k8s/config
    export KUBECONFIG=/app/k8s/config
    kubectl config set-cluster oiri-cluster --server=https://<IPAddressofK8SPrimaryNode>:6443 --certificate-authority=/app/k8s/ca.crt --embed-certs=true
    export TOKEN=<Token-Shared-by-Kuberetes-Admin>
    kubectl config set-credentials oiri-service-account --token=$TOKEN
    kubectl config set-context oiri --user=oiri-service-account --cluster=oiri-cluster
    kubectl config use-context oiri

Initialize Configuration Files

Setup an initial configuration for OIRI using the following commands:

Note: Full details of all parameters can be viewed in the Administering Oracle Identity Role Intelligence manual.

  1. Connect to the oiri-cli container.

    docker exec -it oiri-cli bash
  2. View the help for the configuration script, You can view available options for this script by running the following command.

    ./ -h
  3. Run the configuration file setup by invoking the script.

    ./ -m prod \
    --oigdbhost {OIG_DB_HOST} \
    --oigdbport {OIG_DB_PORT} \
    --oigdbsname {OIG_DB_SERVICE_NAME} \
    --oiridbhost {OIRI_DB_HOST} \
    --oiridbport {OIRI_DB_PORT} \
    --oiridbsname {OIRI_DB_SERVICE} \
    --useflatfileforetl true \
    --sparkmode {SPARK_MODE} \
    --dingnamespace {DING_NAMESPACE} \
    --dingimage {DING_IMAGE} \
    --imagepullsecret {IMAGE_PULL_SECRET} \
    --k8scertificatefilename {KUBERNETES_CERTIFICATE_FILE_NAME} \
    --sparkk8smasterurl {KUBERENETES_MASTER_URL} \
    --oigserverurl {OIG_SERVER_URL} \

    For example:

    ./ -m prod \
    --oigdbhost \
    --oigdbport 1521 \
    --oigdbsname \
    --oiridbhost \
    --oiridbport 1521 \
    --oiridbsname \
    --useflatfileforetl true \
    --sparkmode k8s \
    --dingnamespace ding \
    --dingimage oiri-ding-<TAG> \
    --imagepullsecret regcred \
    --k8scertificatefilename ca.crt \
    --sparkk8smasterurl k8s:// \
    --oigserverurl \

    Output will be similar to the following.

    INFO:  OIG DB as source for ETL is true
    INFO: Setting up /app/data/conf/config.yaml
    INFO: Setting up /app/data/conf/data-ingestion-config.yaml
    INFO: Setting up /app/data/conf/custom-attributes.yaml
    INFO: Setting up /app/oiri/data/conf/application.yaml
    INFO: Setting up /app/oiri/data/conf/authenticationConf.yaml
    INFO: Setting up /app/data/conf/dbconfig.yaml

    Note: --sparkk8smasterurl is a URL used internally and should use the IP address rather than the hostname, else you will see errors when running data ingestion.

  4. Verify that the files have been created.

    Check the /app/data/conf directory.

    ls /app/data/conf/

    Output should be the same as the following.

    config.yaml custom-attributes.yaml data-ingestion-config.yaml dbconfig.yaml

    Check the /app/oiri/data/conf directory.

    ls /app/oiri/data/conf

    Output should be the same as the following.

    application.yaml authenticationConf.yaml

Setup Helm Chart Parameters

Setup the configuration for the Helm chart using the following commands.

Note: Full details of all parameters can be viewed in the Administering Oracle Identity Role Intelligence manual.

  1. Connect to the oiri-cli container.

    docker exec -it oiri-cli bash
  2. Run the values.yaml setup.

