Transferring Invoice Charges

You can transfer charges from a selected invoice in an AR account to another AR account. The source AR account balance is decreased by the amount equal to the postings that are transferred to the target AR account. The charges appear on the target invoice associated with the same transaction codes as on the source invoice.
Transfers offer the following options:
  • Transfer individual charges from an invoice in one AR account to a new invoice in a different AR account.

  • Transfer individual charges from an invoice in one AR account to an existing invoice in a different AR account.

  • Transfer charges from an invoice in one AR account to a new invoice in a new AR account.

Consider the following conditions when transferring individual charges:
  • You cannot transfer charges from an invoice if that invoice was previously transferred from one AR account to another AR account.

  • Transferred postings are flagged on the source invoice so you cannot edit these transactions.

  • The Transfer Charges feature is available only for invoices associated with reservations that are checked out.

  • If an automatic statement number was assigned to an invoice (available when the Accounts Receivable > Statement Numbers parameter is active), you cannot transfer the charges on that invoice. You must first unlink the statement number from the invoice.

  • You cannot transfer payments.

Transferring Charges

  1. On the Manage Invoice Details screen, select the charges you want to transfer.

  2. Click the vertical ellipsis and select Transfer Charges.

  3. On the Transfer Charges screen, select a Transfer Scope.

    To transfer to a different invoice in the current account:

    1. Select to transfer the charges to a different invoice in the current AR account.

    2. Search and select the invoice from the list and click Select Invoice.

    To transfer to a different invoice in a different account:
    1. Select to transfer the charges to a different AR account and invoice.

    2. Enter the account number or search for the AR Account.

    3. Enter or search the invoice number to receive the transferred charges.

  4. Click Transfer Postings.