Banquet Check Folio by Event (sample_bqt_chk_folio_by_event with rep_banquet_check_folio.fmx)

When selecting the Banquet Check Folio by Event report from the report menu, the entire banquet check for all events and postings of the selected block are produced. The report is available when the Event Posting OPERA Control is active and a country is specified in the Country Mode field for the property in the Property Details. The Banquet Check Folio by Event report displays a breakdown of each posting grouped by event.

OPERA Cloud enables you to generate the banquet check folio from the Event Posting screen. To allow properties access to generate this report from other areas of the application, you must configure the report in the Reports menu. Depending on whether the reports is generated from the Event Posting screen or a report group, the filter criteria noted below will vary.


This report is fully translatable and prints in the selected report language when printed from Reports (if the appropriate translations exist). When this report is printed from the Event Posting screen, the Banquet Check prints in the configured language of the selected translation. If no translations exists for the contact language, the check prints in English.

Report Filter Criteria

Property. Select or confirm the property. The field appears when generating the report outside of the Event Posting screen.

Event Date From. The start date of the event.

Event Date To. The end date of the event.

Block Date Range From. The start date of the block. The field appears when generating the report outside of the Event Posting screen.

Block Date Range To. The end date of the block. The field appears when generating the report outside of the Event Posting screen.

Block. Allows you to select one or several specific business blocks for which to print. The field appears when generating the report outside of the Event Posting screen.

Event Printing Method. Options are: Continuously, Per Event, or Master/Sub.
  • Continuously option: prints an event itinerary by date and time that includes all events for the same date/booking on the first page of the Banquet Event Order (BEO). This is followed by the event resources and details in date and time order, but not separated from each other by event’s ID or dates.

  • Master and Sub option: prints regular events with a page break between events, but keeps master events together with their associated sub-events.

  • One Event per Page option: inserts a page break after each event.

Print Account. Select the account to print.

Print Contact. Select the contact linked to the account.


When the Banquet Check Folio is printed for more than one booking, no option is provided to select a different Account or Contact for printing.

Page Break Per Day. Select to summarize each day and print each day on its own page.

Include PMS Postings. Enables printing another group labeled Other Postings after the last revenue group that prints all postings not linked to event management.

Display Discounts. Select the check box to display the discounted percentage and discounted price of a Resource: Space, Menu, or Item. The original price also appears for comparison. A summary at the end of the report displays the 'Total Discount xxx.xx' for all resources. This informs guests of the amount they saved. The field appears when generating the report outside of the Event Posting screen.

Currency. Select the currency in which to print the report from the drop down list.
  • Revenue Summary with value of No Summary, By Revenue Group and By Revenue Type.

  • The Posting Account appears when the selected block has more than one eligible Posting Master Reservation allowing the user to select which account to use when generating the banquet check.