Viewing Reservation Delivery History

Reservation Delivery History details the status of reservation (and profile) message delivery to external systems integrated via OPERA eXchange Interface (OXI).

Users with the Interface Re-synchronization task granted to their role can initiate a re-synchronization of messages to all external systems.

The Delivery History panel displays the following details for each message:

  • Property: Property Code

  • Reservation Name: Internal Reservation ID

  • Delivery ID: Sequence ID generated by OXI

  • Method: Delivery method of the OXI message

  • Delivery Date: Delivery date of the OXI message

  • Interface ID: External system ID

  • Status: Message status

  • Error Description: Error description

  • Retry: Retry count

Viewing Reservation Delivery History

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings , select Manage Reservation.

  2. Enter search criteria, click Search.

  3. Select the reservation in search result, click I Want To. . . , then click Delivery History or open Reservation Presentation and click I Want To. . . .then click Delivery History.

  4. To refresh the panel, click vertical ellipse and select Refresh to update.

Re-syncing (Resend) Reservation Delivery

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings , select Manage Reservation.

  2. Enter search criteria, click Search.

  3. Select the reservation in search result, click I Want To. . . , then click Delivery History or open Reservation Presentation and click I Want To. . . .then click Delivery History.

  4. Click Resync.


You can also click  I Want To. . . then Synchronize to External System to initiate a re-synchronization.