Checking In Multiple Reservations (Mass Check In)

  • Check In Reservations task

  • Mass Check In Reservations task

You can mass check in reservations from the following areas:
  • Room Assignment screen

  • Arrivals screen

  • Manage Blocks screen

  • Advance Check-in screen

Mass check in processes the selected reservations in the same order as displayed in the search results. You can mass check in reservations with or without room numbers assigned.

Table 4-4 Reservations to Mass Check In

Reservations to Mass Check In Use this Procedure

None have rooms assigned

Auto Assign and Check In

Some have rooms assigned

Auto Assign and Check In

All have rooms assigned

Mass Check In


The Room Assignment screen default filter for rooms is Unassigned. Set the Rooms search filter as blank to show both the reservations with assigned room numbers and reservations without assigned room numbers in the results.


  • The reservations must each be an arrival (Due In) reservation for the property’s current business date.

  • The reservations must have a valid payment method.

  • The reservations can be mass checked in when a room is assigned. If at least one of the selected reservations to check in has no room assigned you can use the Auto Assign and Check In option to first assign the room to the reservations and then proceed with mass check in.

  • Walk In reservations, Pre Registered reservations, Linked reservations, and reservations that are in queue can be mass checked in.