Reservation Housekeeping and Task Schedule

Prerequisites for Managing Reservation Housekeeping and Task Schedule

To access the housekeeping options for a room reservation click the Housekeeping details link in I Want To... or from the reservation presentation page. In the Housekeeping panel, you can add the time the guest would like the room serviced each day, which is printed on the housekeeping task sheet reports and displayed in the housekeeping task companion. Instructions to the housekeeping room attendant can also be added. For example, if you mention a pet is in the room, these instructions are included on the task sheet reports and task companion.

When the Turndown OPERA Control is active the Housekeeping panel displays a Turndown check box to indicate if a turndown service is required for the room. You can also change the Turndown status and include or exclude the room from the Turndown task by selecting or deselecting the check box.

When the Housekeeping Task Schedule OPERA Control is active you can use the calendar to view and manage the housekeeping task(s) and supplies that are scheduled for each day the reservation is in house. You can add, change or remove a task along with their supplies. For example, if the guest is requesting no service on a particular day, the task can be removed from the calendar and the room is not included in that day’s task sheet generation process. Or if the guest only requests light service, the full service task can be removed and the light service task (if configured) can be added instead.