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Oracle Retail AI Foundation Cloud Services Implementation Guide
Release 22.2.302.0
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4 Demand Transference

This chapter provides details about the use of the Demand Transference application.

DT and CDT

The DT and CDT applications differ in significant ways. The CDT application has more stringent requirements for data than the DT application. CDT requires customer-linked, frequent transactions. Many retailers in various areas of retail do not have this type of data readily available. DT only requires SKU-store-week sales-units aggregates.

Demand Transference Model

A mathematical model of how the transference happens is required in order to calculate the transfer of demand in response to assortment changes. It is essential to understand the model at a basic level in order to best use DT. DT generates parameters that go into the model, so an understanding of the model can help when using the DT parameters.

The model is known as a cannibalization model. In this type of model, each item in an assortment has an associated value called its "full demand," which is the demand the item would have if it were the only item in the assortment. The full demand of an item is then multiplied by a factor, called the "cannibalization factor," which has a value of 1 if there are no other items in the assortment, but becomes progressively less than 1 as more and more items are added to the assortment. As the assortment becomes larger, the demand for each of the items decreases from its full demand because of cannibalization. The reverse is also true. If items are removed from the assortment, then the cannibalization factors increase, representing demand transferred from the removed item to the items remaining in the assortment. The cannibalization factors decrease from a value of 1 when the assortment becomes larger, and increase (up to a limit of 1) when the assortment becomes smaller.

The degree of change in an item's cannibalization factor indicates how similar the added items are. Item A's cannibalization factor will decrease more for added items that are very similar to A. The similarity of items is a key input to the Demand Transference model.

The cannibalization factor of an item accounts for similarities and also for a quantity called "assortment elasticity." The assortment elasticity determines how much of a decrease in the cannibalization factor occurs due to the addition of items of a particular similarity. The assortment elasticity is a number that depends on the particular category for which demand transference is being calculated. In one category, adding item B to the assortment may cause item A's cannibalization factor to go from 0.7 to 0.6, whereas in another category, adding an item Y may cause item X's cannibalization factor to go from 0.7 to 0.5, even though the similarity of X and Y is the same as the similarity of A and B. In other words, similarities alone are not enough to calculate cannibalization factors. The assortment elasticity is necessary to tell us, for each category, how much change in cannibalization factors will occur for items of a given similarity.

The two components of the cannibalization factor, the similarities and the assortment elasticity, are calculated by DT from historical data. (The similarities can also be imported instead of calculated.) DT then exports the similarities and the assortment elasticities to any applications that want to calculate demand transference. It is up to the consuming application to properly use the cannibalization model in conjunction with the exported similarities and assortment elasticities to calculate transfers of demand when assortments change.

Note that demand transference only occurs within a category. All calculations are based on items cannibalizing each other, and there are no complimentary (halo) effects. DT calculates assortment elasticities at a level always higher than item. A single category/segment/location combination receives just one assortment elasticity.

An Example

This simple example explains how applications such as Category Management Planning and Optimization (CMPO) use the demand transference model to generate forecasts after assortment changes. In an assortment in the Cookies subcategory, one cookie SKU is removed from the assortment. The cannibalization factors of the rest of the items increase, because each is now cannibalized less after the removal of the one SKU. Because the cannibalization factors increase, the model predicts an increase in sales in accordance with the increase in the cannibalization factors. The removal of the SKU caused these increases, and some of the SKU's demand has transferred to the other SKUs.

Historical Similarity Data

DT has two different options for obtaining similarities. It can calculate them by itself or it can import them from CDT.

If the retailer has not implemented CDT for a category, then of course only the first option is possible.

The second option is recommended for a category only if the retailer has implemented CDT and run it for the category, since only in that case are similarities for the category available from CDT.

If CDT similarities are available, the recommendation is that you use them, instead of having the Similarity Calculation stage calculate its own similarities. The similarities from CDT are generally preferable to the attribute-based similarities that DT can calculate on its own because CDT similarities do not rely on attributes. They are extracted purely from historical transactions data.

The transactions data held in the RADM schema is used to feed both CDT and to generate the SKU-store-week aggregates for DT, so in option 2, consistency between the similarities and the SKU-store-week aggregates is automatic.

