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Oracle Retail AI Foundation Cloud Services Implementation Guide
Release 22.2.302.0
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17 RASE Web Services

This chapter provides an overview of the RASE Web Services. For additional details about any interfaces, see Oracle Retail Insights Cloud Service Suite/Oracle Retail Analytics and Planning Cloud Services Data Interface.

RASE Web Services

RASE web services provide access to DB-bound configurations when a direct connection to the database is not desirable or possible; intra-day and ad-hoc access to certain application outputs is also provided. RASE web services are REST-based; it is assumed that you are familiar with basic REST principles (such as the usage of HTTP verbs). RASE web services provide access to a subset of application and output data, but do not fully mirror the user interface or export and import features of the backend. They are not a replacement for bulk data export, which must be done on a schedule as part of batch processing. However, access to the configuration can be used during implementation and upgrade periods, and AC and ASO export web services can serve as a means of obtaining incremental update data from a specified point in time (driven by a query parameter) as a means of intra-day processing.

All services support the query parameter contentType and the HTTP header Content-Type, with the supported values application/json and application/xml. The query parameter takes precedence; if no content type is supplied, then application/json serves as the default.

The AC and ASO export services have a dateMask query parameter that must adhere to the Java java.text.SimpleDateFormat rules (for example, dateMask=yyyyMMdd&exportDate=20151012). All date parameters must be sent in this format, and output dates and timestamps are returned according to this format.

The json/XML structure follows the corresponding DB table and view while being converted to the Java standard. That is, underscores are removed, camel case is used, and first letter is lowercase. For example, the RSE_CONFIG APPL_CODE column is returned as applCode. All data is returned as type string.

Authentication and Authorization

Basic authentication is used, so you may use any client software that supports it. Authorization is done for ADF-LDAP (OID) mapped roles, and only administrator roles are used (that is, the calling user must be in a duty that is mapped to the roles in Table 17-1).

Table 17-1 Mapped Administrator Roles

Service Role Mapped Role
















Summary of Web Services

This section provides a summary of web services.

Access to RSE_CONFIG Table

Fetch Config Data

GET on /rase/resources/rse/parameters returns all RSE_CONFIG entries a specific user has access to (that is, all applCode RSE entries plus corresponding application entries). For example, if a user is in the ASO Administrator role, then the applCode SO will be returned as well. Here is a list of the fields:

  • applCode

  • paramName

  • paramValue

  • configurableFlg.

  • descr

Fetch One Entry

GET on applCode,paramName. For example, /rase/resources/rse/parameters/RSE,PRIMARY_LANGUAGE_CODE returns a particular entry if the user has access to it.

Create an Entry

POST to /rase/resources/rse/parameters with a form having a single field called "content" and a value having the appropriate new parameter data in content type as specified by query parameter and header, if the user has access to it. The structure of the content must match what is returned by GET.

Update an Entry

PUT to applCode,paramName. For example, /rase/resources/rse/parameters/RSE, LOC_HIER_TYPE, with the form having fields called paramName, paramValue, descr, and configurableFlg, along with appropriate values, if the user has access to it.

Batch Update Entries

PUT to /rase/resources/rse/parameters with a form having a single field called "content" and a value having appropriate parameter data in the content type as specified by the query parameter and header. Note that if the user does not have access to a particular entry, it will be skipped. The structure of the content must match what is returned by GET.

Access to RSE_CONFIG_CODE Table

Fetch Data for an Entry

GET on applCode,paramName, paramCode. For example, /rase/resources/rse/parameters/DT,SIM_DISPLAY_CODE_PCT,2 returns data, if user has access to it.

  • applCode

  • paramName

  • paramCode

  • paramValue

  • configurableFlg

  • descr

Create an Entry

POST to applCode,paramName,paramCode. For example, /rase/resources/rse/parameters/DT,SIM_DISPLAY_CODE_PCT,2} with a form having a single field named "content" and a value having appropriate new parameter data in the content type as specified by query parameter and header, if the user has access to it. The structure of the content must match what is returned by GET.

Update an Entry

PUT to applCode,paramName, paramCode, For example, /rase/resources/rse/parameters/DT,SIM_DISPLAY_CODE_PCT,2 with form having a single field named "content" and a value having appropriate parameter data in the content type as specified by query parameter / header, if user has access to it.The structure of the content must match what is returned by GET.

Delete an Entry

DELETE to applCode,paramName, paramCode. For example, /rase/resources/rse/parameters/DT,SIM_DISPLAY_CODE_PCT,2, if the user has access to it.

Advanced Clustering Export

This section describes Advanced Clustering export.

