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Oracle Retail AI Foundation Cloud Services Implementation Guide
Release 22.2.302.0
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3 Customer Decision Trees

This chapter provides details about the use of the Customer Decision Tree Science application.

Input Data

This section describes setting up the data that the CDT application uses to calculate CDTs.


The calculation of CDTs is based on a retailer's historical data, especially customer-linked transactions data that includes subsets of transactions from the same customer. The CDT calculation does not require any data about the customer; it does require that the transactions are flagged to indicate that they came from the same customer.

The CDT calculation uses this customer-linked transactions data to determine, for a particular category at a particular store, the switching behavior of the customer among the items in the category at that store. By seeing what fraction of all historical customers of the category consider two specific items substitutable, CDT generates a similarity for the two items, which is a number between 0 and 1 that indicates how substitutable those two items are.

It is important to have data from a large numbers of customers shopping in the category in order to be more certain of the similarity values. In general, it is not recommended to perform CDT calculation for categories where customer-linked transactions data is available only for a few hundred customers.

The CDT calculation also relies on attributes, since attributes are at the nodes of the CDT. The CDT calculation applies the similarity calculation to attribute values as well as to items in order to find the similarities between attribute values. The CDT is then generated by examining the relationships between the attribute-value similarities and the item-level similarities. So good attribute information is also important.

Notice that the CDT calculation is all within a particular category, and thus the CDT models the customer's choice process only within a category. The CDT calculation generates separate CDTs, using separate calculations, for each category that the user chooses.

The CDT calculation does not filter out the effects of promotions or price changes, because these effects can cause customers to switch to a different item. This is valuable since the basis of the CDT calculation is examining switching behavior among the customers. Generally, more switching behavior in the historical data leads to a better CDT.

Transactions Data Requirements

The historical transactions data for the CDT calculation must meet the following requirements:

Customer Linked

Since the calculation involves examining switching behavior by customers, it is necessary to identify which transactions came from the same customer. This can be done using a loyalty card or a generated customer ID. No actual information about a specific customer is required; all that is needed is a way to identify which transactions come from the same customer. Note that it is possible to have customer IDs from a retailer where the customer ID is not that of an actual customer but rather a cashier loyalty card that was used for many different customers. These customer IDs, and their associated history, cannot be used for the CDT calculation, since the data comes from a large number of different customers. The data load for CDT automatically filters out such "fake customers."

Repeat Purchase

The category used for the calculation must be one where the typical customer performs several transactions per year. Examples include grocery items such as milk or yogurt, which are typically purchased weekly, and batteries, which are typically purchased several times per year. Item such as electronics are not appropriate, as such items may only be purchased every few years. Note that it can be possible to trade off purchase frequency and history length. It is also possible to trade off purchase frequency with the number of customers who shop in the category.

Attribute Data Requirements

The attribute values for the CDT calculation must meet the following requirements:

Set of Attributes

Each category is characterized by a unique set of attributes. These attributes differ from category to category. For example, for yogurt, the attributes might be size, flavor, brand, fat percentage, and pack size. For chocolate, the attributes might be size, brand, milk/dark, nut type, and package type. Two categories can both have brand, but that the brand attribute will have different values for each of the categories. So brand is actually a different attribute for each category.


Each item in the category must be mapped to its set of attribute values. This information must be obtained from the retailer. Null values are acceptable as long as they are not too numerous. The CDT application can still run even if some attribute values are listed as null for some items in a category, but too many null values decrease the reliability of the generated CDTs.


The attributes for a category must be the ones that the customers actually pay attention to when shopping in the category. They are attributes that actually affect the customers' purchasing decisions.

The process of obtaining attributes for a category and performing a mapping of items in the category to attribute values is likely to require a significant amount of time and labor, even if the retailer has the information available, since this has to be done for every category.

