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Oracle Retail AI Foundation Cloud Services Implementation Guide
Release 22.2.302.0
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16 Attribute Processing

This chapter addresses attribute preprocessing. It contains the following sections:

Attribute Preprocessing

Attributes provide context about products and enhance the accuracy of DT and CDT models. Attributes are stored within RI and are derived from product descriptions and merchandise hierarchy.

RADM may or may not contain product attributes. Any attributes found in RADM may have been created for BI reporting or other purposes and may need mining or preprocessing to make them suitable for the application.

Some steps in attribute preprocessing require manipulating attribute data. Oracle Enterprise Product Data Quality is a licensed software package that facilitates some of the preprocessing data manipulation steps required to make attributes suitable for CDT and DT modeling.

Here is an example of product information for yogurt.

  • Product description: Brand A non-fat organic 6 oz.

  • Class description: Dairy product.

  • Sub-class description: Yogurt.

SKU/Store attributes determined by preprocessing:

  • Brand

  • Price

  • Size

Note that CDT modeling works optimally when there are five or fewer possible values for any given SKU-store attribute. For example, many price points are available for yogurt. For CDT, it is better to define between three and five price bins (that is, budget, regular, premium, and elite).

For ASO, the application itself does not have any specific requirements; the business requirements for the attribute values are what matters. ASO supports the use of attribute value groups to control the layout of products. If the business requirement states that products should be organized by many different attribute values, then, for ASO, the attribute value groups must have as many values as needed for the organization specified. Note that care must be taken, as these two requirements can contradict one another.

Process Overview

The basic steps for attribute preprocessing are as follows:

  • Populating RADM with attribute data

  • Translating (optional)

  • Parsing

  • Cleansing and standardizing

  • Categorizing and labeling

  • Defining attributes

  • Binning and grouping

Populating RADM with Attribute Data

A few steps are required to make RADM attributes suitable for the application so that the applications can use this data.

The first requirement is to ensure that the attribute values are populated in RADM. This is the source for the attribute data and must be loaded there in order to be available to the application.

Regarding RADM attributes: In RADM, an attribute can be defined in multiple ways. Flex attributes are typically stored in a column of the W_PRODUCT_ATTR_D table. RADM has a table W_RTL_METADATA_G that contains a list of defined attribute locations. Consult this list to see if there is already a defined place to store a particular attribute value.

RI also offers the ability to store Item Differentiators for products. These are essentially User Defined Attributes (UDAs), which consist of a lookup code for the attribute and the attribute value. These lookup codes are then defined in RADM's standard translation table (W_DOMAIN_MEMBER_LKP_TL with domain codes of ITEM_UDA_HEAD and ITEM_UDA). The actual association of an item to one of the UDAs is performed in the W_RTL_ITEM_GRP 1_D table.

Once attributes are available in RADM, it is necessary to define these attributes in the RSE_BUSINESS_OBJECT_ATTR_MD table. This requires engagement with OCI in order to configure the data correctly for retrieval from the application. This table must be set up with appropriate metadata to define the source of the attributes from RADM. The sample seed_data file for this table contains some standard attributes that can be defined in RADM, but the table must be adjusted to contain the complete list of attributes that should be available for the applications to use. This must include Flex Attributes as well as User Defined Attributes.Once attributes are defined in the RSE_BUSINESS_OBJECT_ATTR_MD, the next step is to provide custom lists of attributes that should be used per product category. This can be done through the RSE_PROD_ATTR_GRP_VALUE_STG and RSE_PROD_ATTR_VALUE_XREF_STG interfaces. The first interface is used to define the output of the binning and grouping of attributes. For example, if Coffee needs a Brand Tier attribute, and it should have values of Premium, Value, and Mainstream, then this interface would define this Coffee Brand Tier attribute, along with the values of Premium, Value, and Mainstream, and it should specify what source attribute is to be used for this (the source is in RSE_BUSINESS_OBJECT_ATTR_MD). The second table of the interface (RSE_PROD_ATTR_VALUE_XREF_STG), enables the association of specific Brand attributes to the binned/grouped attribute values from the first interface (RSE_PROD_ATTR_GRP_VALUE_STG).One concept to consider for these attributes and attribute values, is that they must be unique across all product categories. This offers the ability to classify one Brand as Premium for one product category, while it could be Mainstream for another product category. Additionally, it enables a different selection of attribute values for each product category. For example, another product category might not have a Premium Brand Tier, and therefore the interface would not include this value in this interface for that product category.