Get Clusters

This service is based on rsestrclst.csv.

GET on /rase/resources/cis/export/cluster.

Parameters (in addition to dateMask and contentType) are all joined by logical AND:

Table 17-2 Advanced Clustering Export Parameters

Name Type Required Query Logic for Corresponding Column if Parameter is Provided




Greater than or equal to this value




Greater than or equal to this value




Less than or equal to this value




Equal to this value []




Equal to this value




Equal to this value




Equal to this value

Customer Segment Export

This section describes Customer Segment export.

Get Segments

This service is based on rsestrclst.csv.

GET on /rase/resources/cis/export/segment.

Parameters (in addition to dateMask and contentType) are all joined by logical AND:

Table 17-3 Customer Segment Export Parameters

Name Type Query Logic for Corresponding Column if Parameter is Provided



Greater than or equal to this value



Greater than or equal to this value



Less than or equal to this value



Equal to this value

AIF Integration with ORCE (Customer Engagement)

This integration enables the application to send approved customer segments into Oracle Retail Customer Engagement (ORCE). Whenever customer segments are approved for merchandise, location in the application, a web service call is made to ORCE in order to save segments, along with its members and relevant attributes.

Credential Store

You can use the Manage Credential Stores screen, shown in Figure 17-1, to maintain ORCE credentials in the application.

Figure 17-1 Manage Credential Stores

Description of Figure 17-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 17-1 Manage Credential Stores''

Enter the following information into Manage Credential Stores:

Table 17-4 Manage Credential Stores Information

Field Description


Credential username created by ORCE to enable integration


Credential password (at least one character) created by ORCE to enable integration

Confirm Password

Confirm password


Credential store used for Customer Segment integration with Oracle Customer Engagement


The following configuration must be updated for integration. By default, ORCE integration is disabled.

Table 17-5 Configuration

Configuration Description


Flag to identify whether to publish customer segment to customer engagement. (Y/N)


ORGID is the 3-letter ID provided by Oracle Customer Engagement to create and implement an authentication key. (REL)


Flag to identify whether to publish customer segment attribute to customer engagement. (Y/N)


URL host name to publish customer segment to customer engagement. This should be same as the CN name in the certificate.


Port number to publish customer segment to customer engagement.


Segment service version to use for publishing customer segment to customer engagement. (format vX_0 - v3_0)


Proxy host name to publish customer segment to customer engagement.


HTTP proxy port number to publish customer segment to customer engagement.


HTTPS proxy port number to publish customer segment to customer engagement.


Number of customers to add in batches after customer segment to customer engagement is published.

ASO Exports

This section describes ASO exports.

AIP/Replenishment Results

This service is based on so_assort_aiprepl_int.csv.

GET on /rase/resources/so/export/soAssortAipreplInt

Parameters (in addition to dateMask and contentType) are all joined by logical OR:

Table 17-6 AIP/Replenishment Results Parameters

Name Type Query Logic for Corresponding Column if Parameter is Provided



Equal to this value



Greater than or equal to this value

Output Aggregated Across Approved Runs

This service is based on so_assort_cm_int.csv.

GET on /rase/resources/so/export/soAssortCmInt.

Parameters (in addition to dateMask and contentType) are all joined by logical OR:

Table 17-7 Output Aggregated Across Approved Runs Parameters

Name Type Query Logic for Corresponding Column if Parameter is Provided



Equal to this value



Greater than or equal to this value

Assortment Result Details

This service is based on so_assort_int.csv.

GET on /rase/resources/so/export/soAssortInt.

Parameters (in addition to dateMask and contentType) are all joined by logical OR:

Table 17-8 Assortment Results Details Parameters

Name Type Query Logic for Corresponding Column if Parameter is Provided



Equal to this value



Greater than or equal to this value

Cross Reference Between Planograms and Finalized Assortments

This service is based on planogram_assortment.csv.

GET on /rase/resources/so/export/planogramAssortment.

Parameters (in addition to dateMask and contentType) all joined by logical OR:

Table 17-9 Cross Reference Between Planograms and Finalized Assortments Parameters

Name Type Query Logic for Corresponding Column if Parameter is Provided



Equal to this value



Greater than or equal to this value

POG Header

This service is based on planogram.csv.

GET on /rase/resources/so/export/planogram.

Parameters (in addition to dateMask and contentType) all joined by logical OR:

Table 17-10 POG Header Parameters

Name Type Query Logic for Corresponding Column if Parameter is Provided



Equal to this value



Greater than or equal to this value

POG Equipment Components

This service is based on equipment.csv.

GET on /rase/resources/so/export/equipment.