Attributes with a Large Number of Values

A raw attribute is one that has a large number of attribute values. For example, the brand attribute for yogurt may be a list of 50 different brands at a large grocer. Using the raw attributes directly for the CDT calculation presents a problem, because each node of a CDT expands into a set of branches whose number is equal to the number of attribute values of the attribute at the node. An expansion into 50 different branches, one for each brand, is not desirable because the CDT would become too large to examine or interpret.

Such raw attributes must be turned into grouped attributes. This involves grouping the attribute values into a small number of bins. This grouping should be done in consultation with the retailer, who may have specific requirements. For example, a retailer may want to group soft-drink brands into Brand A, Brand B, and a third group that includes all other brands.

Another approach is to divide the values into two attributes (known as attribute splitting). For example, if the color attribute has many values, the single color attribute can be divided into two attributes, with one attribute representing the primary color and the second attribute representing a modifier. The CDT application's schema directly supports attribute grouping.

Attributes with a large number of values (for example, in the hundreds) can cause the CDT Calculation Stage to require a lot of time. Here are some approaches for handling categories that have attributes with a large number of values. The retailer should help determine which approach is appropriate.

Position of the Attribute Within the Tree

Typically, an attribute with a large number of values must not be at the top or near the top of the CDT. With such a large number of values, it is unlikely customers are first selecting from among such a large number of values and then selecting from other attributes with a smaller number of values. In addition, if such an attribute were at the top of the tree, the tree would be extremely wide and shallow. It would be extremely wide because the tree would then split into as many branches as there are attribute values. If there are 100 brands, and Brand was at the top of the tree, the tree would split into 100 different branches. As a result, the CDT would not be useful to the retailer. The tree would also be quite shallow; with 100 different branches, each branch would probably have very few SKUs, and so the branch could not be expanded much further.

In such a category, customers generally first use another attribute with a smaller number of values, and then choose an attribute with a large number of values.The following example demonstrates what happens when an attribute with a large number of values is lower in the tree.

In this example, the top attribute in the tree indicates the Market Segment, so that the SKUs in the category are split into various sub-categories. The Brand has a large number of attribute values. Because the Brand is below Market Segment, the branch for each segment only has a small subset of the Brands. Although Brand has many attribute values along each branch, only a subset apply, because each Brand only applies to one or two market segments. As a result, CDT never branches by all of the values in Brand, and only branch by a small subset of Brand.

It is possible for the CDT calculation to move Brand lower in the tree by itself, but in order to improve the performance of the CDT calculation in such a case, it can be helpful to direct the calculation to move the attribute with a large number of values lower in the tree.

There is no direct way in the CDT application to force an attribute to be lower, but here are some indirect strategies to use:

  • In the Calculation Stage, set the Market Segment attribute to be a Top Attribute. This forces the Market Segment to be at the top of the tree, and so Brand will not be at the top of the tree. This can improve the performance of the Calculation Stage of the CDT application because it has fewer options to consider when expanding the tree.

  • Set multiple attributes as the Top Attribute. It is possible that multiple attributes in combination delineate the market segment, for example.There could be a main segment and a sub-segment, as two separate attributes. In such a case, set both of them as Top Attribute. The CDT Calculation Stage will still determine the ordering of the Top Attributes.

For more information, see Functional-Fit Attributes.

Grouped vs. Raw Attribute Values

CDT supports grouped attributes, which turns the raw attribute into one with many fewer values by grouping the attribute values into a small number of bins (for example, 3 to 5). CDT does not have an automated way of performing this grouping, so it is best if the grouping is done in consultation with the retailer, who may have specific requirements.

For example, a retailer may want the following grouping of soft-drink brands: {Soda A, Soda B, everything else}, because they are most interested in their two main brands and are willing to bin all other smaller brands together. The grouped-attribute approach is primarily useful for retailers who are not concerned with every specific value of an attribute that may have a large number of values.