The similarities obtained from CDT may not cover all of the SKUs that are currently in the historical data loaded for DT. For example, it is possible that since the CDT similarities were calculated, the retailer has added some new SKUs to some assortments. This situation requires no special handling, because DT can extend the CDT similarities to cover the added SKUs. This extension does require attribute values for the new SKUs.

Note that the CDT similarities for a category may be only at Segment-Chain/Location-Chain. In this case, there is only one set of similarities for the category, or they may exist at various levels of the location hierarchy or the segment hierarchy, depending on what options the user selected in the CDT application's Calculation stage.

Historical Sales Data

DT requires SKU-store-week sales-units aggregates. The data loader for DT automatically produces the needed SKU-store-week sales-units aggregates from transactions data that is held in the RADM schema, so it is not necessary to implement a separate loader for SKU-store-week aggregates.

Typically, the data cannot be aggregated to a higher location level than store because different stores usually have different assortments. Some atypical cases can occur in which aggregation across some stores is legitimate because the assortments are the same or nearly so, but this is generally not the case.

In addition to the SKU-store-week sales-units aggregates, DT also requires promotion data. A flag indicates which SKU-store-weeks contain major promotions (ones that caused a very large increase in sales units, such as three times normal). DT uses the promotion data to flatten the promotional spikes in the SKU-store-week sales-units aggregates. DT uses the flattened data called the baseline to calculate assortment elasticity.

DT calculates the assortment elasticity by examining the historical assortment changes and seeing their effect on base sales rates of the items remaining in the assortment. Promotional spikes can affect this calculation by obscuring the true effect on base sales rates. These promotional spikes are removed to decrease the sales rates back to their base rates.

For example, suppose the historical data for a store S indicates that the Cookies assortment has one fewer SKU in week 10 compared to week 1. That is, a cookie SKU was removed. To see where the demand from this SKU transferred to in week 10, the sales units of the remaining SKUs between week 1 and week 10 are compared. This comparison is made across many pairs of weeks (though not all possible pairs of weeks). A promotion in week 10 of particular items can interfere with the analysis of the changes in demand that were due to the assortment changes.

Note that, in CDT, the effect of promotions is left in because it is an external influence that helps cause switching behavior in customers. However, in DT, promotions can affect the calculation of demand transference in the case where one item in the category is promoted and another is not, which is why the promotions are flattened.

An alternative to flattening the promotions is to ignore the SKU-store-weeks where promotions occurred. However, to implement this, it is necessary to ignore all SKU-store-weeks in any week where a SKU-store was promoted, because it is not clear what the effect is on the other items when one SKU is promoted and the others are not. Removing that many SKU-store-weeks can leave little data remaining, especially since many retailers promote quite frequently. For this reason, it is better to flatten promotions and keep more data instead.Similarly to the way in which promotions are handled, the calculation of the baseline also involves removing short-term downward spikes that are due to very short-term stock outs. Note that inventory information is not an input to the DT system, and so the algorithm finds large but short-lasting dips in weekly sales units and fills those in. This handling of out-of-stock is not related to long-term out-of-stock conditions, discussed in a later section.

The Role of Attributes in Calculating Similarities

Without customer-linked transactions data, DT must use the attribute values of the SKUs to calculate similarities. The similarity of two SKUs is based in part on how many attribute values they have in common (the more in common, the higher the similarity of the two SKUs). The attributes used in the calculation are the raw attributes, not the grouped attributes that CDT uses. So it is not necessary to group the attribute values for DT.

Because the attributes play such an important role in calculating similarities, attribute quality is important when DT performs the calculation.

Attributes are also used in performing any necessary extensions of the CDT similarities to cover new SKUs.

Note that the similarities calculated by DT are only at Segment-Chain/Location-Chain. In contrast, the CDT similarities can be at multiple levels.

Attribute Data Requirements

The attribute values for the DT calculation must meet the following requirements:

Set of Attributes

Each category is characterized by a unique set of attributes. These attributes differ from category to category. For example, for yogurt, the attributes might be size, flavor, brand, fat percentage, and pack size. For chocolate, the attributes might be size, brand, milk/dark, nut type, and package type. Two categories can both have brand, but the brand attribute will have different values for each of the categories. So brand is actually a different attribute for each category.


