Export Data Definitions

Some exports might require a property to define specific export codes and corresponding values before running the export. These export codes and their values are the data definitions for the export. Each Data Definition for a standard export includes the following components:
  • The data views from which the export is developed.

  • The pre-processor used for the export, along with any filter conditions applied by the pre-processor.

  • The parameter form (if any) used to set controls for the export.

  • Filter conditions for the export, if any.

  • The post-processor used to "clean up" after the export is generated.

  • The file name and extension formula.

  • The data layout of the export ASCII file.


Depending on the template you select for your export, specific codes and possibly default values can auto-populate the Export Definitions screen.

The following table lists the export data definitions and describes each term and the definition for it.

Table 8-3 Export Data Definitions

Term Definition


The name of the export.


The group to which the export belongs.


Property for which export is set up. If resort is null, then it is a template record.


The long description of the export.


This field can only be edited when configuring new exports. Select the down arrow and select the view used for this export from the list of values.


The file name formula is the name of the ASCII export file that is created when the export is generated.


Used to create any file extension for the daily export. This field can accept SQL statements so that the extension can include dates or other program specific export information (Current System Month + Day MM||DD). Examples for the file extension name would be TXT or EXP. The single quotes are necessary.


Location where the export is saved.


This field appears when the Compress Data check box is selected. Select the down arrow and select the delimiter used to separate the columns from the list of values. The available options are: Space, Tab, Comma, and Enter (CRLF or carriage return line feed).


The condition for the export. By default, depending on the view, all data is exported. However, if only certain information is required to be exported, then you can enter a value in this field.

Technically, this is the where clause in the select statement. For example, if only certain market codes statistics are required in the market codes statistics export, such as FIT, COM, and IND, then the condition Market code IN (FIT, COM, IND) can be entered (where market code would be one of the column names in the Export source view/table).

When clicking OK, the export setup is saved and now the columns can be defined. When the export setup is saved, the button option Export Columns becomes available.

To define the export columns, select the Export Columns button. Once selected, the Export Columns Details screen appears, displaying the columns available in the view.


Indicates if the export is run as part of the night audit procedure or not.


Location where the Zip file of the export is saved.


Indicates if the data included in the export is compressed or not.


The name of the export Zip file.


The pre-export procedure is an internal setup procedure that is executed prior to the data export. The pre-export procedure is a pre-processor that populates and filters views and sets variables. The procedure extracts the data and stores it in a temporary table. The view (defined in the Export Source field) reads from this table and creates the export data. The temporary table is deleted once the export is complete. If a pre-export procedure is not specified, the export looks at the values defined in the Parameter Form field.


An internal setup procedure that is executed after the data export is complete. The post-export procedure is a post-processor that truncates temp tables following export generation and can also reset parameters that were set for the export.


The Parameter Form field is used for exports that can be manually generated. This field contains the name of the parameter form which is used to generate a manual export.


When automatically generating exports via End of Day processing (the Night Audit Export check box is selected), the parameter form should not be used because the export is generated automatically and there is no opportunity for manual input.

Typically, this field is not required if the pre-export procedure is defined; however, this can vary depending on the definition of the export. Each pre-export procedure has a unique parameter form as the procedure is hard-coded within the form.

If a value is not defined in the Parameter Form field, the procedure looks at the view utilized for the export (defined in the Export Source field).


Batch Sequence number assigned to the export.


Select this check box to have each record displayed on a separate line in the ASCII text file.


The frequency the export runs in the night audit procedure.


Based on the export setup, if no data has been generated within the export, if a header and footer is defined, and if a file name is given in the export setup, OPERA Cloud always generates an export file that contains no information other than the header and the footer.


Export file has to be uploaded automatically by OXI to FTP site.


Type of FTP upload. Can be DCO, REV, FOLIO, PA, or PS.


Interface ID from OXI, required if upload_type is not available. A valid OXI interface is required to upload to FTP.


Export file has to be uploaded automatically by IAS to HTTP site.


URL address of HTTP server which received the export file.


Day of the week when the export routine is run in the night audit and the NA_FREQUENCY is set to ‘Day of Week.’


Indicates if this export contains export components.


If this export is an export component, this column contains the exp_file_id of the parent export.


Sequence of running the export.


Indicates if the data should be appended to an existing file.


Protocol used to upload the export file to HTTP server.


Soap Action information if SOAP protocol is used to upload the export file.


Indicates if the export is an XML file.


Main tag for the xml document.


Configure Auto Export Y/N.




The Encryption Type.


The Encryption Key.




Internal Column. Used to map this export to the iteration export type in the exp_iterations table.


Indicates if this export contains records where the data length can exceed 4k.


For XML exports, this allows adding the encoding attribute to the <?xml?> file header.


For XML exports, this allows for additional processing instructions to the XML file header if needed.


For XML exports, this defines the optional document type name (<!DOCTYPE _doc_type_name SYSTEM "_system_id_" PUBLIC "_public_id_">).


For XML exports, this defines the optional document type name (<!DOCTYPE _doc_type_name SYSTEM "_system_id_" PUBLIC "_public_id_">).


For XML exports, this defines the optional document type name (<!DOCTYPE _doc_type_name SYSTEM "_system_id_" PUBLIC "_public_id_">).


Multi-property Export Y/N.


The character set used to write the export files. It must be a valid Oracle Character Set, such as UTF8 or US8PC437.