Miscellaneous Reports

Balance Check Report (balance_check) - lists the output of the ledger imbalance checks for any date earlier than the current business date.

No Post Flag Activity Log (user_log_detailed) - displays user log changes specific to the no-post flags on reservations. Since reservations can be modified by any user who has permission, it can lead to potentially non-qualified people to determine whether the guest is allowed to charge to the room.

Offline Credit Card Settlements Pending (cc_offline_settlement) - displays a list of all of the pending offline credit card settlements.

Police Report (police_report2) - created to adhere to legal reporting requirements for properties in Portugal. The properties are required to print a report for all arrivals and departures of the day with the morning information on a daily basis.  Accompanying guests on a reservation will be included on the report output.

Property Overview (property_overview) - displays daily statistics (today, yesterday, and month-to-date), weekly forecast (arrival rooms, departure rooms, total rooms, ADR, and occupancy), and arrival information (VIP, membership type, and specials with title, name, arrival, departure, room type, room number, rate, and arrival time).

Transport Request (transreq) - displays those reservations and in-house reservations that have requested transportation service.

User Activity Log (user_activity_log) - displays all activity that has taken place by user, group, type of activity, etc., for the date specified.