This step is only needed when the product data is in a different language than the customer's primary language.


This step identifies and extracts target key words, such as "Brand A," "small," "blue," and "non-fat." from the source data (such as product description). It is done through semantic recognition, usually by software such as Oracle Enterprise Product Data Quality.

Cleansing and Standardization

This step edits the text and corrects spelling and grammar. For example, "Addr." will be recognized and converted into "Address" and "St." into "Street." EPDQ can facilitate this step.

Categorizing and Labeling

This step classifies targeted key words into the pre-defined categories, such as "Brand A" for "Brand," "small" for "Size" and "blue" for "Color." The product record can thus be labeled by the category values. EPDQ can facilitate this step.

Defining Attributes

With the extracted categories from the product data, attributes are defined. They can be some or all of the categories identified, based on contextual business knowledge and how populated the categories are.

Binning and Grouping

Binning and grouping are used to consolidate and reduce the number of possible values for an attribute into a manageable number.

  • Binning divides numerical attributes, such as price, discounts, and mileage, into discrete sets of ranges, such as <=$10, $10~$25, and >$25.

  • Grouping combines textual attributes that are too granular into a smaller set of attribute values. For example, tea weight can have dozens of values; grouping merges the values into coarser ranges (like small or large) and reduces the number of possible attribute values.

Product Attribute Loading

This section provides an example of adding an attribute for use by the application into all the relevant tables. In this example, a new attribute is added to represent Flavor within the Coffee product category.

The process flow for this involves:

  1. Identify the need to add a new product attribute for a product category.

  2. Determine where the attribute data is found within RADM.

  3. Coordinate with OCI to add the attribute definition in the tables, if it not already present.

  4. Coordinate with OCI to run the batch process to load attribute data from RADM.

  5. Determine if the attribute data requires any special grouping or binning.

  6. Populate the RSE_PROD_ATTR_GRP_VALUE_STG staging table with attribute definition and values.

  7. Populate the RSE_PROD_ATTR_VALUE_XREF_STG staging table with data to associate raw RADM attribute values to the Attribute Groups defined above.

  8. Coordinate with OCI to run the batch process that processes the interface staging tables.

  9. Coordinate with OCI to update the CIS attribute data to reflect the new attribute (product attributes).

  10. Coordinate with OCI to update the CIS attribute data to reflect the new attributes (non-product attributes).

Introduce New Attribute

The first step in the process is the catalyst that triggers the remaining steps. The catalyst is the new attribute that has been introduced and must be made available within the application.

Determine the Attribute Source and Define in the Tables

The new attribute is loaded from RADM for each of the products that require this attribute. RADM has multiple ways of loading attributes, so the approach used varies, depending on where and how the data is stored in RADM. The process involves defining the source table and then defining the column (or column filter values) used to identify the attribute. Once the source is determined, the appropriate values are loaded into RSE_BUSINESS_OBJECT_ATTR_MD and possibly RSE_BUSINESS_OBJECT_DB_SRC.


RADM's W_PRODUCT_D table and W_PRODUCT_ATTR_D table can provide attributes from any of the available columns in these tables. The W_PRODUCT_D table contains named columns with data of a specific logical value, while the W_PRODUCT_ATTR_D table contains a more flexible set of Number, Text, and Date columns that can contain varying values, depending on the implementation. From an attribute point of view, these tables are effectively the same and require the same type of handling.


The W_RTL_ITEM_GRP1_D and W_RTL_ITEM_GRP2_D tables in RADM are different than the other product attribute sources, in that these tables can have attributes implemented as unique rows and specific columns. These tables contain a PROD_GRP_TYPE column, which defines the type of data in the table. Values of ITEMUDA are used for User Defined Attributes. Rows in which the PROD_GRP_TYPE corresponds to the BRAND, COLOR, FLAVOR, SCENT, FABRIC, and STYLE WID columns (ex. BRAND_WID) are also possible.