A CDT with a grouped attribute will have branches only for the groups, and not for the original raw values within the groups. In the example above, the branches for Brand would consist only of Soda A, Soda B, Everything Else.This approach can provide additional insights into shopping behavior that would not be available with the raw-attribute approach. For example, if the Brands were grouped into three groups, each representing a particular price tier (say High, MainStream, and Budget), then the CDT can show the behavior of Mainstream customers vs. the behavior of Budget customers. The portion of the CDT underneath Mainstream would look different from the portion of the CDT underneath Budget. In essence, the portions are CDTs that show how each type of customer shops. This insight would not be available using only the raw Brand attribute.

Attribute Splitting

Another approach to handling attributes that have a large number of attribute values is to break them into two attributes (known as attribute splitting). For example, if the Color attribute has many values representing combinations of colors, it may be best to break the single color attribute into two attributes, with one attribute representing the primary color and the second attribute representing a modifier. However, this is an advanced technique, and grouping is recommended over attribute splitting.

Functional-Fit Attributes

A functional fit attribute is one where there is no substitution across the attribute's values. For example, batteries of different sizes cannot be substituted for one another. Any category where size determines the functional suitability of the item will have size as a functional-fit attribute. Information about which attributes are functional fit ones must be loaded into the CDT application.

Designating an attribute as functional fit can also be useful any time the attribute is unlikely to have substitution across it (for example, caffeinated vs. decaffeinated coffee). This is not exactly functional fit; however, substitution is unlikely, so it is better to mark the attribute as functional fit.

Functional-fit attributes always appear at the top of the CDT. The order of the functional-fit attributes will be some arbitrary order, but the order is not meaningful since there is no sense in which one functional fit attribute is more important than another. What the functional-fit attributes do is partition the set of items in a category into their own separate groups, each of which then has its own CDT.

This same effect can be achieved via the UI in the Calculation Stage, by using the Top Attribute functionality of the pop-up called Category Attributes Setup. Using the Top Attribute check box in this pop-up indicates to the Calculation Stage that the attribute should be put at the top of the tree.

Customer Segments

The CDT application can calculate CDTs by customer segment. Customer segments are set of groupings of the customer IDs that are used to identify the transactions. The retailer must provide the customer segment information as a data feed.

Customer segments are useful for retailers who believe that different customer segments shop differently. They may want CDTs by segment only for particular categories. The Calculation stage provides check boxes that control whether or not the run generates CDTs by segment. You can use these check boxes to calculate CDTs by segment for particular categories only.

Frequently, the groups will overlap, since a customer can belong to more than one segment. The CDT application functions normally in this case, since a separate CDT calculation is done per segment.

Location Hierarchy

The CDT application supports calculating CDTs by location hierarchy. The lowest level of the hierarchy should be above store; in general, calculating CDTs per store is not recommended. Per-store CDTs may have too little data to be reliable, and the calculation time involved can be quite long.

Some retailers may have stores that vastly differ in size and assortments. For example, a grocery chain may have both convenience stores and supermarkets. It may be necessary to arrange a separate calculation of CDTs for convenience stores vs. supermarkets, because people may shop differently at the two types of stores and the assortments may be different at the two types of stores.

One approach to this is to arrange a separate calculation by creating separate store clusters for convenience stores vs. supermarkets. The CDT application has the capability of calculating CDTs for each element of the location hierarchy, so it can calculate CDTs for the separate store clusters and thus produce separate CDTs for convenience stores vs. supermarkets.

Setting Up Categories

In general, a category is a set of items that are substitutable with each other (if there are no functional-fit attributes). The categories at a retailer can all be derived by choosing the correct level of the merchandise hierarchy at the retailer. The CDT application configuration supports choosing which level of the merchandise hierarchy is to be used as the category level.

A retailer may want categories that consist of unions of nodes of its merchandise hierarchy, because no level of its merchandise hierarchy suffices as the category level. The CDT application does support this, in that it allows defining an alternate merchandise hierarchy, where the categories can consist of arbitrary collections of items. However, before investing time in setting up an alternate hierarchy, make sure that it is necessary for meaningful CDT calculations.