    ./ \
    --oiriapiimage {OIRI_API_IMAGE} \
    --oirinfsserver {OIRI_NFS_SERVER} \
    --oirinfsstoragepath {OIRI_NFS_PATH} \
    --oirinfsstoragecapacity {OIRI_NFS_STORAGE_CAPACITY} \
    --oiriuiimage {OIRI_UI_IMAGE} \
    --dingimage {DING_IMAGE} \
    --dingnfsserver {OIRI_NFS_SERVER} \
    --dingnfsstoragepath {DING_NFS_STORAGE_PATH} \
    --dingnfsstoragecapacity {DING_NFS_STORAGE_CAPACITY} \
    --ingresshostname {INGRESS_HOSTNAME} \
    --sslsecretname "{SSL_SECRET_NAME}"

    For example:

    ./ \
    --oiriapiimage oiri-<TAG> \
    --oirinfsserver \
    --oirinfsstoragepath /nfs/oiri \
    --oirinfsstoragecapacity 10Gi \
    --oiriuiimage oiri-ui-<TAG> \
    --dingimage oiri-ding-<TAG> \
    --dingnfsserver \
    --dingnfsstoragepath /nfs/ding \
    --dingnfsstoragecapacity 10Gi \
    --ingresshostname \
    --sslsecretname "oiri-tls-cert"
  3. Verify that the values.yaml file has been created.

    ls /app/k8s/

    Output should be the same as the following.

  4. Exit the container

Generate a Keystore

  1. Connect to the oiri-cli container.

    docker exec -it oiri-cli bash
  2. Create the keystore using keytool.

    keytool -genkeypair \
    -alias <OIRI_JWT_KEY_ALIAS> \
    -keyalg RSA \
    -keystore /app/oiri/data/keystore/keystore.jks \
    -storetype pkcs12 \
    -storepass <password>

    For example:

    keytool -genkeypair -alias oii -keypass <password> -keyalg RSA -keystore /app/oiri/data/keystore/keystore.jks -storepass <password> -storetype pkcs12
    What is your first and last name?
    What is the name of your organizational unit?
      [Unknown]: oiri
    What is the name of your organization?
    What is the name of your City or Locality?
      [Unknown]: Cambridge
    What is the name of your State or Province?
      [Unknown]: Massachusetts
    What is the two-letter country code for this unit?
      [Unknown]: US
    Is CN=, OU=oiri,, L=Cambridge, ST=Massachusetts, C=US correct?
      [no]:  yes
  3. Exit the container.

  4. Export the Oracle Identity Governance Server certificate for signature verification.

    Export the Oracle Identity Governance Server Server Certificate from the default OIG keystore and then copy to /nfs/oiri/data/keystore

    Note: the default OIG keystore is located at OIG_ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain/config/fmwconfig.

    cd OIG_ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/base_domain/config/fmwconfig
    keytool -export -rfc -alias xell -file xell.pem -keystore default-keystore.jks

    Copy the file to the OIRI keystore directory.

    cp xell.pem /nfs/oiri/data/keystore
  5. Connect to the oiri-cli container.

    docker exec -it oiri-cli bash
  6. Import the certificate into the keystore.

    keytool -import \
    -alias xell \
    -file /app/oiri/data/keystore/xell.pem \
    -keystore /app/oiri/data/keystore/keystore.jks

Create a Wallet

  1. Connect to the OIRI container.

    docker exec -it oiri-cli bash
  2. Create the Wallet using oiri-cli.

    oiri-cli --config=/app/data/conf/config.yaml wallet create

    Provide the following parameters when prompted:

    • OIRI Database UserName and Password
    • OIG Database UserName and Password
    • OIG Service Account UserName and Password (OIRIServiceAccountUser created earlier in this tutorial)
    • OIRI KeyStore Password
    • OIRI JWT Key Alias and Password

    Output will be similar to the following.

    #######  #### ########  ####          ######   ##       ####
    ##     ##  ##  ##     ##  ##          ##    ##  ##        ##
    ##     ##  ##  ##     ##  ##          ##        ##        ##
    ##     ##  ##  ########   ##  ####### ##        ##        ##
    ##     ##  ##  ##   ##    ##          ##        ##        ##
    ##     ##  ##  ##    ##   ##          ##    ##  ##        ##
     #######  #### ##     ## ####          ######   ######## ####
    Setting up wallet in [/app/data/wallet]
    DING Wallet created.
    Setting up wallet in [/app/oiri/data/wallet]
    OIRI Wallet created.
  3. Verify that the OIRI and DING wallets have been created.

    ls /app/data/wallet

    Output should be the same as the following.

    cwallet.sso cwallet.sso.lck
    ls /app/oiri/data/wallet

    Output should be the same as the following.

    cwallet.sso cwallet.sso.lck

Create and Seed the OIRI Database User

  1. Connect to the oiri-cli container.

    docker exec -it oiri-cli bash
  2. Create the DB User using oiri-cli.

    oiri-cli --config=/app/data/conf/config.yaml schema create /app/data/conf/dbconfig.yaml

    Provide the following parameter when prompted.

