Inventory Parameters and Settings

In case your interface does not transmit full reservations and blocks both ways, inventory may be out of sync in either system and adjusted with the help of an inventory snapshot.

This is usually sent from a OPERA Cloud PMS to OPERA Cloud ORS to update ORS with inventory changes at the property that have not been transmitted through the interface. This inventory snapshot contains the total sold count, overbooking level, and out of order rooms per day per room type. It further splits the sold counts into transient and block bookings, as well as definite and tentative bookings.

For example, CLS PMS receives reservations from ORS only and does not send its own reservations back. This means ORS does not know what the exact availability in the PMS is. To make sure ORS has exact sold counts and does not mistakenly overbook the hotel, CLS PMS sends an inventory snapshot to ORS, containing full reservation and block counts. When OXI-HUB receives this inventory snapshot it directly updates the availability tables for transient reservations and blocks for this property, and thus has an accurate picture of the number of rooms that are still available.

All parameters are set at the global level.

Table 27-5 Inventory Parameters and Settings

Parameter Name Parameter Value Direction of transmission where parameter applies.Parameter Description Recommended Setting




-> Direction: OPERA Cloud to External System only.

When a Change in Inventory (Overbooking or External Allowance) occurs in OPERA Cloud and Inventory business event "AVAILABILITY/% ALLOWANCE" or "CONFIGURATION/% INVENTORY CONTROL" is generated, OXI can use these event in different ways.

- Set to INVENTORY, As is continue to generate the Inventory messages for the above Business Events.

- Set to RTAV, Generate the RTAV XML messages instead of Inventory messages for the above Business Events.

Set accordingly.



-Direction: Data from OPERA Cloud To External System.

Inventory allowance for external systems.

Set accordingly.



-> Direction: Data from external system to OPERA Cloud.

Applies mainly to OPERA Cloud S&C in this case. The hotel might not allow OPERA Cloud S&C to sell its full physical room capacity. Although the hotel has 100 rooms it may allow only 50 rooms to be sold by the S&C. In this case the physical rooms should be calculated from the inventory snapshot the external system sends to S&C to make sure only 50 rooms are considered. In this case the parameter would be set to Y. Set it to N if OPERA Cloud S&C has the entire physical room inventory from which the sold counts shall be calculated.

If your OPERA Cloud is an S&C standalone install, physical room inventory might not be configured and should be updated by the external system.



N - No

OO - Overbook Only

YP - Physical Rooms for Suite

YS - Suite as a Single Unit

-> Direction: Data from OPERA Cloud to external system

The external system may accept the Room Class totals in the RTAV message.

Set the parameter to 'YP' to include Room Class totals in the RTAV message. For Suites (Virtual Rooms), actual physical rooms comprising the Suite will be used for the Room Class totals.

Set the parameter to 'YS' to include Room Class totals in the RTAV message. Each Suite (Virtual Room) will be treated as a single unit for the Room Class totals.

Set the parameter to 'OO' to only send overbook counts in the RTAV message.

Set it to 'N', if Room Class totals are not to be included in RTAV messages.

When the General > Room Class and General > Component Rooms application functions are set to Y and the Inventory > INV_ROOMCLASS OXI Parameter is set to YS, Physical Room Types and Component Room Types cannot be attached to the same Room Class. Also, only 1 Component Room Type can be attached to a Room Class.



-> Direction: Data from external system to OPERA Cloud.

Applies mainly to OPERA Cloud S&C in this case. If blocks are not transmitted both ways in this interface but the external system creates blocks that affect its inventory, this parameter should be set to Y. In this case block inventory will be updated in the OPERA Cloud S&C inventory tables from the inventory snapshot sent by external system. Set this parameter to N if it is not necessary to update the OPERA Cloud S&C block inventory from the snapshot. This would be the case if blocks are transmitted fully both ways, or if the external system does not create any blocks at all.

If your OPERA Cloud is an S&C standalone install, set accordingly.



-> Direction: Data from external system to OPERA Cloud.

Applies mainly to OPERA Cloud S&C in this case. If reservations are not transmitted both ways in this interface but the external system creates reservations that affect its inventory, this parameter should be set to Y. In this case transient reservation inventory will be updated in the OPERA Cloud S&C inventory tables from the inventory snapshot sent by external system. Set this parameter to N if it is not necessary to update the OPERA Cloud S&C reservation inventory from the snapshot. This would be the case if reservations are transmitted fully both ways, or if the external system does not create any reservations on its own.

If your OPERA Cloud is an S&C standalone install, set accordingly.



-> Direction: Data from OPERA Cloud to External System.

Set it to Y if OXI needs to send the block information (block code, ded type, blocked/sold count) to the external system. Set it to N if OXI does not need to send the block information to the external system.

Set as Y/N according to system needs.