Consider a category that consists of related though not substitutable products. For example, a single category of hair products can include both shampoo, conditioner, and items that are both shampoo and conditioner. There may be other hair-care related products in the category as well. A reasonable approach is to create an attribute called "Item Type" or "Market Segment" to indicate why the customer is buying it. The Market Segment attribute will segment the category into several sub-categories, and in the Market Segment, attribute should be set as a Top Attribute (see Setting the Top Attribute).

Calculating Customer Decision Trees

This section suggests ways to using the stages of the CDT application effectively.

Setting the Top Attribute

The Category Attribute Setup pop-up in the Calculation Stage contains check boxes that force particular attributes to the top of the tree.This is useful in several cases:

  • The category has an attribute that has a large number of values (50 or more). See Position of the Attribute Within the Tree.

  • The category has a functional fit attribute.See Functional-Fit Attributes.

  • The category has an attribute that distinguishes market segments or product use. See Setting Up Categories.

  • You want to use the same top attribute that is present in a CDT from another source in order to make comparisons with that CDT easier.

It is possible to set more than one top attribute by checking multiple check boxes. In this case, all of the attributes will be at the top, but the Calculation Stage will determine the ordering of the attributes along each branch. This is useful if, for example, there are several attributes that together determine market segment.

In the case of using the top attribute as a market-segmenting attribute, it is possible to experiment with not using this attribute as the top attribute and letting the Calculation Stage determine the attribute ordering. This is useful if the market-segmenting attribute is not truly a functional fit attribute; that is, consumers can substitute across some of the market segments. For example, in the Cookie category, most likely customers can substitute across most of the market segments, because almost all cookies are desserts. In such a case, the Calculation Stage can give additional insight, by showing, for example, that customers actually shop by brand, so that even when they substitute across market segments they tend to stay with the same brand. This can be valuable information. However, if the retailer is interested only in substitutions within market segments, then it is proper to designate the market segment attribute as the Top Attribute.

However, in the case where the category has a very large number of items (greater than 1000), or the category has an attribute with a large number of values (50 or more), it is unwise to try such experiments, because the Calculation Stage may run too long. For such categories, setting the market-segmenting attribute as the top attribute is the best approach.

Excluding Attributes from the Calculation

The Category Attribute Setup pop-up in the Calculation Stage allows excluding particular attributes from the calculation. Use this to avoid meaningless attributes in the tree and also to decrease the calculation time of the Calculation Stage. Include only attributes in the tree that actually affect customers' purchasing. For example, Country of Origin may or may not be a relevant attribute, depending on whether it is visible on the package and plays a role in customers' decisions. Excluding such attributes will not only create a more useful CDT, but will also cut down on the execution time of the Calculation Stage

Handling of the Brand Attribute

Almost all categories will have a Brand attribute. The power of brands is well-known in retail, and in most categories, customers tend to stick with the same brand. Because of this, the Brand attribute will tend to show up near the top of the CDT. This is the correct scientific result, but not necessarily a useful one, for two reasons:

Here are some strategies for getting around these effects:

  • Exclude Brand from the tree (see Excluding Attributes from the Calculation). The resulting tree will describe customer behavior in the other attributes. This indicates customer behavior, assuming that they shop by Brand. Given that they shop by brand, what are the effects of the other attributes on their purchasing behavior? CDT answers that question.

  • Use the Top Attribute functionality to move Brand lower in the tree. See Setting the Top Attribute.

  • Group the brands, so that Brand becomes a grouped attribute. See Grouped vs. Raw Attribute Values. This is a reasonable approach if taken in conjunction with the retailer, and can offer additional insight into shopping behavior not available without grouping. However, this approach is best taken as a phase 2 task, rather than immediately.