    • SYS password

    Output will be similar to the following.

    #######  #### ########  ####          ######   ##       ####
    ##     ##  ##  ##     ##  ##          ##    ##  ##        ##
    ##     ##  ##  ##     ##  ##          ##        ##        ##
    ##     ##  ##  ########   ##  ####### ##        ##        ##
    ##     ##  ##  ##   ##    ##          ##        ##        ##
    ##     ##  ##  ##    ##   ##          ##    ##  ##        ##
     #######  #### ##     ## ####          ######   ######## ####
    Creating the schema ci_oiri
    CREATING OIRI SCHEMA ............
    DB USER ci_oiri has been successfully created
  3. Seed the schema using oiri-cli.

    oiri-cli --config=/app/data/conf/config.yaml schema migrate /app/data/conf/dbconfig.yaml

    Output will be similar to the following.

    #######  #### ########  ####          ######   ##       ####
    ##     ##  ##  ##     ##  ##          ##    ##  ##        ##
    ##     ##  ##  ##     ##  ##          ##        ##        ##
    ##     ##  ##  ########   ##  ####### ##        ##        ##
    ##     ##  ##  ##   ##    ##          ##        ##        ##
    ##     ##  ##  ##    ##   ##          ##    ##  ##        ##
     #######  #### ##     ## ####          ######   ######## ####
    Migrating the OIRI schema
    Migrating OIRI SCHEMA ............
    OIRI Schema has been successfully migrated

Verify the Wallet and DB Connectivity

  1. Connect to the OIRI container.

    docker exec -it oiri-cli bash
  2. Verify the Wallet using


    Output will be similar to the following.

     #######  #### ########  ####          ######   ##       ####
    ##     ##  ##  ##     ##  ##          ##    ##  ##        ##
    ##     ##  ##  ##     ##  ##          ##        ##        ##
    ##     ##  ##  ########   ##  ####### ##        ##        ##
    ##     ##  ##  ##   ##    ##          ##        ##        ##
    ##     ##  ##  ##    ##   ##          ##    ##  ##        ##
     #######  #### ##     ## ####          ######   ######## ####
    Verifying Wallets. Wallet locations and entries will be validated
    DING Wallet is Valid.
    OIRI Wallet is Valid.
    OIRI DB Connection is Valid.
    OIG DB Connection is Valid.
    KeyStore location and entries are Valid.
    OIG Server Connection is Valid.
    SUCCESS: Wallet locations and entries are valid.

Install OIRI Helm Chart

  1. Create Image Pull Secrets for the oiri and ding namespaces.

    kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server=<registry_server_url> --docker-username=<registry_user> --docker-password=<registry_password> -n <oirins>
    kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-server=<registry_server_url> --docker-username=<registry_user> --docker-password=<registry_password> -n <dingns>
  2. Optionally, if you have selected -ssl/--sslenabled as true when executing then setup an SSL certificate and create a Kubernetes secret for the certificate.

    Create the certificate using the openssl utility.

    openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout tls.key -out tls.crt -subj "/CN=<HOSTNAME>"

    For example:

    openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout tls.key -out tls.crt -subj "/"
    Generating a 2048 bit RSA private key
    writing new private key to 'tls.key'

    Note: the certificate created in the previous step is self-signed and should not be used in a production environment. In production, supply a valid certificate and key to the create secret command detailed in the following step.

    Connect to the oiri-cli container and create a Kubernetes secret containing the certificate created in the previous step.

    docker exec -it oiri-cli bash
    kubectl create secret tls oiri-tls-cert --key="tls.key" --cert="tls.crt"

    Output should be the same as the following.

    secret/oiri-tls-cert created
  3. Install the OIRI Helm Chart

    helm install oiri /helm/oiri -f /app/k8s/values.yaml -n <oirinamespace>

    Output will be similar to the following.

