Configuring Room Assignment Ratings

Room Assignment Ratings are required for the Enhanced Room Assignment feature in OPERA Cloud; you can apply a rating to attributes in order for OPERA Cloud to assign the available rooms in order of importance (by the rated attributes).

You must also assign a desirability rating to each room so that when conducting Batch (Auto) Room Assignment, attributes ranked Most Important will result in these reservations being ordered first in the process, and those attributes ranked Least Important result in reservations being ordered last. Ensuring the most important reservations are allocated the most desirable rooms.

Editing Room Assignment Ratings

  1. From the Administration menu, select Booking, then select Reservation Management, then Room Assignment Ratings.

  2. Select the required tab.

  3. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  4. Select Edit.
    1. For each entry listed in the result select a Rating from the list.

    2. Repeat the rating selection for all entries listed.

  5. Click Save.