Each item in the category must be mapped to its set of attribute values. This information must be obtained from the retailer. Null values are acceptable as long as they are not too numerous. DT can still run even if some attribute values are listed as null for some items in a category, but too many null values decrease the reliability of the generated DTs. In particular, too may SKU pairs may come out as less similar than they should be, which would decrease demand transference between those pairs (which leads to an underestimate of demand transference in applications such as CMPO).

Null values have a particular use in accommodating categories that are actually a union of more than one category. See "Setting Up Categories" for more information.


The attributes for a category must be the ones that the customers actually pay attention to when shopping in the category. They are attributes that actually affect the customers' purchasing decisions.

Note that the similarity calculation will still complete even with attributes that do not affect customer behavior, but the similarities produced will be less distinguishing. For example, a category has a Supplier attribute, which indicates for a given product which supplier shipped an item to the grocer. This attribute may be important to the grocer for accurate bookkeeping, but it has no effect on the customer's purchasing behavior because it is not reflected in the item itself nor is it something that the customer is concerned about. However, if it is included when setting up attributes, then the effect would be to increase the similarity of items that were from the same supplier. This is a false similarity, since it does not reflect how the customer actually views these items. In particular, if the supplier is a duplicate of the Brand attribute, then the similarity of products within the same Brand would be unintentionally increased.

The process of obtaining attributes for a category and performing a mapping of items in the category to attribute values is likely to require a significant amount of time and labor, even if the retailer has the information available, since this must be done for every category.

Guidelines on Number of Attributes and Attribute Values

The number of attributes and attribute values must be enough to distinguish the SKUs within a category. That is, for a given set of attribute values, the number of SKUs in the category all having those values must be a small number. A maximum of seven SKUs is recommended. For example, the Cookie category at a grocer has only three attributes, Brand, Package Size, and Organic. If Brand has seven values, Package Size has three values, and Organic has two values (either Yes or No), then the total number of combinations of attribute values is 7 x 3 x 2 = 42. For 600 different cookie SKUs, the average for each combination of attribute values will represent 600 / 42 = approximately 14 different SKUs. The distribution of SKUs among the 42 different sets of values will not be an even 14, as some sets of values will have much more than 14, while others will have less. The three attributes alone are not enough to provide enough distinguishing power among the cookie SKUs. If Flavor is an important determinant of customer purchases, it should be added to the Cookie category. The guideline of a maximum of seven indicates that additional attributes are necessary. It is worth examining those sets of attribute values that have the largest number of SKUs associated with them in order to see what attributes can be added to reduce the number of SKUs.It is not just the number of attributes that is important, but how many values each attribute has. For example, if Brand had 100 values instead of seven values, then the total number of attribute-value combinations is 100 x 3 x 2 = 600. It might seem that an easy way to achieve the maximum of seven is to expand the number of values in the attributes. However, this results in each SKU being similar to only a small number of other SKUs. For a single attribute for cookies with 600 different values, it might then be possible to assign one value to each cookie SKU, separating all of the 600 cookies SKUs with a single attribute. However, this would make each cookie SKU completely dissimilar (similarity of 0) from all other cookie SKUs, and the result would be no transference between the SKUs. Putting all 600 SKUs each into a separate Brand causes a complete loss of any similarity information among the SKUs, and no transference will result. For an opposite example, consider 11 attributes, each with only two values. There are a total of 2^11 = 2048 combinations of values, so that may be enough to encode 2,000 SKUs, even though there are only 2 x 11 = 22 distinct attribute values over the 11 attributes. In general, having more attributes is better, and it is better to increase the number of attributes rather than increase the number of attribute values of a single attribute. However, this is not always possible, and it is better to have the attribute with many values than not have the attribute at all. Flavor, for example, can have many values, as can Color. See "Avoiding Attributes with Many Values" regarding attributes that have many values.The more SKUs in the category, the more attributes and attribute values will be needed to achieve the maximum of 7.