    NAME: oiri
    LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Apr 28 05:05:05 2021
    NAMESPACE: default
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None
    Please be patient while the chart installs. Pod may not be in running status.
    To check the status of the pod, run following command.
    Pods READY state must be 1/1 and status RUNNING
        kubectl get pods --namespace oiri
        kubectl get pods --namespace ding
    Access OIRI UI by using following URL in your browser.
    Admins can access DING History Server by port forwarding the ding-history pod through kubectl.
        kubectl port-forward <pod_name> <desired_port>:18080 -n ding
    Inside the DING-CLI, use following commands to start data ingestion
        ding-cli --config=/app/data/conf/config.yaml data-ingestion start /app/data/conf/data-ingestion-config.yaml`

Verify the installation

Verify the installation by checking the OIRI pods have started successfully. Once the pods are running, log into the OIRI UI.

  1. Verify that the OIRI pods have started successfully.

    kubectl get pods --namespace oiri

    Output should be similar to the following.

    NAME                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    oiri-549d5458fb-v6vjk      1/1     Running   0          2d22h
    oiri-ui-7894b5b4b7-28klj   1/1     Running   0          2d22h
    kubectl get pods --namespace ding

    Output should be similar to the following.

    NAME                                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    spark-history-server-85689d9545-svtvd   1/1     Running   0          2d22h
  2. Access OIRI UI by using following URL in your browser.

    Initially you will see the OIRI UI login screen.

    Login with an authorized OIG user.

    The OIRI main screen should be displayed as below:

Upgrade the OIRI Image

As new builds of the OIRI image are released, you may be required to upgrade your container. In order to do this you should complete the following steps.

  1. Remove the existing oiri-cli container.

    From the host:

    docker rm -f oiri-cli
  2. Create the oiri-cli container using the new image.

    From the host:

    docker run -d --name oiri-cli \
    -v /nfs/ding/:/app/ \
    -v /nfs/oiri/:/app/oiri \
    -v /local/k8s/:/app/k8s \
    tail -f /dev/null

    Output will be similar to the following.

    docker run -d --name oiri-cli \
    -v /nfs/ding/:/app/ \
    -v /nfs/oiri/:/app/oiri \
    -v /local/k8s/:/app/k8s \
    oiri-cli-<TAG> \
    tail -f /dev/null
  3. Remove the existing ding-cli container.

    From the host:

    docker rm -f ding-cli
  4. Create the ding-cli container using the new image.

    From the host:

    docker run -d --name ding-cli \
    -v /nfs/ding/:/app/ \
    -v /nfs/oiri/:/app/oiri \
    -v /local/k8s/:/app/k8s \
    tail -f /dev/null

    Output will be similar to the following.

    docker run -d --name ding-cli \
    -v /nfs/ding/:/app/ \
    -v /nfs/oiri/:/app/oiri \
    -v /local/k8s/:/app/k8s \
    oiri-ding-<TAG> tail -f /dev/null
  5. Connect to the oiri-cli container.

    docker exec -it oiri-cli bash
  6. Update the OIRI configuration with the latest images.

    In the oiri-cli container issue the following commands.

    ./ \
    --oiriapiimage {OIRI_NEW_IMAGE} \
    --oiriuiimage {OIRI_UI_NEW_IMAGE} \
    --dingimage {DING_NEW_IMAGE}
    ./ \
    --dingimage {DING_NEW_IMAGE}

    Output will be similar to the following.

    ./ \
    --oiriapiimage oiri-<TAG> \
    --oiriuiimage oiri-ui-<TAG>:<tag> \
    --dingimage oiri-ding-<TAG>
    INFO: Setting up /app/k8s/values.yaml
    ./ \
    --dingimage oiri/oiri-ding:<tag>
    INFO: Setting up /app/data/conf/config.yaml
    INFO: Setting up /app/data/conf/data-ingestion-config.yaml
    INFO: Setting up /app/data/conf/custom-attributes.yaml
    INFO: Setting up /app/oiri/data/conf/application.yaml
    INFO: Setting up /app/oiri/data/conf/authenticationConf.yaml
    INFO: Setting up /app/data/conf/dbconfig.yaml
  7. Upgrade the schema with the new image.

    oiri-cli --config=/app/data/conf/config.yaml schema migrate /app/data/conf/dbconfig.yaml

    Output should be similar to the following.