Parameters (in addition to dateMask and contentType) are all joined by logical OR:

Table 17-11 POG Equipment Components Parameters

Name Type Query Logic for Corresponding Column if Parameter is Provided



Equal to this value



Greater than or equal to this value

POG/Stores Cross Refererence

This service is based on planogram_store.csv.

GET on /rase/resources/so/export/planogramStore.

Parameters (in addition to dateMask and contentType) are all joined by logical OR:

Table 17-12 POG/Stores Cross Reference Parameters

Name Type Query Logic for Corresponding Column if Parameter is Provided



Equal to this value



Equal to this value



Greater than or equal to this value

Finalized Assortment Product Hierarchies

This service is based on product_hierarchy.csv.

GET on /rase/resources/so/export/productHierarchy.

Parameters (in addition to dateMask and contentType) are all joined by logical OR:

Table 17-13 Finalized Assortment Product Hierarchies Parameters

Name Type Query Logic for Corresponding Column if Parameter is Provided



Greater than or equal to this value

Finalized Assortment Products

This service is based on product_position.csv.

GET on /rase/resources/so/export/productPosition.

Parameters (in addition to dateMask and contentType) are all joined by logical OR:

Table 17-14 Finalized Assortment Products Parameters

Name Type Query Logic for Corresponding Column if Parameter is Provided



Equal to this value



Equal to this value



Greater than or equal to this value

Product Display Style Information

This service is based on sku_details.csv.

GET on /rase/resources/so/export/skuDetails.

Parameters (in addition to dateMask and contentType) are all joined by logical OR:

Table 17-15 Product Display Style Information Parameters

Name Type Query Logic for Corresponding Column if Parameter is Provided



Equal to this value



Equal to this value



Greater than or equal to this value



Greater than or equal to this value



Greater than or equal to this value

Retail Science Integration with XStore

Retail Science integrates with XStore; as part of this integration, XCenter broadcasts real time sales data with multiple transactions in one XML file to Retail Science. Retail Science, on receiving data, saves real time sales transactions, any price modifiers like promotions, price overrides, and returns in the database, which can be used as real time sales data for reporting.

This section provides the information necessary to send messages contained in version 1.0 of the POSLOG Services API. Information can be obtained using the Web Service Description Language (WSDL) in conjunction with a Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), XML Schema, and various methods contained in the classes of the API to provide the web service described below.


The URL for the WSDL is:

https://<host>:<port>/rasews/poslog/v1/PoslogStrReceiverApiService?wsdl where <host> is the name or address of the server. For a cloud installation, <port> the default port number is 443.

The URL for the WSDL is: Retail Science SOAP endpoint is:https://<host>:<port>/rasews/poslog/v1/PoslogStrReceiverApiService This endpoint should be configured in the XCenter for Generic Poslog String broadcaster. For further details, see the XCenter configuration.


Retail Science supports Basic Authentication integration with XCenter over https, using a username and password. XCenter integration with Retail Science relies on SSL to do the encryption of the username/password configuration. After a user is defined in Retail Science, XCenter must be configured with the userid/password, and Xcenter will use Base64-encoding and include it as part of the Http authorization header when invoking the SOAP service. XCenter service requests must be authenticated with a valid user/password combination and roles. Failure to provide a valid authorization header will result in a 403 - Forbiddenresponse.The user must have following role set up: POSLOGS_SERVICE_JOB - Point of Sales broadcast listener role to enable integration between Retail Science and Oracle XStore.

Retail Science and Retail Insight Integration

Retail Science internally triggers job LOAD_POSLOG_DATA_ADHOC; this job is predefined in Retail Process Orchestration and Monitoring (POM). As part of the configuration verification, ensure that LOAD_POSLOG_DATA_ADHOC is defined in POM.


This section describes the configuration.

POM Server Detail Configuration

To ensure Retail Science to Retail Insights integration configuration is correct, verify RSE_CONFIG configuration for POM Server details.Select Control & Tactical Center > Strategy & Policy ManagementFilter APPL_CODE as "RSE" and PARAM_NAME as "RSE_POM_HOST". Determine if the value set as part of the deployment is correct. If the host is not correct, update the entries.

Figure 17-2 Edit Value

Surrounding text describes Figure 17-2 .

POM Server Credentials

Select Control & Tactical Center > Manage Credential Store to provide POM ReST endpoints credentials for Basic Authentication. All the POM ReST endpoints use Basic Authentication, with the same credentials as those used to log into the POM application. See Figure 17-3 to provide credentials.

Figure 17-3 POM Server Credentials

Surrounding text describes Figure 17-3 .

Once the configuration is complete, Retail Science will start triggering jobs for Retail Insights.