Limitations of the CDT Calculation

Because the CDT calculation uses historical data, the resulting CDT depends on the historical assortment represented in the data. If a particular attribute value does not have any representation in historical assortments among a particular group of stores, then the CDT for those stores will not have this attribute value in it. Similarly, if the assortments carried many more items of a particular attribute value compared to another attribute value, which limits the customer's choices, this can affect the CDT.

It is important to select historical data that reflects the retailer's current assortment, if the retailer has changed assortments in the last few years.

Choosing the Time Interval

The data used to calculate CDTs can be restricted to specific time intervals in the Data Setup stage. Thus, it is not necessary to use all of the available historical data to calculate CDTs. Some possible reasons for restricting the data to specific time intervals are:

The retailer may decide that particular time intervals, such as the two months before Christmas, represent periods where the buying behavior of its customers is significantly different for certain categories. In this case, you can run the CDT application for just for these categories. Choose these categories in the UI, and then also choose the particular time intervals where the retailer believes shopping behavior is different.

If the retailer has changed business practices for certain categories, it is better to exclude the historical data from before the change, so that the CDTs reflect the retailer's current business practices and assortments, not the past ones.

One caution about selecting time intervals: there is always the danger of selecting too narrow a time interval, so that the amount of historical data in the interval is too little. See Transactions Data Requirements.

In general, it is better not to restrict the data too much.

Understanding the Filter Settings

The Data Filtering stage of the CDT UI can be used to filter the data in order to remove outlier data that may result in incorrect CDTs. The user can adjust the values for the filters in order to control the extent of the filtering. The Data Filtering stage has five filters.

The three absolute filters have values that represent absolute limits that the data in question must pass in order not to be filtered out. For example, the maximum on missing attribute values states an absolute maximum that items must meet in order to be used in the CDT calculation. Items that have more than the maximum allowable missing attribute values will not be used in the CDT calculation.

The two relative filters have field values that are relative to the median of each category. The filters use median instead of the more-common average because the median is less likely to be affected by extreme outliers in the data. The average can be brought up (or down) by a single extreme outlier; this cannot happen with the median.

For example, the Transaction History Minimum is a percentage of the median transaction history length for a particular category. It is possible that the transaction history length varies by category. In generating a CDT for a particular category, the goal is to filter out customers who have transaction histories that are too short.

The default value of the filter for Transaction History Minimum is set to 1%, which filters out the customers that are truly outliers for the category because their history length is much smaller than median.

Segments vs. Location

Calculating CDTs by both segment and location hierarchy is not recommended. This calculation generates a large number of CDTs, since it will generate one CDT for each combination of location and segment, which takes a large amount of computation time. The large number of CDTs generated are not considered practically useful. You should either generate CDTs by segment, using Location Chain, or generate CDTs by location, using Segment Chain.

For a first calculation of CDTs, it is best to calculate them at Segment Chain/Location Chain. This quickly generates one CDT per category. It is a good way to check that everything has been done correctly and that the CDTs being produced are not unreasonable.

Setting the Escalation Path

The last stage in the CDT application involves setting the escalation path. If you are using only the segment hierarchy or only the location hierarchy, the escalation path is simply the hierarchy that you are using, and you set the escalation path according to the hierarchy. If you are using both a location hierarchy and a segment hierarchy, then usually you should set the escalation path to go up the segment hierarchy first, and then the location hierarchy. It is better to use only one of the hierarchies.

When using both hierarchies, the escalation path is necessary in order to tell the application which parent it should go to when moving up from a given segment/location node. With both hierarchies in play, every segment/location node has multiple higher-level nodes that do not lie along a single path. The escalation path is necessary to tell the application in what order the higher-level nodes should be considered. When only one hierarchy is used, the higher-level nodes form a single path.

How the CDT Score is Calculated

The terminal nodes of a CDT are the lowest-level nodes in the tree. The terminal nodes of the tree partition the items in the category. The items within each terminal node should be quite similar to each other, and less similar to the items in the other terminal nodes. The terminal nodes provide a clustering of the items in the category. A numerical score for the clustering given by the terminal nodes can be calculated.

