Room Move

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The room move action is used to search for and select a new room (and possibly select a new room type) for an in-house reservation. The room move feature consists of the following functionality:
  • Availability — When moving reservations to a new room, OPERA Cloud checks and updates the room type availability.

  • Housekeeping — When moving reservations to a new room, OPERA Cloud checks the housekeeping status of the target room similar to the way room assignment is initially handled from the reservation screen.

  • Shares — When moving a guest to another room that is occupied, you can set up a share. Similarly, when moving a reservation from a room that is being shared, you can opt to move all sharers or selected sharers.

OPERA Cloud offers a variety of ways to perform a reservation room move, such as:
  • Using Room Move — Access this page by selecting the I Want To... Room Move option for an in-house reservation.

  • Using Room Diary — Access this page by selecting the Reservations menu and then selecting Room Diary. You can drag and drop a reservation from one room to another room on the chart.