The Effect on Similarity Values

Suppose the set A of SKUs consists of 22 SKUs, all with the same attribute values, and the set B of SKUs consists of 25 SKUs, all with the same attribute values (but a different set of attribute values from set A). If the set A consists of cookie SKUs all with a package size of Small, and set B consists of cookie SKUs with the same attribute values as A except the size is Medium, then every SKU in A has a similarity of 1 to every other SKU in A, and every SKUs in A is similar to at least 22 other SKUs. Every SKU in A is similar to every SKU in B, since they only differ in one attribute value (namely size). So a SKU in set A is similar to at least 21 + 25 = 46 SKUs, which means that if a SKU in A were deleted from an assortment, its demand would have significant transference to about 46 other SKUs, assuming all 46 remained in the assortment. It is possible that a SKU in A being similar to 46 other SKUs in fact represents reality, but if it does not, then using additional attributes that distinguish the SKUs in A and in B will reduce the number of similar SKUs.

Avoiding Attributes with Many Values

Attributes with a large number of values occur frequently. For example, a color attribute in any clothing category might have several shades of each color. Midnight blue, sea blue, and sky blue may all be separate attribute values of the Color attribute; the problem is that in the similarity calculation, a midnight blue item and a sea blue item would be considered completely dissimilar colors, because the two color attribute values are different; in reality, because they are both shades of blue, they should be somewhat similar. One solution is to split the color attribute into two separate attributes, a primary color attribute and a modifier. In this example, the primary color would be blue and the modifiers midnight, sea, and sky.

Functional-Fit Attributes

A functional fit attribute is one where there is no substitution across the attribute's values. For example, batteries of different sizes cannot be substituted for one another. Any category where size determines the functional suitability of the item will have size as a functional-fit attribute.

Information about which attributes are functional fit ones must be loaded into DT. The information is used to perform the similarity extension process of CDT similarities and to correctly calculate attribute-based similarities.

In either case, the functional-fit attributes are used to set the similarity of two SKUs to be 0 if the SKUs differ in any functional-fit attribute. Without the functional-fit information, the two SKUs may have non-zero similarity, and there would be erroneous demand transference between the two SKUs, such as batteries of different sizes.

Designating an attribute as functional fit can also be useful any time the attribute is unlikely to have substitution across it (for example, caffeinated vs. decaffeinated coffee). This is not exactly functional fit; however, substitution is unlikely, so it is better to mark the attribute as functional fit.

One approach to avoiding having to define large numbers of attributes and attribute values is to use functional-fit attributes.This approach does not help achieve the maximum of 7, but it can help decrease the number of SKUs that are similar to a given SKU. For example, with the sets A and B of cookie SKUs, if size were designated as functional fit, then the similarity between SKUs in A and SKUs in B would become 0. However, that designating size as functional fit does nothing about the 22 SKUs in A that all have a similarity of 1 to each other, since their attribute values are all the same. (Similar comments apply to set B.)

If the attributes and attribute values are insufficient to reach the maximum of 7 SKUs per set of attribute values, functional-fit attributes can be used to decrease the number of SKUs to which transference occurs. This is a second-best approach, and it is better to design a proper set of attributes and attribute values, in order to:

  • Achieve the maximum of 7 SKUs

  • Provide transference between SKUs that should have transference. Using functional-fit attributes reduces transference, but it may reduce it too much and remove transference from pairs of SKUs that should have transference. For example, in the sets A and B, the similarity between a SKUs in A and a SKU in B becomes 0, which does not reflect reality since the SKUs in A and in B share common attribute values except for size.

  • Keep the second-best approach as a last resort, in case time is insufficient for designing a good set of attributes for a category.

Using Null as an Attribute Value

Null is a legitimate attribute value for an item to have; it denotes either of the following:

  • The attribute value is unknown. In this case, the item has a value for this attribute, but the value is unknown. Attribute data for a category is rarely perfect, it is entirely possible that attribute values for some items were never recorded or are known to be incorrect. The use of null because of imperfections in the attribute data must only be for those cases where it is truly necessary.

  • The attribute does not apply to the item. Not all attributes in a category apply to all items, especially when the category consists of sub-categories (see below). The ideal is to define the items in the category so that every attribute for the category applies to every item, but this may not be possible. This usually occurs when an attribute applies to an item only if the item has a particular value for another attribute. For example, in the meat snacks category, the attribute grass fed only applies if the item has beef for the product type attribute. If the item is turkey then the grass fed attribute must be set to null for the item. The grass fed attribute must be true or false only for beef products.

