Banquet Event Order – 2 Column (SAMPLE_BEO_2COLUMN)

The Banquet Event Order 2 report is a comprehensive document that contains all the vital information about the catering portion of a business block broken down into events and resources. It is an ideal tool to use for communicating with customers and various hotel internal departments to ensure that all customer requirements regarding the events are met and prepared per agreement and contract.

The report is one of several sample BEO (Banquet Event Orders) that you can customize during installation of the system to be further tailored to the hotel’s specific requirements.


When selecting the email method for printing Banquet Event Orders from the main Reports screen, the document attached to the email is renamed to the report name with the Block ID appended to it. For example, in the case of a BEO named BEO 2 Column, the output would be renamed as BEO 2 Column - 795547.pdf.

You can customize this report using the Stationery Editor. The following Selection Criteria fields are available when using the Stationery Editor.

Selection Criteria

  1. Property. Select the property for which the report should be printed. The BEO can be ordered across multiple properties in a multi-property environment. This is useful if a booking has its event distributed over several properties.

  2. Report Type. Customized Report.

  3. Sample Report to base your Customized Report. Select Sample_beo_2column. Once selected, the links to Download Sample Report and Download Sample Data will be displayed allowing for the templates to be downloaded and modified. The sample data file will allow users to preview the changes without having to upload the report into the application. The modified file can be uploaded through the Choose File option.


    You must rename the file without using the word “sample.”
  4. Datasource File. Read Only field that will populate automatically based on the report selection.

  5. Report Group. Select the group from the list. It is recommend that you load the report in the Group Stationery report group.

  6. Display Name. Enter the report name.

  7. Print Copies. Enter the number of copies to print.

  8. Protected. Prevents users from editing the report.

  9. Language. Determines the language in which the report prints.

  10. Parameter Form. Select the Sample BEO 2 Column parameter form.

Report Parameters

  1. Event Date From/Event Date To. Allows the selection of the event from and to dates.

  2. Block Arrival Date From/Arrival Date To. Allows the selection of the block from and to dates.

  3. Business Block. Select one or several specific business blocks for printing the BEO report.

  4. Event. Select one or several events for printing the BEO.

  5. Event Status. Select event statuses. Typically, return-to-inventory statuses, like lost and canceled statuses, would be excluded.

  6. Event Type. Select one or several event types to print the BEO.

  7. Space. Select one or several function spaces in which the events are taking place.

  8. Left Column Item Class. Allows the selection of resource item classes that should print on the left hand side of this two column event order. Depending on whether the BEO is printed for internal use or for the customer, the selection here could be different. For example, there might be item classes needed for internal use, like furniture and linen requirements, but that would not be necessary to print on the copy that is sent to the customer.

  9. Right Column Item Class. Allows the selection of resource item classes that should print on the right hand side of this two column event order.

  10. Block Note Type. Allows you to select business block note types to be printed on the BEO. This parameter works in conjunction with the internal and external notes flag on the first tab. Even if note types have been selected, if neither internal nor external are flagged, no notes would print. Not all business block notes might be relevant to print on the BEO.

  11. Cover Letter Note Type. A portion of the cover letter can be made up from business block notes, which make the letter more flexible and allows for custom texts per customer without having to change the text that is embedded in the report. Enter the note type to print on the cover letter.

  12. Sort By. Allows the ordering of events by one of these four predefined sort orders:

    1. Event Date + Booking Name + Event Time

    2. Event Date + Event Time + Booking Name

    3. Booking Name + Event Date + Event Time

    4. Booking Name + Master Event Date + Master Event Time

  13. Address Type. Allows you to select an address type other than the primary address. This provides the option to print an extended byte address onto the BEO if one is attached to the account or contact, even if it is not the primary address. Any address type can be chosen. If the field is left blank or the selected address type does not exist for the current customer, the primary address will print instead.

  14. Address Format. Allows you to select address formats different from the standard format. This is useful in an international environment where addresses might have different formats from country to country. For example, when sending a BEO to Europe, the address format might have the zip code before the city name and no state printed at all. The list of values shows all configured catering address formats. If the field is left blank, the address prints the default format.

  15. Print Address of. This option determines what address to print as part of the header. This can either be set to print the account address or the contact's address.

  16. Print Account. The Print Account defaults to the Account marked as PT for the Business Block from the Name Select screen. If a different Account should be printed on the BEO, select the Print Account ellipsis and click the PT column to select another Account already linked to the business block.

  17. Print Contact. Print Contact defaults to the Contact marked as PT for the Business Block from the Name Select screen. If a different Contact should be printed on the BEO, select the Print Contact ellipsis to select another Contact already linked to the business block.


    When the BEO is printed for more than one booking, the Print Account and Print Contact are pulled by default. No option is provided to select a different Account or Contact for Printing. If no Print Account or Print Contact is selected for a booking, the default hierarchy is used. Additionally, when no relationship exists between the Print Account and the Print Contact, the Print Contact appears red.
  18. Event Printing Method. The possible selections are one event per page, Master and Sub per page, Prints events continuously.

  19. Print Deposit. If checked, deposit information prints on the BEO. If not checked, that information is suppressed.

  20. Sort Deposit. Deposits can print sorted by type or by due date. If type is selected a sub-total for each type prints as well as a general total.

  21. Print Internal/External Notes. Specify whether notes should print on the BEO and if so, select from notes that are marked as Internal, External, or both. Typically, only external notes would be selected if the BEO is printed to be sent to a customer and either only internal, or internal and external, if the BEO is printed for use as inter-departmental communication tool.

