Managing Accounts Receivables Fixed Charges

Prerequisites for Accounts Receivables Fixed Charges

The Accounts Receivable (AR) Fixed Charges feature enables you to schedule periodically re-occurring charges to be posted to AR accounts automatically during the End of Day process.

It also provides a convenient way to automatically post a one-time fixed charge on a specific date in the future.

OPERA Cloud creates a new invoice (with new invoice number) each time the fixed charge is posted to the AR account.

Adding Fixed Charges

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Accounts Receivables, and then select Manage Accounts Receivables.

  2.  Enter search criteria, click Search.

  3. Click I Want To... and then select Fixed Charges for the AR account in search results.


    Click Show All to view all detail links.

  4. Click New and enter the following details:
    1. Frequency. Select the frequency with which the fixed charge should be posted.
      • Once. Post the charge one time. When this option is selected, the End Date field becomes unavailable.

      • Daily. Post the charge every day.

      • Weekly. Post the charge once a week. When this option is selected, the Day to Execute field appears. Select the down arrow to choose the day of the week (1 = Sunday, 2 = Monday, 3 = Tuesday, and so on) to have the fixed charge posted.

      • Monthly. Post the charge once a month. When this option is selected, the Day to Execute field becomes available. Select any number from 1 to 31 or END. Numbers 1 through 31 trigger a posting on that date each month. If the date does not fall in that month (for example, some months have fewer than 31 days), no posting occurs for the month. Selecting END always posts the fixed charge on the last day of the month.

      • Quarterly. Post the charge once a quarter. When this option is selected, the Day to Execute field becomes available. Fixed charges are posted every quarter, that is, every three months. Select the down arrow to choose the date during the last month in the quarter to have the fixed charge posted. For example, if you select 15, the fixed charges are posted on the 15th of March, the 15th of June, the 15th of September, and the 15th of December. To post the charge on the last day of the quarter, regardless of the date, select END.

      • Yearly. Post the charge once a year. When this option is selected, the Date to Execute field becomes available. Fixed charges always post every year on the month and day you select. The year portion of the date is ignored.

    2. Begin Date /End Date. Select the Begin Date and End Date to determine the period when the fixed charge can be posted to the AR Account.

    3. Transaction Code. Enter or select the charge from the list.

    4. Quantity. Enter the number of units to be charged.

    5. Amount (Price). Enter the unit price of the charge.


      Fixed charges are always posted in the local/base currency for the property. The posted amount will be the price x quantity.

    6. Supplement. Use this field for supplemental information about the charge For example, for a fixed parking charge you may want to enter a parking ticket number or parking space number.

  5. Click Save or Save and Continue to add another fixed charge.

Editing Fixed Charges

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Accounts Receivables, and then select Manage Accounts Receivables.

  2.  Enter search criteria, click Search.
  3. Click I Want To... and then select Fixed Charges for the AR account in search results.

  4. Click the row level vertical ellipsis for the fixed charge and select Edit.

  5. Make the desired changes.

  6. Click Save.

Deleting Fixed Charges

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Accounts Receivables, and then select Manage Accounts Receivables.

  2.  Enter search criteria, click Search.
  3. Click I Want To... and then select Fixed Charges for the AR account in search results.

  4. Click the row level vertical ellipsis for the fixed charge and select Delete.

  5. Click Delete to confirm.