Unconstrained clustering using any of the standard clustering algorithms using the similarities as the distance measure can also be created. This clustering can be compared with the clustering score for the clustering by terminal nodes. The terminal-node cluster score will be lower than the score for the unconstrained clustering because the unconstrained clustering had no constraints when performing the clustering. The closer the terminal-node clustering score is to the unconstrained score, the better the CDT. The CDT score in the CDT application is represented as a percentage of the unconstrained clustering score.

Typically, you should eliminate any CDT that has a score of below 60 percent, using the Pruning stage of the application.

Understanding CDT Pruning

The Evaluation Stage of the CDT application performs an operation called pruning, in which entire CDTs are removed. In the Evaluation Stage, the CDT as a whole is deemed reliable or not. An unreliable CDT is removed in its entirety; there is no automatic mechanism for making small adjustments to a CDT. The only mechanism the CDT application has for making small adjustments to a CDT is the manual editing of a CDT allowed in the CDT editor.

Overriding the CDT Calculation

It may be necessary, because of prior knowledge concerning the business of the retailer, or knowledge about the historical transactions at the retailer, to override portions of the calculation performed in the Calculation Stage of the CDT application. The override mechanism there allows you to specify what the topmost attributes of the CDT should be. For example, from an understanding of the retailer's business, it may be clear that in a particular category, brand should be at the top level of the tree. The override mechanism allows you to specify brand as the top level of the tree. The override mechanism is also flexible enough to allow specifying only the top level of the tree, while the rest of the tree is filled in by the usual calculation.

While it is possible to obtain the same effect by manual editing of the CDT, manual editing is much slower, especially if you have generated multiple CDTs for each category.

Using the Calculation Stage

This section provides step-by-step instructions for setting up the Calculation Stage, with a few comments on using the other stages. The focus here is mainly on the Calculation Stage, because the settings in this stage can directly affect how the CDTs look and because the Calculation Stage generally takes up most of the execution time.

If you are just beginning to use the CDT application, experiment with smaller categories (fewer than 1,000 items) initially. Smaller categories are easier to work with because they take less execution time in the Calculation Stage than larger ones, so it is easier to do multiple runs and examine results.

Setup Stage

When first starting to use the CDT application, it is best to set up only one category at a time in the Setup Stage. In this way, each run is for one single category. It requires some experience to include multiple categories in the same run, and it is not recommended as a starting point. The instructions assume only one category has been set up in this run.

Before selecting a category for a CDT run, review the data requirements in Transactions Data Requirements to be sure that your desired category meets the data requirements.

Data Filtering Stage

This stage is usually straightforward, in that the default values of the fields are usually suitable. However, it is important to check the Data Filtering Summary at the bottom of the screen after the stage has completed running. You must click Refresh in the summary table in order to see the results related to the latest run. Check each filter in the summary to see how much data it filtered out. If too much data was filter out, then determine whether the data may have a problem, or whether you need to adjust the filter so that it is less stringent.

If this is the first time you have run the Data Filtering Stage on a particular category, then you should run only the Setup Stage and the Data Filtering stage on the category, without running the Calculation Stage. This allows you to check the Data Filtering Summary before spending time running the Calculation Stage. Once you have run the Data Filtering Stage on a category and have checked the Data Filtering Summary, then you can re-run the Data Filtering Stage on the same category without checking the Summary, unless you have loaded new data for the category.

Calculation Stage

The steps here are simplified to help you get started in properly using the Calculation Stage. Once you become familiar with using this process, you can alter and expand them to use more of the capabilities of the CDT application. The process presented here represents the minimal set of steps needed to produce CDTs and to get you going in the right direction.

Take care during this process so that the Calculation Stage can complete within 1 or 2 hours for categories that have more than 1,000 items or that have an attribute with more than 50 values. The steps detail any additional consideration needed for large categories. After performing a run with these steps, if the time for the Calculation Stage to run turns out to be acceptable, then these restrictions can be relaxed on subsequent runs of the category.