    #######  #### ########  ####          ######   ##       ####
    ##     ##  ##  ##     ##  ##          ##    ##  ##        ##
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    Migrating the OIRI schema
    Migrating OIRI SCHEMA ............
    ========== Before Migrate =============
    Script:V1__RoleMining.sql Installed On:2021-04-14 15:25:56.075212 State:SUCCESS Version:1 Description:RoleMining
    ========== After Migrate =============
    Script:V1__RoleMining.sql Installed On:2021-04-14 15:25:56.075212 State:SUCCESS Version:1 Description:RoleMining
    OIRI Schema has been successfully migrated
  8. Upgrade the Helm chart to reflect the new image.

    helm upgrade oiri /helm/oiri -f /app/k8s/values.yaml

    Output will be similar to the following.

    helm upgrade oiri /helm/oiri -f /app/k8s/values.yaml
    Release "oiri" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
    NAME: oiri
    LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Apr 26 16:51:58 2021
    NAMESPACE: default
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None
    Please be patient while the chart installs. Pod may not be in running status.
    To check the status of the pod, run following command.
    Pods READY state must be 1/1 and status RUNNING
    kubectl get pods --namespace oiri
    kubectl get pods --namespace ding
    Access OIRI UI by using following URL in your browser.

    Admins can access DING History Server by port forwarding the ding-history pod through kubectl.
     kubectl port-forward <pod_name> <desired_port>:18080 -n ding
    Inside the DING-CLI, use following commands to start data ingestion
     ding-cli --config=/app/data/conf/config.yaml data-ingestion start /app/data/conf/data-ingestion-config.yaml
  9. Verify that pods are running and using the correct image.

    Confirm that the OIRI pods are running.

    kubectl get pods --namespace oiri

    Output should be similar to the following.

    NAME                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    oiri-677c96f67f-p6q8j    1/1     Running   0          41m
    oiri-ui-f5c4df54-hrwsm   1/1     Running   0          41m

    For each pod, check the Image: value, for example:

    kubectl describe pod oiri-677c96f67f-p6q8j -n oiri | grep Image:

    Output should be similar to the following.

    Image:          oiri-<TAG>
    kubectl describe pod  oiri-ui-f5c4df54-hrwsm -n oiri | grep Image:

    Output should be similar to the following.

    Image:          oiri-ui-<TAG>

    Note: the <tag> listed in the output should match the <tag> of the latest image that you upgraded to.

    Perform the same tasks for the DING pod, for example:

    kubectl get pods --namespace ding
    NAME                                    READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    oiri-ding-8337ee78f9845138-driver       0/1     Completed   0          4d5h
    oiri-ding-baa5ce78fa1f4b2f-driver       0/1     Completed   0          4d2h
    oiri-ding-c9a54178fecedd1a-driver       0/1     Completed   0          3d4h
    spark-history-server-684dc84b66-jbmkg   1/1     Running     0          60m
    kubectl describe pod  spark-history-server-684dc84b66-jbmkg -n ding | grep Image:
     Image:         oiri-ding-<TAG>

Remove OIRI

To remove OIRI you should perform the following tasks as appropriate.

  1. Delete the Helm chart.

    Connect to the oiri-cli container.

    docker exec -it oiri-cli bash

    Delete the OIRI Helm chart.

    helm delete oiri
  2. Delete Kubernetes namespaces.

    Connected to the oiri-cli container, issue the following commands.

    kubectl delete namespace oiri
    kubectl delete namespace ding
  3. Remove OIRI and DING containers.

    Exit the container and on the host issue the following.

    docker rm -f oiri-cli
    docker rm -f ding-cli
  4. Remove any other components

    Remove any other components that may have been created to support your OIRI installation, for example:

    • OIRI schema or Database
    • Local directory
    • NFS directories

Provide links to additional resources. This section is optional; delete if not needed.


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