  22. Suppress Account Name. This suppresses any reference to an account on the BEO header and in the signature. This is typically done for ‘social’ BEOs that are organized privately by individuals that are not associated with any account, for example, weddings, birthday parties, and so on.

  23. Suppress Signature. Select this option to suppress the Signature field at the end of each BEO.

  24. Hide Doorcard. This suppresses printing the Post As references on the event itinerary.

  25. Print Package Name for Multiple Days. If a Business Block has a Catering Package that spans multiple days, checking this flag makes the package header information print on each date that has a Package Event. If the flag left deselected, the package header information print only on the first day of Package Events.

  26. Exclude Alternate Events. When the application function Catering > Alternate Space is set to Y, the Exclude Alternate Events check box is visible. When selected, Alternate Events do not print on this report.

  27. Print Extended Characters. If secondary account and contact names are entered into the system using the globe button on the appropriate fields (only available if the application function General > Alternate Name is active), the report procedure scans those secondary fields when printing account and contact information; if an entry is found, it returns that entry instead of the primary name. If the appropriate fields are empty, the regular names print. This functionality is primarily added for extended byte handling in the Asia- Pacific region.

  28. Reset Page Numbering. Select this option to reset the page numbering when printing multiple BEOs. If unchecked, the pages are numbered based on the total number of pages in the BEO batch. If checked, the page numbers are reset with each new agenda.

  29. Print General Conditions. General conditions and terms of contract can be added as text pages after the body of the BEO. They would have been tailored to the hotel on installation. Typically the general conditions would only be printed if the BEO is sent out to customers.


    To select either the Print Cover Letter or Print General Conditions flags, you must select only one business block ID in the Business Block search filter first. Otherwise, the options are disabled.
  30. Print Cover Letter. Prints a cover page. The text of that page is customized to the hotel and can be individualized using business block notes. Typically this cover page would only be printed if the BEO is sent out to customers.

  31. Currency. Available when the application function Rates > Foreign Currency Handling is active, this selection allows the conversion of foreign currency to a property's base or catering currency when the foreign currency has a defined exchange rate for posting.

  32. Exchange Rate Date. If selected, enter a date or use the calendar tool to select the effective date of the exchange rate for the specified currency. The prices in the BEO are calculated using the exchange rate for the specified currency as it was on that date.

  33. Creation Date. If selected, the exchange rate for the specified currency is calculated based on the exchange rate as it was on the booking creation date.

  34. Distributed Date. If selected, the exchange rate for the specified currency is calculated based on the exchange rate as it was on the date the distributed flag was checked.

Report Data

Rather than detailing every piece of data that can appear on the BEO, the following paragraphs describe specific behavior you should note:

The 2 Column BEO layout prints with the food across the top and the Beverage section below the food in the column on the left side. The Item Classes will print on the left or right side based on the selection in the parameter form.

The sections of the BEO if printed as Master / Sub:

Header > Catering Package information > Basic event information for the master event and the sub events including start and end time, event name, function space name, set-up style and function space rate plus rate amount > food section for the current event, printed on the left hand side of the BEO > beverage section for the current event on the right hand side of the BEO, alongside the food section > resource section for the current event in resource sequence order. The resource classes that have been defined to print on the right hand site of the BEO will start printing underneath the beverage services. The resource classes that have been defined to print on the left hand side of the BEO will start printing underneath the food section. Page break and repeat for all subsequent events.

The sections of the BEO if printed as One Event per Page:

Header > Catering Package information > Basic event information for the current event only including start and end time, event name, function space name, set-up style and function space rate plus rate amount > food section for the current event, printed on the left hand side of the BEO > beverage section for the current event on the right hand side of the BEO, alongside the food section > resource section for the current event in resource sequence order. The resource classes that have been defined to print on the right hand site of the BEO will start printing underneath the beverage services. The resource classes that have been defined to print on the left hand side of the BEO will start printing underneath the food section. Page break and repeat for all subsequent events.

The sections of the BEO if printed continuously are:

Header > Catering package information > Event Itinerary for all events of the current business block > Food Section for all events of the current booking, in date and time order. On this BEO format the food section will print on the left hand side of the BEO > Beverage Service for all events of the current booking in date and time order. Beverage services will print on the right hand site of the BEO alongside the food section > Resources, in resource class sequence order. The resource classes that have been defined to print on the right hand site of the BEO will start printing underneath the beverage section. The resource classes that have been defined to print on the left hand side of the BEO will start printing underneath the food section. Within each resource class the resources are listed in event time order. In all sections the function space and the event time identify to which event of the itinerary the appropriate resources belong.

Notes are always printed immediately after the entity they belong to. Resource notes print after the appropriate resource; event and function space notes print on the event itinerary after the event they belong to. Business Block notes print at the end of the entire BEO.

The Booking Type field on the BEO header takes its contents from the field Function Type on the business block catering tab, not from the field Type on the general section of the business block.

A text message that prints at the end of the BEO just before the signature section can be created or amended in Report Text Configuration in the Administration menu. This message typically contains information on tax and service charge levels that apply to the items listed on the BEO.


The Date Last Printed field prints at the very end of the BEO just below the Organization Authorized Signature field for each event printed or at the end of each event if more than one event per business block exists. This field displays the last date the events for this booking was printed. For Example, if Event #1 is printed on 4/10/xx but Event #2 has never been printed: when Event #2 is printed, it will read “Date Last Printed 4/10/xx” because that is the last date a BEO for this booking was printed.