Using null is not the ideal way of handling the second case listed above. If possible, it is preferable to split the items in the category into separate categories. For example, this means putting beef products into their own category, so that the grass fed attribute applies only to this new category and can be removed from the non-beef products. This is only reasonable if the beef products are not substitutes for the other products in the meat snacks category (which is probably not true since the customer might reasonably substitute turkey jerky for beef jerky). In the case of meat snacks, the best solution is to use null for the grass fed attribute for non-beef products.

The Effect of Null Attribute Values on Similarity Values

A null attribute value for an item means that the item does not match any other item in that attribute, even if the other item also has null for the same attribute. Null as the value of an attribute makes the item less similar to every other item, including items that also have null for the same attribute. If an item has null for every attribute, then this item has a similarity of 0 to every other item, regardless of what values the other items have for their attributes. A value of null for an attribute is thus treated as special in similarity calculations. It is recommended to keep the use of null to a minimum in order to avoid spuriously indicating that items are dissimilar when they are actually similar.

If the intention is to have null for an attribute value, it is essential to actually use null and not create a string such as "none" to use where null is actually meant. Designating a string such as "none" to use in place of null actually does the opposite of what is described above, because two items with a value of none for the same attribute will now be considered similar in that attribute since they have the same value for the attribute. This is directly opposite to the intention of null, as described above.

Categories Containing Sub-Categories

As discussed in "Setting Up Categories," it is possible for a category to consist of items from several categories. As it may be impractical to separate the category into its component categories, it is necessary to create attributes for the category that can approximate the separation. The following process describes how to do this, using " the category Oral Care. This category consists of: toothbrushes, toothpaste, dental floss, and mouth wash; it is really four separate categories whose items have all been classified together into a single category.

  1. Create one attribute that can separate the category into its component categories. For example, for Oral Care, create an attribute called Product Type that has four values: "toothbrush," "toothpaste," "floss," and "mouthwash." The values of this separating attribute should describe the function of the product. It should separate the category into groups of items in which the items within each group are unlikely to substitute for items in another group. For example, toothbrushes are unlikely to substitute for toothpaste. Constructing a separating attribute is not always as simple as this, as discussed below.

  2. Designate this separating attribute as functional fit. This means that no transference will take place between items that are in the different groups specified by the separating attribute. In this case, there is no transference between the four component groups of Oral Care.

  3. Create a single set of attributes suitable for all of the component categories. This typically involves taking the union of the attributes that describe each component category separately. For example, the set of attributes that describe toothpaste are different than the set of attributes that describe toothbrushes, but in this scheme, just take the union of both sets of attributes. Toothbrushes have an attribute called "Bristle hardness," which does not apply to toothpaste, and likewise toothpaste has a flavor attribute that does not apply to toothbrushes. Nonetheless, take all of the attributes together, including the ones for floss and mouthwash. It is possible that an attribute can apply across several of the component categories. For example, only a single flavor attribute is necessary, instead of having three attributes called Floss-Flavor, Toothpaste-Flavor, and Mouthwash-Flavor. Either approach is correct, but having three separate flavor attributes may require more work to create.

  4. Assign null values appropriately. For example, for attributes that apply only to toothpaste, set them to null for any toothbrush. Likewise, for attributes that apply only to toothbrushes, set them to null for any toothpaste. Table 4-1 provides complete details for this example.

In step 1, you may not find a separating attribute. Instead, you may need to use an attribute that separates the items into groups but in which some of the groups may have items that can substitute for each other. For example, consider a category that consists of Shampoo, Shampoo and Conditioner, and Conditioner, where Shampoo and Conditioner are products that have shampoo and conditioner in one bottle. In this case, a separating attribute has three values, Shampoo, Shampoo and Conditioner, and Conditioner. If this attribute is set as functional fit, there is no transference between Shampoo and Shampoo and Conditioner. In this example, the approximation may be good enough, since although substitution can take place between Shampoo and Shampoo and Conditioner, it is probably not large.

Here is an example of the Oral Care category and how to set null for its attributes. Assume a separating attribute for Oral Care as described above, and assume, in addition, the following attributes: Thickness, Length, Contains Alcohol, and Flavor. (In reality there would be more.) Table 4-1 shows which attributes apply to which products. Null indicates that the attribute does not apply to the product, and therefore should be set to null for the product.