Once the attribute data has been reviewed and groups have been defined, it is necessary to define the attribute groups and process them into the database. The output of the prior step must be loaded into the staging table for Attribute Value Groups (RSE_PROD_ATTR_GRP_VALUE_STG). This interface defines two sets of data and is used to load two different tables.


Column Example Description


Product Hierarchy

Must match the NAME from RSE_HIER_TYPE that has the ID equal to the RSE_CONFIG for CMGRP_HIER_TYPE.



The external key used to identify the product category (for example, Coffee Class). This value is the same as in RADM's INTEGRATION_ID of the W_PROD_CAT_DH, and also the PROD_EXT_KEY of the RSE_PROD_SRC_XREF table.



This must match the SHORT_DB_NAME of the RSE_BUSINESS_OBJECT_ATTR_MD table for the newly added attribute.




This must be a unique value to describe the attribute to be used by the applications. Since the source Flavor attribute is being defined as two different attributes, two example values are shown here.




A name to be displayed in the UI for the new attribute. Two example values are shown here.


Flavor Y/N Indentifier

Flavor Type

An optional/additional descriptive value that can be displayed in the UI for the new attribute.


(See additional table below)

A unique/external identifier for the new attribute values.


(See additional table below)

A name displayed in the UI for the attribute value.


(See additional table below)

An optional/additional descriptive value that could be shown in the UI for the new attribute value.



This is a Y/N flag to indicate whether this attribute is considered to be an attribute associated with a specific function or role (Y) or not (N).

For example, a customer cannot choose a product with a different value for the auto wiper blade size because each car model has a specific size requirements.

Here is a table showing the different values for adding the example Flavor Attribute Values.

Table 16-2 Flavor Attribute Values












Non Flavored

Non Flavored



Fruit Flavored

Fruit Flavored



Mild Flavored

Mild Flavored






Once the RSE_PROD_ATTR_GRP_VALUE_STG interface has been loaded, it is possible to load the RSE_PROD_ATTR_VALUE_XREF_STG interface with a mapping of actual product attribute values (otherwise known as base attributes) to the attribute groups that were loaded via RSE_PROD_ATTR_GRP_VALUE_STG. The format of data to be loaded here depends on the format of the base attributes. Only one set of attribute value columns should be populated for this interface. These sets are MIN_ATTR_NUM_VALUE and MAX_ATTR_NUM_VALUE (for numeric attributes), ATTR_STRING_VALUE (for text attributes), MIN_ATTR_DATE_VALUE and MAX_ATTR_DATE_VALUE (for date attributes), ATTR_VALUE_EXT_CODE (for dimension based attributes). The sets are mutually exclusive of each other for this interface.


Column Example Description



Must match a PROD_ATTR_VALUE_KEY that was loaded via the RSE_PROD_ATTR_GRP_VALUE_STG interface.



Minimum numeric value to associate with this attribute group value. Only applicable if this attribute uses the ATTR_NUM_VALUE column to store the base attribute value.



The maximum numeric value to associate with this range. Only applicable in conjunction with MIN_ATTR_NUM_VALUE.



A string value to associate with this attribute group value. Only applicable if this attribute uses the ATTR_STRING_VALUE column to store the base attribute value.



The minimum date value to associate with this attribute group value. Default date format for provided control file is YYYY-MM-DD. Only applicable if this attribute uses the ATTR_DATE_VALUE column to store the base attribute value.



The maximum date value to associate with this attribute group value. Default date format for provided control file is YYYY-MM-DD. Only applicable in conjunction with MIN_ATTR_DATE_VALUE.



For base attributes that are sourced from W_RTL_ITEM_GRP1_D, this column can be used to specify the key from the appropriate source column. This is applicable if this attribute uses ATTR_VALUE_EXT_CODE to store the attribute value.

Here is a table containing some examples for adding a new flavor attribute, using string-based attributes.

Table 16-4 Adding a New Flavor Attribute



























