Copying Reports to Multiple Properties

With the Oracle Hospitality OPERA Multi-property Cross Reservation Cloud Service active you can copy reports and stationery templates created one in property to other properties.

To copy reports first change your location to a hub location in order to be able to select properties assigned to the hub.


If the report(s) already exist in the destination property the copy process will fail and an error displayed.

Copying Reports to Other Properties

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Reports, and then select Manage Reports.

  2. Select or confirm the Property, enter optional search criteria, and click Search.

  3. Select the check box for report(s) to be copied and click Copy to Property.

  4. On the Copy to Property screen, the selected report(s) are listed.
    1. Property: Select the destination properties and click Select.

  5. Click Copy Report(s).


If the report(s) already exist in the destination property the copy process will fail and an error displayed.