Table 4-1 Oral Care Category Example

Product Type Thickness Length Contains Alcohol Flavor





















Customer Segments

DT can calculate assortment elasticities by customer segment. This involves dividing the customer IDs into groups (the groups do not have to be disjoint). Retailers who want to use segments must, as with CDT, create the necessary groupings of customer IDs. DT uses the segments to produce segment-SKU-store-week aggregates of sales units, instead of just SKU-store-week aggregates. The segment-SKU-store-week aggregates are produced by aggregating transactions data, just as with the SKU-store-week aggregates. The difference is that the aggregation is by segment.

There is always a Segment-Chain for the segment hierarchy, and so there is always a segment that contains all customers. The Segment-Chain level of segment-SKU-store-week aggregates is not necessarily the sum of the lower-level segment-SKU-store-week aggregates, because it is possible that the segments are not disjoint (meaning a customer can belong to more than one segment). The Segment-Chain-level aggregates are produced by a separate aggregation of transactions data instead of by aggregating lower-level aggregates.

Using segments allows DT to calculate separate assortment elasticities for each segment. This means that demand transference can differ by segment.

Note that when using customer segments, references in this document to "SKU-store-week" data should be read as "segment-SKU-store-week" data. For example, the SKU-store-week sales-units aggregates mentioned above become segment-SKU-store-week sales-units aggregates.

Location Hierarchy

DT supports calculating assortment elasticities by location hierarchy. The lowest level of the hierarchy should be above store; in general, assortment elasticities should not be calculated per store. Per-store assortment elasticities may have too little data to be reliable.The calculation time involved can be quite large to handle all stores individually. The calculation of assortment elasticities depends on having assortment changes in the historical data, and the store level may contain too few assortment changes to produce reliable assortment elasticities.

Some retailers may have stores that differ in size and assortments. For example, a grocery chain may have both convenience stores and supermarkets. It may be necessary to arrange a separate calculation of CDTs for convenience stores vs. supermarkets, because people may shop differently at the two types of stores and the assortments may be different at the two types of stores.

One approach to this is to arrange a separate calculation by creating separate store clusters for convenience stores vs. supermarkets. DT has the capability of calculating CDTs for each element of the location hierarchy, so it can calculate CDTs for the separate store clusters and thus produce separate CDTs for convenience stores vs. supermarkets.

Setting Up Categories

In general, a category is a set of items that are substitutable with each other (if there are no functional-fit attributes). The categories at a retailer can all be derived by choosing the correct level of the merchandise hierarchy at the retailer. The DT configuration supports choosing which level of the merchandise hierarchy is to be used as the category level.

Demand transference can only occur within the category, since the categories define the sets of items that cannibalize each other.

A retailer may want categories that consist of unions of nodes of its merchandise hierarchy because no level of its merchandise hierarchy suffices as the category level. DT does support this, in that it allows defining an alternate merchandise hierarchy, where the categories can consist of arbitrary collections of items. However, before investing time in setting up an alternate hierarchy, make sure that it is necessary for meaningful DT calculations.

For example, it is possible that the set of all yogurt SKUs at a retailer is not at any level of the merchandise hierarchy. The retailer may have the category Dairy Products, which is too large because it contains yogurt and milk, and the retailer might have the category Store-brand Yogurt, which is too small because it leaves out the yogurt SKUs that are not store brand. In such a case, it may be necessary to set up an alternate hierarchy so that all the yogurts can be put together in their own set. On the other hand, if a level of the existing merchandise hierarchy contains most of the yogurt SKUs, but not quite all of them, an alternate hierarchy may not be worth the effort.

Frequently, retailers will have categories that are actually unions of categories. For example, a retailer might have a Hair Care category that contains shampoo, conditioner, and hair oil. The retailer may not want to separate out this category into three separate categories of Shampoo, Conditioner, and Hair Oil, if, for example, a single person in the organization is responsible for all three. The problem is that these three types of products do not share a common set of attributes. The attributes describing Hair Oil are not the same ones needed for describing Shampoo or Conditioner. The types of products may share common attributes, such as Scent, but each type of product also needs its own set of attributes. The solution is to define, in addition to the common attributes, a set of attributes for each product type. If an attribute applies only to Shampoo, and not to Conditioner or Hair Oil, then Conditioner SKUs and Hair Oil SKUs should have Null for the value of that attribute. This is a common use of null attribute values, and makes it possible to handle the case of a category that is really the union of smaller sub-categories.