Each step may reference sections of this chapter that can provide further details.

  1. Check both top level check boxes (one for Segments and one for Location). With these settings, the Calculation Stage will generate only one CDT, representing the CDT for all customers and all locations. This is the recommended way to start using the Calculation Stage. In particular, these settings are recommended for very large categories, where the calculation time for multiple CDTs may be quite prohibitive and not worth the investment until you have generated one CDT.

  2. Exclude any unnecessary attributes (see Excluding Attributes from the Calculation). It is good practice to exclude unnecessary attributes, but it is even more so when working with large categories in order to avoid unnecessary computation. For large categories, consider excluding attributes that you know are less important to the retailer, even if they may have an effect on customers' purchasing in the category.

  3. Handle Brand properly. Brand frequently has many attribute values, and handling it properly is especially important when the category also has a large number of items (1,000 or more). You can skip this step if the category has fewer than 1,000 items. See Handling of the Brand Attribute.

  4. Set Top Attributes properly. In particular, if the category has some type of market segment, product type, or product usage attributes, then force these attributes to be at the top of the tree. If the category has a large number of items, then it is likely to require some of these attributes, because with that many items, the items will likely have different segments or types. It is unlikely that the entire set of items is completely interchangeable in the customers' mind, and so it is proper to put segmenting attributes at the top of the tree. In addition to being scientifically proper, this decreases the execution time of the Calculation Stage because there are fewer combinations for the stage to consider and because other attributes such as Brand with a very large number of values will be moved down the tree, where fewer items are involved in the calculation. For more information, see Setting the Top Attribute.

  5. For large categories, consider setting the SKU Percentage of the termination condition to a lower value (possibly 0%). A value of X in this field in the Calculation Stage UI specifies that a branch will end when a node on the branch contains fewer than X% of the items in the category. If X = 5%, which is the default, and the category contains 2,000 items, then the branch ends when a node on the branch contains fewer than 100 items. A threshold of 100 is probably too high, and if left at 5%, various branches may not be expanded to their full extent. If the value is expanded until a node on the branch contains fewer than 10 items, the SKU percentage field must be set to 10 / 2,000 = 0.5%. However, the field only accepts integer percentages, and so it must be set to 0%, which will let the Calculation Stage use other internal criteria to end a branch. This field can also be used in a reverse manner; that is, by setting a higher value the tree will become shallower and the calculation time will be reduced. For trial runs, you may wish to leave it at 5%, and see how far the branches are expanded before trying a run with a setting of 0%. For smaller categories, with fewer than 1,000 items, using the default of 5% is likely to be reasonable and no adjustment is needed. The use of percentage in this field can also be handy if you are performing runs that have more than one category. If the categories are related, so that you want trees of roughly the same depth for them, the percentage nature of the field will help produce this result.

Advanced Use

The process described in Calculation Stage is intended as a starting point, and is the shortest path to getting one CDT per category. Once that has been achieved, it is possible to consider some more advanced uses of the CDT application. Here are some suggestions for these more advanced uses. These are not steps to be performed but individual suggestions.

  • Generate CDTs that are specific to location or segment. The Calculation Stage can generate CDTs that are segment specific or location specific, by unchecking the appropriate Top level check boxes in the stage. This makes it possible to see whether purchasing behavior differs by segment or by location. Note that on large categories with more than 1,000 items, such a calculation can take many hours, because the stage must calculate one CDT per segment or per location. Note also that it is not advisable to uncheck both check boxes, as that will produce a CDT for each segment/location combination. This is a large number of CDTs that will take a very long time to run.

  • Set up grouped attributes. See Grouped vs. Raw Attribute Values.

  • Experiment with setting different attributes as the top attribute, or with not setting a top attribute at all. See Setting the Top Attribute. Different settings here can produce different insights. However, keep in mind the points raised in Handling of the Brand Attribute.